2021 (142)
2023 (410)
2025 (5)
Trust me in every detail of your life. Nothing is random in my kingdom. Everything that happens fits into a pattern for good, to those who love me. Instead of trying to analyze the intricacies of the pattern, focus your energy on trusting me and thanking me at all times. Nothing is wasted when you walk close to me. Even your mistakes and sins can be recycled into something good through my transforming grace.
While you were still living in darkness, I began to shine the light of my presence into your sin-stained life. Finally, I lifted you up out of the mire into my marvelous light. Having sacrificed my very life for you, I can be trusted in every facet of your life.
请在你生活的每一个细节里都相信我。在我的国度里,没有任何事情是随机发生的。对于那些爱我的人来说,发生的一切都进入叫他们得益的模式。 不要试图分析模式的复杂性,不如集中精力相信我,并在任何时候感谢我。当你走近我时,没有任何事情是浪费的。即使你的错误和罪孽,也可以通过我的转化恩典“回收”成好的事物。