

(2020-05-13 18:41:58) 下一个

前海豹突击队员Robert O'Neill 的纪实自传小说--The operator, 讲述了他杀死本拉登的全过程,书中他从自己小时候讲起,如何通过层层筛选进入海豹突击队,参加各种任务,到后面成功狙杀本拉登,以及成名后的烦恼。

其实这书不能算小说,应该是纪实文学, O'Neill 把自己经历婉婉道来,融进了个人真实感情,让我感受到了铁汉柔情的一面。特别是他要去执行刺杀本拉登的那个傍晚 (那时他还不知道目标是谁,只知道是个极其重要的任务),临走之前他和他父亲打了个电话,那一段写得非常感人。

“Hey, Dad,” I said after hearing his familiar hello on the other end. He told me he'd just parked at Walmart to pick up a few things. “Just getting ready to hop on a bird.” I said.

This time I said, “Don't worry, Dad. I'm with some great guys.” He instantly sensed the difference. “Everything okay, son?”

“Yeah, everything's good. Hey, Dad, I just wanted to say thanks for everything. Thanks for teaching me how to shoot free throws. Thanks for teaching me how to be a man. It's nice that we got to know each other as adults.” My dad knew I couldn't tell him what was up. But he knew something was, and it scared him.


Now that we knew we were in Pakistan, we also knew we could get shot down at any minute.

Thoughts start running through your mind: How does it feel when a helicopter blows up? Do you die instantly or does it crash and you're falling and something cuts your head off? How long does it take to die? You're just thinking all these weird, jumbled thoughts.

 本拉登住宅有三层,他本人住在第三层。O'Neill 和队员一行人从住宅的底层直接冲到顶层, 几乎没遇到抵抗,在第二层楼时遇到了本拉登儿子的顽抗,后者瞬间被击毙,同时本拉登的一个老婆从三楼冲了下来, O'Neill 的队员制服了她,最后O'Neill一人率先冲到了三楼卧室,在那儿撞上了本拉登。

Osama bin Laden stood near the entrance at the foot of the bed, taller and thinner than I'd expected, his beard shorter and hair whiter. But it was the guy whose face I'd seen ten thousand, a hundred thousand times. He had a woman in front of him, his hands on her shoulders. In less than a second, I aimed above the woman's right shoulder and pulled the trigger twice. Bin Laden's head split open, and he dropped. I put another bullet in his head. Insurance.

O'Neill出名后和一些911遇难者的家属见了面, 他把自己任务时穿过的衣服捐给了911纪念馆, 一个儿子在911遇难的老人对O'Neill说了这段话:

“Every single day, my grandson has asked me, ‘Why did God do this?’ and I always say, ‘God didn't do this. The devil did this.’

"He looked up at me, a tear running down his cheek and a defiant gleam in his eyes. He said, “You, sir, killed the devil.”


 I simply worked with cool guys, walked behind cool guys. Sometimes, by chance, I found myself in the front, would turn a corner, and do something cool myself. That's how I found myself in Osama bin Laden's bedroom; I arrived on the shoulders of giants.


Robert O'Neill, a decorated 16-year veteran of the Navy SEALs, claimed to be the man to shoot and kill Osama bin Laden in May 2011.

Robert O'Neill, a decorated 16-year veteran of the Navy SEALs, claimed to be the man to shoot and kill Osama bin Laden in May 2011.

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