


(2023-08-07 20:04:07) 下一个


Gracious God,

In the pages of Your sacred word, I find the story of Abel, a story that echoes through time, resonating with lessons of faith and righteousness. As Hebrews 11:4 reminds me, "By faith Abel brought God a better offering than Cain did. By faith he was commended as righteous, when God spoke well of his offerings. And by faith Abel still speaks, even though he is dead."

Lord, in Abel's faith-filled offering, I see the power of genuine devotion. His heart was a wellspring of trust in You, and his sacrifice reflected that deep connection. May I too learn to offer not just things, but my heart, my trust, and my life in sincere worship.

As Abel's legacy endures, so does the message of his faithfulness. Just as his story continues to speak to me, let my life also resonate with faith that defies the limits of time. May my choices and actions echo the unwavering commitment he demonstrated.

Guide me, O God, to offer not only sacrifices of material things, but sacrifices of obedience, humility, and selflessness. May I strive for a righteousness that is born out of faith in You, knowing that my actions, like Abel's, have the power to leave an everlasting impact.

In the name of Jesus Christ who embodies perfect faith, I pray. Amen.

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