

第十七天 持守对圣洁和纯正的喜爱

(2021-04-28 03:35:44) 下一个

第十七天 持守对圣洁和纯正的喜爱



我祷告他能逃离一切的罪恶、不纯、邪恶的意念、言语和行为,使他能亲近一切纯正而神圣的事物。让基督在他里面成形,使他愿意寻求你圣灵的大能,帮助他行事正确。你说过:"清心的人有福了!因为他们必得见神。"(太 5:8)愿那清洁而渴幕圣洁的心能表现在他一切所行的事上,同时也彰显在他的外表上。我祷告使他的衣着发型、身体面容的打扮都能反映出他对你的敬畏、并渴望能荣耀你。


Lord, I pray that you would fill my son *** with a love for You that surpasses his love for anything or anyone else. Help him to respect and revere Your laws and understand that they are there for his benefit. May he clearly see that when Your laws are disobeyed, life doesn’t work. Hide your Word in his heart so that there is no attractive to sin. I pray he will run from evil, from impurity, form unholy thoughts, words, and deeds, and that he will be drawn toward whatever is pure and holy, that Christ be formed in him and cause him to seek the power of your Holy Spirit to enable him to do what is right.

You have said, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Matthew 5:8). May a desire for holiness that comes from a pure heart be reflected in all that he does. Let it be manifested in his appearance as well. I pray that the clothes he wears and the way he styles his hair and chooses to adorn his body and face will reflect a reverence and a desire to glorify You, Lord.

Where he has strayed from the path of holiness, bring him to repentance and work Your cleansing power in his heart and life. Give him understanding to live in purity brings wholeness and blessing, and that the greatest reward for it is seeing You.



我祷告她能逃离一切的罪恶、不纯、邪恶的意念、言语和行为,使她能亲近一切纯正而神圣的事物。让基督在她里面成形,使她愿意寻求你圣灵的大能,帮助她行事正确。你说过:"清心的人有福了!因为她们必得见神。"(太 5:8)愿那清洁而渴幕圣洁的心能表现在她一切所行的事上,同时也彰显在她的外表上。我祷告使她的衣着发型、身体面容的打扮都能反映出她对你的敬畏、并渴望能荣耀你。


Lord, I pray that you would fill my daughter *** with a love for You that surpasses her love for anything or anyone else. Help her to respect and revere Your laws and understand that they are there for her benefit. May she clearly see that when Your laws are disobeyed, life doesn’t work. Hide your word in her heart so that there is no attractive to sin. I pray she will run from evil, from impurity, form unholy thoughts, words, and deeds, and that she will be drawn toward whatever is pure and holy, that Christ be formed in her and cause her to seek the power of your Holy Spirit to enable her to do what is right.

You have said, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Matthew 5:8). May a desire for holiness that comes from a pure heart be reflected in all that she does. Let it be manifested in her appearance as well. I pray that the clothes she wears and the way she styles her hair and chooses to adorn her body and face will reflect a reverence and a desire to glorify You, Lord.

Where she has strayed from the path of holiness, bring her to repentance and work Your cleansing power in her heart and life. Give her understanding to live in purity brings wholeness and blessing, and that the greatest reward for it is seeing You.


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