

(2020-05-02 06:26:00) 下一个

史料记载希特勒没有儿子,但在Mandy Robotham 的小说---助产师(The German Midwife) 中希特勒情妇Eva给他生了个儿子。

德国助产师Anke因为同情犹太人被关进了集中营,就在她濒死的边缘,Anke被带到了希特勒的行宫Berghof,  在那儿她才知道Eva有了身孕,Anke被要求24小时待命。 婴儿生出来后,也就是希特勒的儿子,被发现是个残疾。Eva知道婴儿肯定活不成,出于母爱她恳求Anke带着婴儿远走高飞。

小说创意很独特,特别是对Eva形象的刻画不贬也不褒,反而花了很多笔墨描写她人性的一面。 Eva最大的罪恶可能就是做了希特勒的情妇吧。

主角Anke在Berghof 无意中撞见希特勒这一段写得很有意思,这也是全书中希特勒唯一出场的地方。

....He (Hitler)was directly in my view, walking towards me, head also down, stature unmistakable. The sight of a German shepherd at his side confirmed what I feared.....

... 'Good day,’ clicked his tongue at the dog and took his eyes back to the ground, moving on. And that was my encounter with the Führer, not a syllable uttered – no fear exuded, no monster on show, no devilish glint in his eye. A man who showed common courtesy, to someone he had never met before. ...


‘But what? Is everything OK?’ 'He's alive and well, but he's missing a hand.’ ‘What do you mean? How is that possible?’'He's perfect to me, but not to them, is he? Not to …’ and she really did stop herself saying his name. The name of the baby's father. ...

...'I want you to take him away, to safety. To live.’'Eva, do you know what you're saying? You may never see him again. Are you sure?’... She gave a weak smile and squeezed my hand. ... 'Please. Help me one more time, Anke. Help my baby.’....


 When I heard about the end for them both – the newly betrothed Herr and Frau Hitler – I wasn't surprised or shocked. She would have followed him to the ends of the earth, and she did. I only wonder if Eva thought about her boy, in that moment when she bit down on the cyanide pill, whether he was lodged in her heart the moment it stopped beating.


He could easily be a farmer, or a carpenter, an artist. Who knows? Its good that he doesn't. He need never carry the burden of shame, of the genes in his blood. He only needs to know that he was born out of a mother's love ... A child of the time, a war baby, and not the Reich's child.


When you saw so much horror, destruction and inhumanity in one place, it was the simplest things that broke your resolve and reminded you of kindness in the world.


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