

(2024-06-01 09:06:41) 下一个

I read the article“ The Cockfight” in the book “ The Good Deed”.  
An American woman who watched three cock fights during her honeymoon in the Philippines. Combining some small fighting with her husband, she learned: Never give up, when you know the problem!
1) Mary and Bruce Adams married just two weeks. Bruce was the executive of Samson Export Company, his firm wanted him to visit the office in Manila. They had combined a business trip with their honeymoon. They lived in the big old Manila Hotel. This was the first time Mary had traveled farther than California. She wanted to go sightseeing in Manila.
Bruce often cannot find the things he had used.  He did not know where are his dark glasses, lost the case and he did not know where are his swimming shorts. He didn’t think it was his fault, he thought taking care of his life is the responsibility of his wife, he said : “what did I marry you for”. He thought there’s no sight better than swimming pool, so he slammed door and went to swim alone.  
Mary  had a contradictory attitude towards Bruce, she thought he was adorable and hateful. When Bruce had a bad attitude, she was patient as her mother told her, but she felt she was not afraid of him.
Mary insisted to see the scenery。She asked the Hotel manager to engage a car and a responsible driver, she said she wanted to see the city. The driver drove her to see the old Spanish building, Just broken wall now. The driver took her into the Oldest church , a great battered cathedral, and to see Rizal Memorial , Rizal was their national hero, leader against the Spanish conquerors.
2) After visiting Manila city, the driver suggested going to see  cockfight. Mary was willing to. The cockfight was forbidden in Manila, It was in Quezeo, half an hour drive. The driver bought two tickets to enter。
A) The first fighting.  Two birds. One was big and white, another was little and brown. There were spurs on the legs of both cocks.
Mary thought the big white cock like Bruce. “That strutting head,that bold and roving eyes —a handsome creature, assured of his own ability.”  And she liked the little brown cock, ill-tempered. Her mother had said: ‘ Mary was stubborn.’
She bet on the little one!  Only bid five pesos . 
The small cock,  which had begun so bravely, was gave up at last.
B) Next fighting. Two cocks were better matched. She bet on the cock at the right. Neither cock had a comb. The driver told her: ‘comb is easy for pecking and too much blood comes out. So combs are cut off. ‘Mary thought she also need eliminate the vulnerable. ‘Word can never hurt me even from the man I love. ‘
The fight went on until both cocks were near exhaustion Mary thought: perhaps neither will win. The driver said: it is now a question of spirit. Suddenly one cock surrendered. Not the one she had bet on . Her cock was scarcely more alive, but in victory . Now she knew, the point in any battle was never to give up .
Mary told the driver that her husband didn't know she was coming out gambling, the driver advised Mary to go back immediately to avoid her husband getting angry. But Mary said she wasn't afraid of her husband, she wanted to study, she  wanted to understand something when she saw the cockfight.
C) The third fighting. One is a beautiful black cock, proud, and the other is a red, mongrel ,dirty cock. not paying attention to other. A stupid little cock, simple mind. Mary bade ten penes on the red cock. She did not care about money. She wanted to know how to win, know the spirit. 
The black chicken started attacking, and the red chicken retreated. Black chickens have war experience, red chickens do not! Everyone is betting on the black chicken. The owner of the red chicken also thought he will giving up.
 When the black chicken attacked again, the red chicken seemed to understand that the black chicken was attacking it. It began to counterattack. Black cock went into panic and  was defeated.
Everyone was quiet, didn't expect the black chicken to lose.
The driver asked Mary: how did you know the small red cock would win? Mary said: “ it would never give up once it knew what the problem was”.
3) When Mary got back to the hotel, the manager greeted her and said:  your husband is looking for you, he is not pleased, but to quarrel so soon. Mary said: “I never quarrel. I never give up, once I know the problem”. When she went upstairs to the room, Bruce was there, asked: where have you been? She answered: Out, Seeing Manila.I shall never give up loving you. Bruce said: stubborn Mrs. Simple. And kissed her.
3)I think :
A) One should do what he think it is right, even there are many difficult. One should not do what he think it is wrong, even there are many temptations ! Never give up.
B) A country should persist in resisting aggression from other countries,never give up.

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