

7 “I am” statements 七个“我是”的陈述

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7  “I am” statements 七个“我是”的陈述

"I am" statements hold profound significance in the Christian faith, reflecting the identity, relationship, and purpose believers have in Christ. Here are seven "I am" statements that capture essential aspects of a Christian's identity:

  1. I am a Child of God: As a Christian, you are adopted into the family of God through faith in Jesus Christ. You have a loving Father in heaven who cares for you, guides you, and provides for your needs. (John 1:12, Romans 8:15-16)
  2. I am Forgiven: Through Christ's sacrifice, your sins are forgiven, and you are reconciled with God. Your past mistakes and wrongdoings do not define you; you are washed clean and made new in Him. (Ephesians 1:7, 1 John 1:9)
  3. I am a New Creation: In Christ, you are a new creation. The old has passed away, and you are transformed by His grace into a person of righteousness and holiness. (2 Corinthians 5:17)
  4. I am Loved: God's love for you is unchanging and unconditional. His love is not based on your performance but on His nature. You are deeply cherished and valued by the Creator of the universe. (Romans 5:8, Ephesians 3:17-19)
  5. I am Empowered by the Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit dwells within you, empowering you to live a life that honors God. You have access to His guidance, strength, and gifts to fulfill your purpose. (Acts 1:8, Galatians 5:22-23)
  6. I am Called and Equipped: God has a unique plan for your life. You are called to serve Him and others, and He equips you with the necessary gifts and abilities to fulfill your calling. (Ephesians 2:10, 2 Timothy 1:9)
  7. I am Secure in Christ: Your eternal security is found in Christ. Nothing can separate you from His love, and your future is assured in Him. Your hope is anchored in the promises of God. (Romans 8:38-39, 1 Peter 1:3-5)

Reflecting on these "I am" statements can strengthen your faith, renew your perspective, and empower you to live out your identity as a follower of Christ. They remind you of your true worth, purpose, and the abundant life that comes from your relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

在基督教信仰中,“我是”("I am")的陈述具有深刻的意义,反映了信徒在基督里的身份、关系和目的。以下是七个“我是”陈述,涵盖了基督徒身份的关键方面:

  1. 我是上帝的儿女: 作为基督徒,您通过对耶稣基督的信仰被领养进入上帝的家庭。你在天上有一位慈爱的父,他关心你,引导你,并为你供应所需。(约翰福音1:12,罗马书8:15-16)
  2. 我是蒙赦免的: 通过基督的牺牲,你的罪得到了赦免,你与上帝和好了。你过去的错误和不善行为并不定义你;你在基督里被洗净,得以更新。(以弗所书1:7,约翰一书1:9)
  3. 我是新造的人: 在基督里,你是一个新造的人。旧事已过,你通过他的恩典变得成为一个有义和圣洁的人。(哥林多后书5:17)
  4. 我是被爱的: 上帝对你的爱是不变和无条件的。他的爱不是基于你的表现,而是基于他的本性。你深受宇宙创造者的珍视和重视。(罗马书5:8,以弗所书3:17-19)
  5. 我是被圣灵赋能的: 圣灵居住在你内心,赋予你能力,让你过着荣耀上帝的生活。你可以借着他的引导、力量和恩赐履行你的使命。(使徒行传1:8,加拉太书5:22-23)
  6. 我是蒙召并得装备的: 上帝对你的生命有独特的计划。他呼召你为他和他人服务,并赋予你必要的恩赐和能力来履行你的呼召。(以弗所书2:10,提摩太后书1:9)
  7. 我在基督里是安全的: 你的永恒安全是在基督里找到的。没有什么能使你与他的爱隔绝,你的未来在他里面是确定无疑的。你的盼望扎根于上帝的应许中。(罗马书8:38-39,彼得前书1:3-5)



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