

第七天 维护良好的家庭关系

(2021-04-18 08:18:45) 下一个

第七天 维护良好的家庭关系


主啊,我为×××及他和每位家人的关系祷告。保守并维护我们脱离尚未解决或永久的绝裂。以你的爱充满他的心,赐他丰盛的怜悯与宽恕之心能流向每一位家人。我特别明确地祷告,使×××与###一生都拥有亲密、快乐、相爱和充实的关系。愿他们之间一直都拥有良好的沟通,愿怀怨的毒根无法在他们心里生长。帮助他们彼此相爱、珍惜、欣赏、尊重,好使他们之间那神所命定的关系永不破裂。我要照着你的话祷告,使他们"爱弟兄,要彼此亲热;恭敬人,要彼此推让"(罗 12:10)。


你的话语教导我们"都要同心,彼此体恤,相爱如弟兄,存慈怜谦卑的心"(彼前 3:8)。帮助他能"用和平彼此联络,竭力保守圣灵所赐合而为一的心"(弗 4:3)。我奉耶稣的名祈求你在他里面注入一份对家人的爱与怜悯,使这份情感就像一条无法扯断的绳索般牢固而永无止尽。

Lord, I pray for ××× and his relationship with all family members. protect and preserve them from any unresolved or permanent breach. Fill his heart with Your love and give him an abundance of compassion and forgiveness that will overflow to each member of the family. Specifically, I pray for a close, happy, loving, and fulfilling relationship between ××× and ### for all the days of their lives. May there always be good communication between them and may unforgiveness have no root in their hearts. Help them to love, value, appreciate, and respect one another so that the God-ordained tie between them cannot be broken. I pray according to Your Word, that they "be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another" (Romans 12:10).

Teach my child to resolve misunderstanding according to Your Word. And if any division has already begun, if any relationship is strained or severed, Lord, I pray that You will drive out the wedge of division and bring healing. I pray that there will be no strain, breach, misunderstanding, arguing, fighting, or separating of ties. Give him a heart of forgiveness and reconciliation.

Your Word instructs us to "be of one mind, having compassion for one another: love as brothers, be tenderhearted, be courteous" (1 Peter 3:8). Help him to live accordingly, "endeavoring to keep the unity of the Sprit in the bond of peace" (Ephesians 4:3). In Jesus' name I pray that You would instill a love and compassion in him for all family members that is strong and unending, like a cord that cannot be broken.



主啊,我为×××及她和每位家人的关系祷告。保守并维护我们脱离尚未解决或永久的绝裂。以你的爱充满她的心,赐她丰盛的怜悯与宽恕之心能流向每一位家人。我特别明确地祷告,使×××与###一生都拥有亲密、快乐、相爱和充实的关系。愿他们之间一直都拥有良好的沟通,愿怀怨的毒根无法在他们心里生长。帮助他们彼此相爱、珍惜、欣赏、尊重,好使他们之间那神所命定的关系永不破裂。我要照着你的话祷告,使他们"爱弟兄,要彼此亲热;恭敬人,要彼此推让"(罗 12:10)。




你的话语教导我们"都要同心,彼此体恤,相爱如弟兄,存慈怜谦卑的心"(彼前 3:8)。帮助她能"用和平彼此联络,竭力保守圣灵所赐合而为一的心"(弗 4:3)。我奉耶稣的名祈求你在她里面注入一份对家人的爱与怜悯,使这份情感就像一条无法扯断的绳索般牢固而永无止尽。

Lord, I pray for ××× and her relationship with all family members, protect and preserve them from any unresolved or permanent breach. Fill her heart with Your love and give her an abundance of compassion and forgiveness that will overflow to each member of the family. Specifically, I pray for a close, happy, loving, and fulfilling relationship between ××× and ### for all the days of their lives. May there always be good communication between them and may unforgiveness have no root in their hearts. Help them to love, value, appreciate, and respect one another so that the God-ordained tie between them cannot be broken. I pray according to Your Word, that they "be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another" (Romans 12:10).

Teach my child to resolve misunderstanding according to Your Word. And if any division has already begun, if any relationship is strained or severed, Lord, I pray that You will drive out the wedge of division and bring healing. I pray that there will be no strain, breach, misunderstanding, arguing, fighting, or separating of ties. Give her a heart of forgiveness and reconciliation.

Your Word instructs us to "be of one mind, having compassion for one another: love as brothers, be tenderhearted, be courteous" (1 Peter 3:8). Help her to live accordingly, "endeavoring to keep the unity of the Sprit in the bond of peace" (Ephesians 4:3). In Jesus' name I pray that You would instill a love and compassion in her for all family members that is strong and unending, like a cord that cannot be broken.



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