

推荐 名家张系国教授 在亚美领导人协会 主讲 Grace Lee Boggs 女哲理家,逐梦的一生。 以英文演讲 中文提问 5

(2023-05-21 19:13:23) 下一个

張系國 李昂 張鳳 應邀出席 馬以南會長 (下右二)-馬英九大姊的演講扣應 Call in演講座談


亞洲傳統月 主辦一場雲端講座,海外女作協協辦。敦請台灣科幻小說之 父、


Grace Lee Boggs 女哲理家,逐夢的一生。 以英文演講,歡迎以中文提問。


時間訂於: 5月22日(星期一)

美東時間 中午12:00pm

In honor of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month (AAPIHM),

Asian Leadership Association (ALA) will be hosting the cultural event: “

To Dream the Impossible Dream – The Life and Time of Grace Lee Boggs, ” a talk given by Professor Shi-Kuo Chang, a computer scientist and writer best-known for his science fiction novels and short stories.


  Date and Time: May 22, 2023 from noon - 1 pm, EST; (please use the Microsoft Teams meeting link or phone number provided below)


A female philosopher from Detroit whose family ran a Chinese restaurant in New York City? What are the odds for her to succeed? Professor Shi-Kuo Chang will take you on a journey with Grace Lee Boggs – how this remarkable woman proves nothing is impossible in America. (A link to an article entitled, “Grace Lee Boggs,” on Stanford Libraries’ web site: “Rise Up for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders – Together, we rise up to overcome anti-AAPI hate” is provided: https://exhibits.stanford.edu/riseup/feature/ grace-lee-boggs)


 About the Speaker:

A computer scientist and writer, Professor Chang often burns the midnight oil to work on his novels and short stories. Well known to generations of readers in Taiwan and in China, after fifty-two years of teaching and research, Professor Shi-Kuo Chang is about to become Professor Emeritus of the University of Pittsburgh to pursue his true calling – writing.

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