
收获了一种恬静的生活, 像一条波澜不惊的小河, 流过春夏 流过秋冬
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(2010-02-22 20:28:31) 下一个

今天,CTV和New1130全天候谈论的主题都是昨晚的加美Hockey。在昨日开赛前,当地的人们对Martin Brodeur很不客气。倒是输完了,人们都把气泄向了主教练Mike Babcock身上,“如果明天输了,你最好自己卷铺盖回家种你的地去”,---这种话都使出来了。

加美队的风格技术基本一致,所以说很刺激,谁赢谁输主要是打运气。不过老将Martin Brodeur实在有失水准,主场的人们自然不客气也情有可愿。但主教练Mike Babcock一早还在为不换门将作辩护,就彻底地惹恼了当地的观众。人们呼吁让他“滚蛋”。为此,主媒请出了Roberto Luongo给大家说话,以达到平息众怒。

Roberto Luongo在现场说:我知道昨天的情况,大家都不愿这种事情发生。你们知道,Martin Brodeur是我的朋友,他也很理解温哥华的观众对我的特别爱护。温哥华是个伟大的城市,我爱温哥华,我爱这里。明天是我的Turn,我们会努力,谢谢大家给我的钟爱。

主持人马上圆场:Roberto Luongo是我们的最爱,为了加拿大,我们热爱每个加国队的队员。完全不讲主教练,好像他就不存在。不过,每个Call-in的听众还是很不原谅Mike Babcock,说他的固执牺牲了整个加拿大。

为什么温哥华的观众听众对昨晚加美Hockey赛的输反应如此之大。这里有些历史的渊源。一是在冬奥历史上,从1960年到今天50年,所有的加美Hocky相遇赛,加国队从来没输过。二是十多年前,历史上的多伦多枫叶队曾是加国的指标,然而在过去的这十年,温哥华加人队的表现成了加国Hockey风标。由于加拿大地缘政治必须正确,每个俱乐部必须等额推出球员,自然优秀的加人队里许多明星就无缘入选加国队,当然加人队的粉丝就很不满。现在,他们钟爱的Roberto Luongo在关键时刻又不能上场,自然就火打不出来。昨日一输,可以说让加国进军半决赛的变数大了一倍,更不要再提进决赛了,那几乎成了奢侈品。所以,昨天一役自然成了加国队奥运史上的奇耻大辱。



Team-Canada :加拿大国家队(加国队)。为冬奥而临时组建的队伍,由每个俱乐部等额推出球员。主流媒体暴露:这个临时组建的国家队,只在一起训练了30分钟。

Canucks:温哥华加人队。NHL大联盟西北部的一个俱乐部。到了1995年,GM在温哥华捐建GM Place体育馆作为Canucks的主场地。合约20年,2015年到期。2002年联赛,Canucks以加场的一球之差输给纽约队屈居亚军。从此Canucks的大量名球员被美国俱乐部高价买去。之后Roberto Luongo加入Canucks,逐渐成为加拿大最年轻有名的门将。

Maple Leaf:多伦多枫叶队。六十年代到九十年代中,加拿大最出名的球队。

Martin Brodeur:九十年代末至五年前,加拿大有名的门将。主要效力于东部的渥太华和法语区蒙特利尔。不大被西部人所接受。

British Columbia:加拿大最西部的一个省。温哥华隶属于她。省府是维多利亚,在温哥华岛上。温哥华岛的面积和台湾岛相若。台湾岛有两千三百万人口,温哥华岛只有80万人口。英属BC自治领的历史比加拿大联邦的历史早很多年。在加入加拿大联邦之前,BC自治领曾包含美国的华盛顿洲、俄勒冈州,以及部分蒙他那州。

Canada: 在土语中是“小村庄”;Canuck,在土语中是“小山坳”。既然Canadian是“村里的人”,那么Canucks就是“坳里的人”。“村里的人”既然叫“加拿大人”,那么“坳里的人”也就是“加拿大人”。过去二十年,Canucks一直被中外媒体译为中文“加人队”。

VANCOUVER - The dream final of the 2010 Olympic men's hockey tournament - Canada v. Russia - is no more, and the United States enters the playoff round as the top seed with a smooth road to the semi-finals.

That much was determined Sunday upon the conclusion of preliminary-round play at Hockey Canada Place. Sweden's 3-0 victory over Finland prevented its arch-rivals from earning first place, and because the Swedes didn't win by a six-goal margin, the U.S. receives top billing in the quarterfinals.

The result also loads up one side of the draw, a bracket consisting of Sweden (the defending Olympic gold medallist), Russia (the two-time defending world champions), and Canada (the pre-tournament favourites and home team).

Canada faces a difficult road if it is to advance to the gold-medal game. The Canadians will have to defeat Germany, Russia and probably Sweden or Slovakia to get to Sunday's championship game.

The 12 tournament teams were seeded based on their opening-round performance and Canada, second to the U.S. in Group A, ended up a disappointing sixth.

Since only the top four teams receive a bye to Wednesday's quarter-finals that means Canada has to play in Tuesday's qualification round. As the sixth seed, the Canadians will play Germany, the 11th seed, at 4:30 p.m. PT (7:30 p.m. ET) at Canada Hockey Place.

The United States, with nine points out of nine and a plus-9 goal differential, topped the seeding chart followed by Sweden (nine points, plus-7), Russia (seven points, plus-7), Finland (six points, plus-6), Czech Republic (six points, plus-3), Canada (five points, plus-7), Slovakia (five points, plus-5), Switzerland (three points, minus-2), Belarus (three points, minus-4), Norway (one point, minus-14), Germany (no points, minus-9) and Latvia (no points, minus-15).

Tuesday's other qualification games involve Switzerland versus Belarus  (Noon PT, Canada Hockey Place), Czech Republic against Latvia (7 p.m PT UBC Thunderbird Arena) and Slovakia against Norway (9 p.m. PT Canada Hockey Place).

On Wednesday the United States will play either Switzerland or Belarus, Sweden will play either Slovakia or Norway and Finland will face either the Czech Repulic or Latvia.

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