Black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia)
PEAK SEASON: Midsummer to fall; seed heads are attractive in winter
- "fulgida" - longer blooming. flowers are slightly smaller and the plant is generally more delicate-looking. "Goldsturm" is descended from the native wild species. easy to grow even in clay and will spread - though not rampantly - and self-sow.
- "nitida" - sometimes called yellow coneflower. center is light green.
- "Herbstonne" - grows to 6 feet tall.
GARDEN COMPANIONS: Works well in mixed prairie or meadow gardens. Combine them with New England aster; garden phlox; ornamental grasses such as fountain grass, feather reed grass, or switch grass.
When: Plant in spring, summer, or fall. Spring is best.
Where: Full sun with well-drained, average to rich soil. Borders and meadow gardens are ideal.
How: plant in groups of 3, 5 or more, spacing plants 1.5 to 2 feet apart.
TLC: 1-2 inch organic mulch. Remove spent blossoms. divide overgrown plants every 4 or 5 years in spring, splitting them through the crown and replanting the sections with generous spacing between them.
In Landscaping
ass of black eyed susan greets guests, right at the driveway edge.