
小东西之一: Olivia, 14 years old 小东西之二: Evan, 11 years old
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Olivia\'s First Will

(2008-09-12 18:59:07) 下一个

After Olivia came out of shower today, she said to me while she was drying her hair: "Mom, could you help me write my will?"

"Will? You mean the will to tell your wishes after you die?" I was so surprised.

"Yes" she answered.

"Sure, but why?"

"I swallowed some shampoo just now in the shower, so I am afraid I may die." She said.

"Oh you are going to be fine! You are not goona die!" I ensured her.

"I have been talking to god a lot since I swallowed the shampoo asking him not to let me die." She continued.

"So what would you say in your will?" I was curious.

"Well, you can give my bed to Julie (her best friend) because she doesn't have a big bed. You can sell the dresser to make some money. Emm, you can return the keyboard to Connie (Connie's dad gave it to Olivia after they bought Connie a piano) and you can send this Kung Fu panda to Granna as she got this for me.'' she stopped, looked around and probably was overwhelmed by all these things she needed to take care of, she went silent and started to get dressed.

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