
炎热的多伦多 2021 hot weather in Toronto- identity 个体-信念-行为

(2021-06-29 01:04:30) 下一个


一次从停车场到室内,500 米,风雪大的出奇,需要休息几次。

看看现在 (7月不到),热的出奇。


Identity- belief- behavior


We are constantly changing from past to present, then into future.

Who are we now, and who we are in 3 years? Do we know /、decide who we are in 3 years?

What we do now gets us ready to become who we are in 3 years.

We may need to swift identity.

Say 3 years from now, we graduate and look for a job, we had better to prepare now, not one day before graduation.

Say you will be retired in 3 years. same deal. 

Now if you are with the idea/thinking/understanding as future you, we can behave like "the guy" 3 years from now.


So past/present/future exist at the same time.


It is what happens while seems no one is talking about it.




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