

第三十天 在信心中成长

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第三十天 在信心中成长



我祷告他的信心坚强,使他与你之间的关系能取代他生命中一切其他的关系——甚至我们做父母的影响力。换句话说,主啊,愿他与你的关系真的是他自己的,而不是从我或别人身上延伸出来的。当我离开这个世界的时候,我要欣慰地知道他坚定的信心将使他"坚固,不可摇动,常常竭力多作主工"(林前 15:58)。

当他活在信心中的时候,愿他拥有你爱的心怀,即一颗愿意顺从你的带领而付出自己与财物的心怀,并将这爱流向他人。愿他明白:爱心的付出实际上是以信心回报你,而他永远都不会因此而失去什么。我祷告他能"拿着信德当作盾牌"以"灭尽那恶者一切的火箭"(弗 6:16),使他因而信心坚固地说:"我感谢那给我力量的我们主基督耶稣,因他以我有忠心,派我服事他。"(提前 1:12)我奉耶稣的名为这一切事情祷告。

Lord, You have said in Your Word that You have "dealt to each one a measure of faith" (Romans 12:3). I pray that You would take the faith You have planted in my son *** and multiply it. May the truth of Your Word be firmly established in his heart so that faith will grow daily and navigate his life. Help him to trust You at all times as he looks to You for truth, guidance, and transformation into Your likeness. I know that trusting in You is a choice we make. Enable him to make that choice. I pray that he will look to You for everything, knowing that he is never without hope. May his faith be the "substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen" (Hebrews 11:1). I pray he will have faith strong enough to lift him above his circumstances and limitations and instill in him the confidence of knowing that everything will work together for good (Romans 8:28).

I pray that he will be so strong in faith that his relationship with You supersedes all else in his life--even my influence as a parent. In other words, may he have a relationship with You, Lord that is truly his own-not an extension of mine or anyone else's. I want the comfort of knowing that when I'm no longer on this earth, his faith will be strong enough to keep him "steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord" (1 Corinthians 15:58).

As he walks in faith, may he have Your heart of love that overflows to others, a heart that is willing to give of self and possessions according to Your leading. May he see that giving out of love is actually giving back to You in faith and that he will never lose anything by doing so. I pray that he will take the "shield of faith" in order to "quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one" (Ephesians 6:16), and thereby be able to stand strong in faith and say, "I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who has enabled me, because He counted me faithful" (1 Timothy 1:12). In Jesus' name, I pray all of these things.



我祷告她的信心坚强,使她与你之间的关系能取代她生命中一切其她的关系——甚至我们做父母的影响力。换句话说,主啊,愿她与你的关系真的是她自己的,而不是从我或别人身上延伸出来的。当我离开这个世界的时候,我要欣慰地知道她坚定的信心将使她"坚固,不可摇动,常常竭力多作主工"(林前 15:58)。

当她活在信心中的时候,愿她拥有你爱的心怀,即一颗愿意顺从你的带领而付出自己与财物的心怀,并将这爱流向他人。愿她明白:爱心的付出实际上是以信心回报你,而她永远都不会因此而失去什么。我祷告她能"拿着信德当作盾牌"以"灭尽那恶者一切的火箭"(弗 6:16),使她因而信心坚固地说:"我感谢那给我力量的我们主基督耶稣,因他以我有忠心,派我服事他。"(提前 1:12)我奉耶稣的名为这一切事情祷告。

Lord, You have said in Your Word that You have "dealt to each one a measure of faith" (Romans 12:3). I pray that You would take the faith You have planted in my daughter *** and multiply it. May the truth of Your Word be firmly established in her heart so that faith will grow daily and navigate her life. Help her to trust You at all times as she looks to You for truth, guidance, and transformation into Your likeness. I know that trusting in You is a choice we make. Enable her to make that choice. I pray that she will look to You for everything, knowing that she is never without hope. May her faith be the "substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen" (Hebrews 11:1). I pray she will have faith strong enough to lift her above her circumstances and limitations and instill in her the confidence of knowing that everything will work together for good (Romans 8:28).

I pray that she will be so strong in faith that her relationship with You supersedes all else in her life--even my influence as a parent. In other words, may she have a relationship with You, Lord that is truly her own-not an extension of mine or anyone else's. I want the comfort of knowing that when I'm no longer on this earth, her faith will be strong enough to keep her "steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord" (1 Corinthians 15:58).

As she walks in faith, may she have Your heart of love that overflows to others, a heart that is willing to give of self and possessions according to Your leading. May she see that giving out of love is actually giving back to You in faith and that she will never lose anything by doing so. I pray that she will take the "shield of faith" in order to "quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one" (Ephesians 6:16), and thereby be able to stand strong in faith and say, "I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who has enabled me, because he counted me faithful" (1 Timothy 1:12). In Jesus' name, I pray all of these things.


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