

第十四章 灌输学习的意愿

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第十四章 灌输学习的意愿


主啊,我祷告×××能深挚敬畏你和你的道路。愿他把你的话语珍藏在他内心,寻求聪明如同搜寻金银一般。赐他良善的心思、受教的灵、和学习能力。在他内心注入渴慕,使他渴慕得到知识和技能,愿他能在学习过程中享受乐趣。最重要的是,我祷告他能接受你的教导,因为经上说:当我们的孩子接受你的教导时,他们就必得享平安。你也说过:"敬畏耶和华是知识的开端;愚妄人藐视智慧和训诲。"(箴 1:7)愿他永远不愚妄也不弃绝学习,相反的,愿他向你寻求所需的知识。


我要依据圣经的话对他说:"你要留心领受训诲,侧耳听从知识的言语。"(箴 23:12)"凡事主必给你聪明。"(提后 2:7)主啊,使他更深体验到认识你和你世界的喜乐。

Lord, I pray that ××× will have a deep reverence for You and Your ways. May he hide Your Word in his heart like a treasure and seek after understanding like silver or gold. Give him a good mind, a teachable spirit, and an ability to learn. Instill in him a desire to attain knowledge and skill, and may he have joy in the process. Above all, I pray that he will be taught by You, for Your Word says that when our children are taught by You, they are guaranteed peace. You have also said, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction" (Proverbs 1:7). May he never be a fool and turn away from learning, but rather may he turn to You for the knowledge he needs.

I pray he will respect the wisdom of his parents and be willing to be taught by them. May he also have the desire to be taught by the teachers You bring into his life, handpick each one, Lord, and may they be godly people from whom he can easily learn. Take out of his life any teacher who would be an ungodly influence or create a bad learning experience. Let him find favor with his teachers and have good communication with them. Help him to excel in school and do well in any classes he may take. Make the pathways of learning smooth and not something with which he must strain and struggle. Connect everything in his brain the way it is supposed to be so that he has the clarity of thought, organization, good memory, and strong learning ability.

I say to him according to Your Word, "Apply your heart to instruction, and your ears to words of knowledge" (Proverbs 23:12). "May the Lord give you understanding in all things" (2 Timothy 2:7). Lord, enable him to experience the joy of learning more about You and Your world.


主啊,我祷告×××能深挚敬畏你和你的道路。愿她把你的话语珍藏在她内心,寻求聪明如同搜寻金银一般。赐她良善的心思、受教的灵、和学习能力。在她内心注入渴慕,使她渴慕得到知识和技能,愿她能在学习过程中享受乐趣。最重要的是,我祷告她能接受你的教导,因为经上说:当我们的孩子接受你的教导时,他们就必得享平安。你也说过:"敬畏耶和华是知识的开端;愚妄人藐视智慧和训诲。"(箴 1:7)愿她永远不愚妄也不弃绝学习,相反的,愿她向你寻求所需的知识。


我要依据圣经的话对她说:"你要留心领受训诲,侧耳听从知识的言语。"(箴 23:12)"凡事主必给你聪明。"(提后 2:7)主啊,使她更深体验到认识你和你世界的喜乐。

Lord, I pray that ××× will have a deep reverence for You and Your ways. May she hide Your Word in her heart like a treasure and seek after understanding like silver or gold. Give her a good mind, a teachable spirit, and an ability to learn. Instill in her a desire to attain knowledge and skill, and may she have joy in the process. Above all, I pray that she will be taught by You, for Your Word says that when our children are taught by You, they are guaranteed peace. You have also said, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction" (Proverbs 1:7). May she never be a fool and turn away from learning, but rather may she turn to You for the knowledge she needs.

I pray she will respect the wisdom of her parents and be willing to be taught by them. May she also have the desire to be taught by the teachers You bring into her life, handpick each one, Lord, and may they be godly people from whom she can easily learn. Take out of her life any teacher who would be an ungodly influence or create a bad learning experience. Let her find favor with her teachers and have good communication with them. Help her to excel in school and do well in any classes she may take. Make the pathways of learning smooth and not something with which she must strain and struggle. Connect everything in her brain the way it is supposed to be so that she has the clarity of thought, organization, good memory, and strong learning ability.

I say to her according to Your Word, "Apply your heart to instruction, and your ears to words of knowledge" (Proverbs 23:12). "May the Lord give you understanding in all things" (2 Timothy 2:7). Lord, enable her to experience the joy of learning more about You and Your world.





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