

第九天 培养对神的渴慕

(2021-04-20 10:50:39) 下一个

第九天 培养对神的渴慕



我祷告使他的心在你以外没有任何变节效忠的对象,使他能拒绝一切邪恶与违抗你的事物。愿他所做的每件事情、每个抉择,都表现出他对你及你道路所有最深的尊敬和爱意。帮助他了解行为所导致的后果,明白情欲的下场就是生命死亡。愿他不要自以为有智慧,而要"敬畏耶和华,远离恶事"(箴 3:7)。




Lord, I pray for ××× to have an ever-increasing hunger for more of You. May he long for Your presence-long to spend time with You in prayer, praise, and worship. Give him a desire for the truth of Your Word and a love for Your laws and Your ways. Teach him to live by faith. May he be so aware of the fullness of Your Holy Spirit that he will immediately run to You to be renewed and refreshed.

I pray that his heart will not have any allegiances or diversions away from You, but rather that he would be repulsed by ungodliness and all that is in opposition to You. May a deep reverence and love for You and Your ways color everything he does and every choice he makes. Help him to understand the consequences of his actions and know that a life controlled by the flesh will only reap death. May he not be wise in his own eyes, but rather "fear the Lord and depart from evil" (Proverbs 3:7)

I pray that he will be reliable, dependable, responsible, compassionate, sensitive, loving and giving to others. Deliver him from any pride, laziness, slothfulness, selfishness, or lust of the flesh. I pray that he will have a teachable and submissive spirit that says "Yes" to the things of God and "No" to the things of the flesh. Strengthen him to stand strong in his convictions.

I pray that he will always desire to be an active member of a Christian church that is alive to the truth of Your Word and the power of the Holy Spirit led worship, prayer, and teaching. As he learns to read Your Word, write Your law in his mind and on his heart so that he always walks with a confident assurance of the righteousness of Your commands. As he learns to pray, may he also learn to listen for Your voice. I pray that his relationship with You will never become lukewarm, indifferent, or shallow. May there always be a Holy Spirit fire in his heart and an unwavering desire for the things of God.




我祷告使她的心在你以外没有任何变节效忠的对象,使她能拒绝一切邪恶与违抗你的事物。愿她所做的每件事情、每个抉择,都表现出她对你及你道路所有最深的尊敬和爱意。帮助她了解行为所导致的后果,明白情欲的下场就是生命死亡。愿她不要自以为有智慧,而要"敬畏耶和华,远离恶事"(箴 3:7)。



Lord, I pray for ××× to have an ever-increasing hunger for more of You. May she long for Your presence-long to spend time with You in prayer, praise, and worship. Give her a desire for the truth of Your Word and a love for Your laws and Your ways. Teach her to live by faith. May she be so aware of the fullness of Your Holy Spirit that she will immediately run to You to be renewed and refreshed.

I pray that her heart will not have any allegiances or diversions away from You, but rather that she would be repulsed by ungodliness and all that is in opposition to You. May a deep reverence and love for You and Your ways color everything she does and every choice she makes. Help her to understand the consequences of her actions and know that a life controlled by the flesh will only reap death. May she not be wise in her own eyes, but rather "fear the Lord and depart from evil" (Proverbs 3:7)

I pray that she will be reliable, dependable, responsible, compassionate, sensitive, loving and giving to others. Deliver her from any pride, laziness, slothfulness, selfishness, or lust of the flesh. I pray that she will have a teachable and submissive spirit that says "Yes" to the things of God and "No" to the things of the flesh. Strengthen her to stand strong in her convictions.

I pray that she will always desire to be an active member of a Christian church that is alive to the truth of Your Word and the power of the Holy-Spirit-led worship, prayer, and teaching. As she learns to read Your Word, write Your law in her mind and on her heart so that she always walks with a confident assurance of the righteousness of Your commands. As she learns to pray, may she also learn to listen for Your voice. I pray that her relationship with You will never become lukewarm, indifferent, or shallow. May there always be a Holy Spirit fire in her heart and an unwavering desire for the things of God.




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