“This exhibition will explore the twin themes of solitude and togetherness in Chinese art. For more than two thousand years, reclusion—removing oneself from society—has been presented as the ideal condition for mental cultivation and transcending worldly troubles. At the same time, communion with like-minded people has been celebrated as essential to the human experience. This choice, to be alone or to be together, has been central to the lives of thinkers and artists, and Chinese art abounds with images of figures who pursued both paths—as well as those who wove them together in complex and surprising ways. Companions in Solitude, presented in two rotations, will bring together more than 120 works of painting, calligraphy, and decorative arts that illuminate this choice—depictions of why and how people have sought space from the world or attempted to bridge the divide between themselves and others. In the wake of 2020, a year that has isolated us physically but connected us virtually in unprecedented ways, this exploration of premodern Chinese reclusion and communion will invite meditation on the fracture and facture of human connection in our own time.”
如果要翻译成中文的话,Companions in Solitude是否可以译成“隐士神交”。
本人对书法情有独钟,在网上对每件书法作品都看了一遍。由于主题的限制,大都会博物馆藏品中一些很有名的中国书法作品,没有选入参展。其中最有名的,当属黄庭坚的草书巨作《廉颇蔺相如》。该幅作品气势磅礴,实乃黄庭坚草书的精品。但廉颇和蔺相如都混迹官场,为朝廷效力,companion 或许有,但没有 solitude,故不符合这次展览的主题,忍痛割爱,实属必然,但很可惜。
“Like the adjacent letter by Song Jue, this one mentions his friend Cheng Jiasui, another painter working in the Songjiang region, who apparently made a painting for the letter’s recipient. Song goes on to say that he is looking forward to showing off his newborn son and asks for some fine silks to have clothes made for the boy. ”
“….. It made me shudder with unnecessary worries over our declining nation. They are people in high places. What could a commoner [like me] know! Mengyang [Cheng Jiasui, 1565–1644] was willing to purchase very expensive ink to paint for you on a whim at night, which shows his lofty mind and deep affection. I am about to hold a birthday party for my son who is turning one month (or one year) old. Please forgive me that you alone have not doted on [met] him. I’d like to send a maid to your mother [wife?] for some leftover silk to make new clothes for my son to brighten up the occasion for the well-wishers. It will not only assume an air of elegance of your eminent family but also initiate the grace you will bestow on him to continue the tie between our two families. Submitted by Jue.”
其二,“洗儿”和“汤饼之会”都是指新生婴儿三日庆生。据(明)程登吉《幼学琼林》第二卷:“三朝洗儿,曰汤饼之会;周岁试周,曰睟盘之期。” 但英文翻译误以为是满月(或周岁)。