
小东西之一: Olivia, 14 years old 小东西之二: Evan, 11 years old
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Olivia's Interaction with Her Idol

(2012-04-14 12:08:14) 下一个


This past Sunday afternoon, Olivia's friend Kayla came over for a play date. The two girls chatted and went to Olivia's room. I heard them singing some songs and it appeared that they were making a video on the computer which didn't really surprise me as singing popular songs is a big thing when she has a play date like this with her friends.  So I was just doing my thing at next door and let them be.

After I don't know how long, I heard "Oh my god!' a couple of times from Kayla. She sounded like she was very excited and surprised by something. Exciting sounds like this kept on coming to my ear from Olivia's room which made me curious what was going on. Just as I was going to check it out, the very excited Olivia and Kayla rushed into my room with the laptop on Olivia's hands. She turned on TV and tuned into the channel where a boy band was singing.

"What's going on?" I was asked.

"We are talking to Zayn right now! The boy in the red jacket." She pointed to the cute boy in the center of the five boys on TV and couldn't hide her excitement. She then typed" We are watching you on TV right now J!"

Now, who is this Zayn?

It turned out that the girls were surfing the Facebook and checking out profiles of young celebrities and somehow they found Zayn Malik, the 19-year old English and Pakistan mixture from the British boy band "One Direction" who just opened his account the day before, on line. "One Direction" was the music guest for last week's Saturday Night Live and the re-run was shown on TV when the girls came in.  

Zayn posted a message about a video contest on his wall and asked his fans to participate by taping things they want to say to him or the band.  So Olivia and Kayla decided to make a video by singing the song which made them famous "What Makes You Beautiful".  Zayn was at a photo shoot in LA at the time. He was super nice, accepted their friend requests which meant A LOT for the girls. After Olivia posted the video, he commented "That was officially the best it was amazing!" which made the girls screaming. He also mentioned that "The boys love the video too!"  And to the girls' surprise, he actually chatted live with them per their request during the photo shoot and the girls exclaimed (especially Kayla) every time he responded to them.

At this time, Olivia and Kayla's friends were messaging them on the FB and calling our house after they learned that the girls were talking to Zayn. One of them suspected his identity and asked Olivia to request a picture of him from the photo shoot. Zayn actually responded and posted one on Olivia's wall which made Kayla very jealousJ. Before they knew it, it was 9:30PM and it was time to let the girls settle down and send Kayla home. Olivia thanked Zayn for chatting with them and hoped they didn't bother him too much during the photo shoot. She also wrote "I wish more stars would act like you to their fans".  Zayn said they didn't bother him at all and thanked them for supporting the band.

Well, Olivia slept in that morning but it was probably due to the fact that she got to chat with her idol live that she could not fall sleep until after mid night which was totally understandableJ.

I thought the video was well made with good ideas which made them stand out. You could tell the girls really enjoyed the performance and talking to their idol. I had to say I felt a little weird and kind of funny to see my daughter, at such young age, singing "How desperately I want you" with frown eyebrows and her fists reaching out.  Her comment about herself constantly mixing up "comment" with "compliment" at the end of the video was also funny and cute.

Well, Olivia is a passionate young girl who enjoys music.  I can imagine how excited she must be being able to talk to her idol as we all wished for such things when we were young. As long as she does not go over the board and keeps the grades, I will let her enjoy this experience. After all, she is the daughter of someone who, at this age, would drive three hours to go to see a rock concert with thousands of screaming twenty some year oldsJ.
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