
酸甜苦麻辣/ 鸡鸭鱼肉虾/ 菜刀手中拿/厨房我老大----徐娘自己夸。妙笔生出花/佳肴承载它/ 盘盘菜如画/道道理由她----女子说胡话。

汤种豆沙包 Red bean biscuits

(2010-02-22 19:59:33) 下一个

1. 12g bread flour
60g water

2. 300g bread
30g sugar

2 eggs ( save 1 egg yolk for coating)
65g milk
1 teaspoon dried yeast
45g unsalted butter ( room temperature)

Making batter
Mix 1. flour and water and cook in the microwave four times for for 10 seconds each time, stirring each time until you have a stiff batter . Refrigerate for 1 – 2 days.

Making dough
Mix yeast in the warm milk,Combine flour, eggs,sugar, salt ( except butter) and prepared dough (batter) until you have a sticky dough. Then gradually add the butter to this dough. Oil your hands and move the dough to a greased pan and cover with plastic or damp cloth. Leave in a warm place and let it raise until about doubled in size. Beat down the dougha nd divide into 15 pieces. Using the heel of your hand, roll each piece into a round ball. Flatten the ball, use an icecream scoop to add red bean pace to the center and fold up and make a round ball. Let set at room temperature for about 25 minutes. Preheat oven to 350F. Using egg wash to coat the dough balls. Bake for about 15-20 minutes or until golden brown.

12g高筋面粉(bread flour) 、水( water) 60g


高筋面粉(bread flour)300g
白糖(sugar) 30g ( 我用枫糖maple syrup或者蜂蜜代替
全蛋egg 2个(留下一个蛋黄上色,save one yolk as egg wash)
干酵母 (yeast)1 茶勺(teaspoon)
盐 (salt) ½ teaspoon
无盐奶油(unsalted butter) 45g 放置室温

把配方中的材料2 除黄油外,加上做好的1 的汤种面团混合成团,然后一点点地加黄油进去搅拌均匀。把搅拌好的面团取出放在抹油的盆子里,盖上保鲜膜或者湿毛巾。

烤箱开到350F 2分钟, 不预热,马上关掉,把面团放进去发酵1个小时。


室温发酵20-30分钟,然后把350F预热烤箱(大概15分钟左右),(第二次发酵的时间大概是40分钟左右)。1个蛋黄加1 大勺的水搅匀,刷在面团上。


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北京馋人 回复 悄悄话 好吃,汤种豆沙馅儿面包。