

八十年代英文电影Somewhere in Time 插曲: Somewhere in Time 为情人节打call!

(2023-02-13 21:16:49) 下一个


大家听着旋律是不是很熟悉? 我是从小从James Last 乐队的经典曲目中听到的, 最近才在全民K歌偶然发现徐向东的中文填词版, 又找到一版英文原版歌词。 声音前一阵子一直不给力, 好不容易恢复一些了, 急不可耐地录一版过瘾!

这部电影是前一阵偶然从“越哥说电影”听到的, 一并给大家搬过来, 就不用我费力介绍了:(八十年代看来是文艺黄金时代, 中外都是如此哈!) 


英文歌词发现有不同的版本, 搜索的时候一度让我很不知所措。 我怀疑这首歌本来是背景音乐, 歌词是后人加上去的? 我用了自己听来先入为主的一版,前一阵着实被这首歌种草了! 

另外, 理想状态这首歌应该是男女生合唱, 只是我碰到全民K歌上的中文版歌词只够一个人唱的。(徐向东填词的中文版也很不错!) 尽管如此, 唱了心目中那么美好和熟悉的旋律, 太有满足感了!不过, 慢歌实在是太不好唱了!

Somewhere in time
You came into my world
Love was beyond what I imagined love would be
Now just a dream
I hold till the end of time
Hoping someday we'll find what we left behind
If we believe and keep alive
The hope that love will stand the test
Of distance and time
Then we shall find our new tomorrow
Somewhere in time
Someday there'll be no time between us
There'll just be endless days for us
To love and share
We'll rise above the tears of our lonely years
Into a world beyond today
In another somewhere
If we believe and keep alive
The hope that love will stand the test
Of distance and time
Then we shall find our new tomorrow
Somewhere in time


周末快乐, 情人节快乐!

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