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2025 (5)
Let my presence override everything you experience. Like a luminous veil of light, I hover over you and everything around you. I am training you to stay conscious of me in each situation you encounter.
When the patriarch Jacob ran away from his enraged brother, he went to sleep on a stone pillow in a land that seemed desolate. But after dreaming about heaven and angels and promises of my presence, he awoke and exclaimed: "Surely the Lord is in this place, and I was not aware of it." His discovery was not only for him but for all who seek me. Whenever you feel distant from me, say, "Surely the Lord is in this place!" Then ask me to give you awareness of my presence. This is a prayer that I delight to answer.
让我的同在主宰你所经历的一切。就像一层发光的面纱,我盘旋在你和你周围的一切之上。 我正在训练你在遇到每一种情境时都能意识到我的同在。
当族长雅各从他暴怒的兄弟那里逃跑时,他在一片看似荒凉的土地上用石头做的枕头上入睡。但在梦到天堂、天使和我同在的应许后,他醒来喊道:“耶和华诚然在这里,我竟不知道。” 他的发现不仅仅是为他自己,也是为所有寻求我的人。每当你感到与我疏远时,说:“耶和华诚然在这里!” 然后请我赐给你对我的同在的意识。这是我喜欢回应的一种祈祷。