

第十三章 愿意合宜地照顾身体

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第十三章 愿意合宜地照顾身体




主啊,你的话语说:"你们必晓得真理,真理必叫你们得以自由。"(约 8:32)帮助他看见生活之道的真理,好使他可以从有碍健康的习性中获得释放。除了饮食得当之外,我祈求你使他愿意规律地运动,喝足洁净的清水,全力照着你的话来控制并处理他生活中的压力。当他落在任何一种情况中挣扎时,愿他转向你,并说:

"耶和华啊,求你将你的道指教我。"(诗 27:11)赐他远见能把自己的身体视为你圣灵的殿。

我祷告他能珍重你所赐的身体,也愿意好好地照顾它。愿他不要对身体吹毛求疵,也不要以公众舆论和接纳标准的显微镜来检视自己。我祷告他不要被那些诱人的时装杂志、电视或电影所捆绑——那些媒体总是告诉他看起来应该如何,并借此影响他。主啊,我祷告他能够向你祈求说:"求你叫我转眼不看虚假。"(诗 119:37)帮助他明白真正让人有吸引力的,是你圣灵的内住与自然的焕发。愿他能够明白真正的魅力是源于一颗爱神的心。



Lord, I lift *** to You and ask that You would place in him a desire to eat healthy food. I know that through his life he will be tempted to make poor food choices and eat that which brings death instead of life. Help him to understand what's good for him and what isn't, and give him a desire for food that is healthful. Let him be repulsed or dissatisfied with food that is harmful.

I pray that he will be spared from all eating disorders in any form. By the authority given me in Jesus Christ (Luke 10:19), on my son's behalf, I say "NO to anorexia," "No to bulimia," "No to food addiction," "No to overeating," "No to starvation diets, " 'No to any kind of unbalanced eating habits."

Lord, Your Word says, "you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (John 8:32). Help him to see the truth about the way he is to live, so that he can be set free from unhealthful habits. I pray that along with the desire to eat properly, You would give him the motivation to exercise regularly, to drink plenty of pure water, and to control and manage stress in his life by living according to Your Word. Whenever he struggles in any of those areas, may he turn to You and say, "Teach me Your way, O Lord" (Psalm 27:11). Give him a vision of his body as the temple of Your Holy Spirit.

I Pray that he will value the body You've given him and desire to take proper care of it. May he not be critical of it, nor examine himself through the microscope of public opinion and acceptance. I pray that he will not be bound by the lure of fashion magazines, television, or movies which try to influence him with an image of what they say he should look like. Enable him to say, "Turn away my eyes from looking at worthless things" (Psalm 119:37). Help him to see that what makes a person truly attractive is Your Holy Spirit living in him and radiating outward. May he come to understand that true attractiveness begins in the heart of one who loves God.

Establish Your vision of health and attractiveness in his heart this day, and permanently instill in him the desire to take proper care of his body because it is the temple of your Holy Spirit.




主啊,你的话语说:"你们必晓得真理,真理必叫你们得以自由。"(约 8:32)帮助她看见生活之道的真理,好使她可以从有碍健康的习性中获得释放。除了饮食得当之外,我祈求你使她愿意规律地运动,喝足洁净的清水,全力照着你的话来控制并处理她生活中的压力。当她落在任何一种情况中挣扎时,愿她转向你,并说:

"耶和华啊,求你将你的道指教我。"(诗 27:11)赐她远见能把自己的身体视为你圣灵的殿。

我祷告她能珍重你所赐的身体,也愿意好好地照顾它。愿她不要对身体吹毛求疵,也不要以公众舆论和接纳标准的显微镜来检视自己。我祷告她不要被那些诱人的时装杂志、电视或电影所捆绑——那些媒体总是告诉她看起来应该如何,并借此影响她。主啊,我祷告她能够向你祈求说:"求你叫我转眼不看虚假。"(诗 119:37)帮助她明白真正让人有吸引力的,是你圣灵的内住与自然的焕发。愿她能够明白真正的魅力是源于一颗爱神的心。


Lord, I lift *** to You and ask that You would place in her a desire to eat healthy food. I know that through her life she will be tempted to make poor food choices and eat that which brings death instead of life. Help her to understand what's good for her and what isn't, and give her a desire for food that is healthful. Let her be repulsed or dissatisfied with food that is harmful.

I pray that she will be spared from all eating disorders in any form. By the authority given me in Jesus Christ (Luke 10:19), on my daughter's behalf, I say "NO to anorexia," "No to bulimia," "No to food addiction," "No to overeating," "No to starvation diets, " 'No to any kind of unbalanced eating habits."

Lord, Your Word says, "you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (John 8:32). Help her to see the truth about the way she is to live, so that she can be set free from unhealthful habits. I pray that along with the desire to eat properly, You would give her the motivation to exercise regularly, to drink plenty of pure water, and to control and manage stress in her life by living according to Your Word. Whenever she struggles in any of those areas may she turn to You and say, "Teach me Your way, O Lord" (Psalm 27:11). Give her a vision of her body as the temple of Your Holy Spirit.

I Pray that she will value the body You've given her and desire to take proper care of it. May she not be critical of it, nor examine herself through the microscope of public opinion and acceptance. I pray that she will not be bound by the lure of fashion magazines, television, or movies which try to influence her with an image of what they say she should look like. Enable her to say, "Turn away my eyes from looking at worthless things" (Psalm 119:37). Help her to see that what makes a person truly attractive is Your Holy Spirit living in her and radiating outward. May she come to understand that true attractiveness begins in the heart of one who loves God.

Establish Your vision of health and attractiveness in her heart this day, and permanently instill in her the desire to take proper care of her body because it is the temple of your Holy Spirit.



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