

第二十八天 击败邪恶的营垒

(2021-05-09 09:01:14) 下一个

第二十八天 击败邪恶的营垒




主啊,我今天把我的儿子×××放在你的手中,当罪想生根立足的时候,求你引导保护他,让他知罪悔悟。当撒但想在他心中立足时,坚固他,使他争战有力,使他对仇敌的侵犯具有高度的灵敏度。当困难来临时,愿他投靠你,把你当作他的营寨和避难所。愿他心中这样呼求:"赦免我隐而未现的过错。"(诗 19:12)我依据你的话语宣告:主必救他脱离诸般的凶恶,也必救他进他的天国(参提后4:18)。


Lord, thank You that You have promised in Your Word to deliver us when we cry out to You. I come to You on behalf of my son *** and ask that You would deliver him from any ungodliness that may be threatening to become a stronghold in his life.  Even though I don't know what he needs to be set free from, You do. I pray in the name of Jesus that You will work deliverance in his life wherever it is   needed.   I   know   that although “we walk in the flesh,  we  do  not  war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down   strongholds, casting   down   arguments   and every   high   thing   that   exalts   itself   against   the knowledge  of God"  ( 2 Corinthians  10:3-5).

Give me wisdom and revelation regarding him. I know there are areas of enemy operation which I cannot see, so I depend on You, Lord, to reveal these to me as I need to know them. Speak to my heart. Show me how to pray when there is something deep in my spirit that is unsettled, disturbed, or troubled about him. Show me anything that I am not seeing, and let all that is hidden  come  to light. If there is any action I need to take, I depend on You to show me. Thank You that You help me parent this child.

Lord, I put my son *** in Your hands this day. Guide, protect, and convict him when sin is trying to take root. Strengthen him in battle when Satan attempts to gain a foothold in his heart. Make him sensitive to enemy encroachment, and may he run to You to be his stronghold and refuge in times of trouble. May the cry of his heart be, "Cleanse me from secret faults" (Psalm 19:12). According to Your Word I say that the Lord will deliver him from every evil work and preserve him for His heavenly kingdom (2 Timothy 4:18).




主啊,我今天把我的女儿×××放在你的手中,当罪想生根立足的时候,求你引导保护她,让她知罪悔悟。当撒但想在她心中立足时,坚固她,使她争战有力,使她对仇敌的侵犯具有高度的灵敏度。当困难来临时,愿她投靠你,把你当作她的营寨和避难所。愿她心中这样呼求:"赦免我隐而未现的过错。"(诗 19:12)我依据你的话语宣告:主必救她脱离诸般的凶恶,也必救她进她的天国(参提后4:18)。


Lord, thank You that You have promised in Your Word to deliver us when we cry out to You. I come to You on behalf of my daughter *** and ask that You would deliver her from any ungodliness that may be threatening to become a stronghold in her life.  Even though I don't know what she needs to be set free from, You do. I pray in the name of Jesus that You will work deliverance in her life wherever it is   needed.   I   know   that although “we walk in the flesh,  we  do  not  war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down   strongholds, casting   down   arguments   and every   high   thing   that   exalts   itself   against   the knowledge  of God"  ( 2 Corinthians  10:3-5).

Give me wisdom and revelation regarding her. I know there are areas of enemy operation which I cannot see, so I depend on You, Lord, to reveal these to me as I need to know them. Speak to my heart. Show me how to pray when there is something deep in my spirit that is unsettled, disturbed, or troubled about her. Show me anything that I am not seeing, and let all that is hidden  come  to light. If there is any action I need to take, I depend on You to show me. Thank You that You help me parent this child.

Lord, I put my daughter *** in Your hands this day. Guide, protect, and convict her when sin is trying to take root. Strengthen her in battle when Satan attempts to gain a foothold in her heart. Make her sensitive to enemy encroachment, and may she run to You to be her stronghold and refuge in times of trouble. May the cry of her heart be, "Cleanse me from secret faults" (Psalm 19:12). According to Your Word I say that the Lord will deliver her from every evil work and preserve her for her heavenly kingdom (2 Timothy 4:18).


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