

第十五天 辨明神所赐的天赋才能

(2021-04-26 06:37:29) 下一个

第十五天 辨明神所赐的天赋才能



你的话语说:"按我们所得的恩赐,各有不同。"(罗 12:6)当他认定你所赐的天赋才能时,我祷告使他不要因着任何欠缺、惧怕或困惑的感觉而不依从你的旨意来使用。愿他得听你对他生命的呼召,使他不致枉费一生去摸索、或是完全错失了这些美好的天赋才能。让他的天赋永远不致荒废,也不隐没在平凡中、或去尊荣你以外的人和事物。


你的话语说:"人的礼物为他开路,引他到高位的人面前。"(箴 18:16)愿他所做的一切都使别人喜悦,被接纳也被尊重。最重要的是,我祷告求你释放这些天赋才能,使之完全表彰以荣耀你名。

Lord, I thank You for the gifts and talents You have placed in my son ***. I pray that You would develop them in him and use them for Your glory. Make them apparent to me and to him and show me specifically if there is any special nurturing, training, learning experience, or opportunities I should provide for him. May his gifts and talents be developed in Your way and in Your time.

Your Word says, "Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them" (Romans 12:6). As he recognizes the talents and abilities You've given him, I pray that no feelings of inadequacy, fear, or uncertainty will keep him from using them according to Your will. May he hear the call You have on his life so that he doesn't spend a lifetime trying to figure out what it is or miss it altogether. Let his talent never be wasted, watered down by mediocrity, or used to glorify anything or anyone other than You, Lord.

I pray that You would reveal to him what his life work is to be and help him excel in it. Bless the work of his hands, and may he be able to earn a good living doing the work he loves and does best.

Your Word says that, "A man's gift makes room for him, and bring him before great men" (Proverbs 18:16). May whatever he does find favor with others and be well received and respected. But most of all, I pray the gifts and talents You placed in him be released to find their fullest expression in glorifying You.



你的话语说:"按我们所得的恩赐,各有不同。"(罗 12:6)当她认定你所赐的天赋才能时,我祷告使她不要因着任何欠缺、惧怕或困惑的感觉而不依从你的旨意来使用。愿她得听你对她生命的呼召,使她不致枉费一生去摸索、或是完全错失了这些美好的天赋才能。让她的天赋永远不致荒废,也不隐没在平凡中、或去尊荣你以外的人或事物。


你的话语说:"人的礼物为他开路,引他到高位的人面前。"(箴 18:16)愿她所做的一切都使别人喜悦,被接纳也被尊重。最重要的是,我祷告求你释放这些天赋才能,使之完全表彰以荣耀你名。

Lord, I thank You for the gifts and talents You have placed in my daughter ***. I pray that You would develop them in her and use them for Your glory. Make them apparent to me and to her and show me specifically if there is any special nurturing, training, learning experience, or opportunities I should provide for her. May her gifts and talents be developed in Your way and in Your time.

Your Word says, "Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them" (Romans 12:6). As she recognizes the talents and abilities You've given her, I pray that no feelings of inadequacy, fear, or uncertainty will keep her from using them according to Your will. May she hear the call You have on her life so that she doesn't spend a lifetime trying to figure out what it is or miss it altogether. Let her talent never be wasted, watered down by mediocrity, or used to glorify anything or anyone other than You, Lord.

I pray that You would reveal to her what her life work is to be and help her excel in it. Bless the work of her hands, and may she be able to earn a good living doing the work she loves and does best.

Your Word says that, "A man's gift makes room for him, and bring him before great men" (Proverbs 18:16). May whatever she does find favor with others and be well received and respected. But most of all, I pray the gifts and talents You placed in her be released to find their fullest expression in glorifying You.



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