
小东西之一: Olivia, 14 years old 小东西之二: Evan, 11 years old
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“Wheel”? Will? Leo! (2)

(2007-08-18 18:24:57) 下一个
After reading <“Wheel”? Will? Leo!>, Daddy remembered a conversation he had with Evan a while back. They were talking about Evan’s day and Daddy asked him who his best friend was at the daycare.

"Wheeeel" he exclaimed.

Daddy thought he’d take a stab at correcting Evan’s pronunciation, so he told Evan, “Evan, his name is pronounced ‘Will’. You know, like your cousin Will.”

“No, his name is ‘Wheeel’” Evan insisted.

"W I L L" Daddy tried again, trying to be as clear as he could.

"NO! 'WHEEEL' is his name" Evan replied. He was adamant and was starting to get agitated.

"OK", Daddy gave up and thought that we would have to keep trying (to correct him). But after Leo’s birthday party, it turns out that Evan was closer than we were as at least he knows that his best friend’s name is Leo not Will.

I told the teacher about the “Will-Leo” story and the teacher said “L” sound is hard for some of the kids at his age. So it is normal that he can't pronounce it correctly right now, we will just have to wait and see.
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