
Loved, betrayed, turned on, turned off, ... can't help wondering the road ahead. But surely, there will be a shining star.

Experience the Battlefield

(2009-06-28 13:58:09) 下一个
Paintball is a lot of fun. I had my first try in Nanjing over 10 years ago, but the one I had yesterday was really good - much more intense and physical. I guess it's the best game to simulate a real war. In other words, if any civilians would like to experience the tension of a battlefield without risking their lives, paintball is the closest they can get.

I was on the offense side when I started with a fully loaded paintball gun (which is much better than what I used in Nanjing). The defense side occupied the 2nd floor and our mission was to take them out one-by-one. It was a tough attack from the ground although there were some houses and cars we can use as covers. The defend team see everything from top but we can barely see where they are. "Bullets" literally showered us. I took out one or two "enemies" (hard to tell in such a dim light) and I was shot at multiple spots, such as arm and butt. In the last minute, when I was trying to make the closest attempt to get into "enemy's building", a hail of bullets wiped me out with two shots on my head. In a real battlefield, I would have been done for.

I enjoyed the game although a few parts of my body are still aching due to the "bullet wounds". Next time, I hope to make it a hobby of mine. Equipped with the right weapon and clothing, I'm sure it will be a much more enjoyable game.
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