Age | Breast Milk | Formula | Grains | Fruits & Vegetables | Yogurt, Meat & Poultry |
0-1 Month | Every 2-3 hours, or 8-10 feedings each day. Feed on demand. | Every 3-4 hours, or 6-8 feedings each day, 2-3 oz. per feeding. | None | None | None |
1-4 Months | 6-8 feedings each day. The number of feedings will decrease as your baby sleeps longer at night. | Every 4-5 hours, or 5-6 feedings per day. 4-6 oz. per feeding. | None | None | None |
4-6 Months | Usually 6 feedings each day. | 4-5 feedings each day, 6-8 oz. per feeding, maximum of 32 oz. per day. | The first solid food is usually iron-fortified rice cereal, followed by oatmeal and other grains. This provides the extra iron that babies this age need. Start with 1 tbsp. each meal mixed with either breast milk or formula to desired consistency and increase to 4 tbsp. each meal. Begin with 1 serving each day and advance to 2 when accepted by your baby. | Once baby accepts cereal, begin with strained fruits and vegetables. Start with single vegetables that are finely pureed. Advance to approximately 4 oz. jar per meal. Remember to try only one new food at a time; watch for signs of allergy (diarrhea, rash, vomiting). | None |
6-9 Months | Usually 4-6 feedings each day. As your baby takes more solids, the number of feedings will decrease. | Depending on the amount of solid food in your baby's diet, the formula will range from 24-30 oz. per day. | At 8 months, introduce foods that have more texture. | May want to try juice. Continue with fruits and vegetables to include new single flavors and combinations offering new tastes and textures. | At 7 months can begin yogurt. At 8 months can begin finely milled poultry and meats. |
9-12 Months | As baby takes more solids, the number of feedings will decrease. Usually 4 feedings each day. | The formula intake will fall to approximately 24 oz. per day. | Usually 1 time each day (1/4 - 1/2 cup). May want to try finger foods, such as well cooked pasta. | Usually 2 servings of fruit AND vegetables per day (1/4-1/2 cup each serving). As babies transition more to table foods, they can try a "chunkier" texture. Select easily chewable foods cut up into small pieces. Try more finger foods, such as small pieces of banana. | Usually 1 serving of yogurt (1/4-1/2 cup). Usually 1 serving of meat or poultry. For variety try scrambled eggs or soft cheese. |
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