Golden Thumb

1-on-1 tutor of chosen kids

五年级的 Lucas 告诉我了一个“进口转外销”的Amazon赛车活动 :D

(2022-05-09 12:49:37) 下一个

Lucas 给我发了个链接:
2022年线上“Amazon DeepRacer 无人车科创“全国评选活动...

我才了解到Amazon给全球中(小)学生提供这个学习 Machine Learning 的环境挺不错的。目前正在进行的为期一个月的赛事月底结束。

Lucas 告诉我:

Actually, we just write a part of code. What we are going to do is to write the "reward_function". I'm sure there are more code than the function to be run into the car created by the computer

It's like a dog. If it does the thing we wanted to do perfectly, it will have some reward. If it doesn't, it will just have a little bit or nothing. a few days or a few month later, it will be strong. It's like the video I send you. Though it will took some time.

As the current status, there is only the rank. There are 1171 people in the race now. My rank is 499 and Marius's is 798.

注:Marius 是他的双胞胎兄弟。Lucas 小小年纪居然跑到排行榜500名以内了。

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