
说大家都认可的道理, 原谅别人过去的错误, 做个对得起自己的人!-曾用名:万维假巴【BFTS】

【花样女神节】《La vie en Rose》ft.英国玫瑰Lucy Thomas

(2024-03-08 14:35:59) 下一个

【花样女神节】《La vie en Rose》ft.英国玫瑰Lucy Thomas

《La vie en Rose,玫瑰人生》好像是极品歌星Edith Piaf首唱的法国的情歌,精美美妙无比。被世界的无数大腕美女俊男歌手们传唱。还据说这曲也是近乎于《马赛曲》级别的亚“国歌”。


虽然这个曲子早就听熟了,还学唱过法语版的。但是,要唱这个E版的《La vie en Rose》,细节都试图能跟上,我做了不小的努力。昨天到今天,我起码录音了不下十次了。还不算以前学唱时候的录音,和录音到一半坚持不下去的情况。



这次是依《英国玫瑰》歌星Lucy Thomas的唱法模仿。独唱的伴奏不是太好,以后找到了正版的伴奏再说啦。


》参考:杰克ft. Lucy Thomas隔网同唱



La vie en rose (English) lyrics

Hold me close and hold me fast.  The magic spell you cast.  This is la vie en rose.

When you kiss me heaven sighs.  And though I close my eyes.  I see la vie en rose.

When you press me to your heart.  I'm in a world apart.  A world where roses bloom

And when you speak, angels sing from above.  Everyday words seem to turn into love songs.  

Give your heart and soul to me.  And life will always be.  La vie en rose.  

And when you speak, angels sing from above.  Everyday words seem to turn into love songs.  

Give your heart and soul to me.  And life will always be.  La vie en rose. 

I thought that love was just a word.  They sang about in songs I heard.

It took your kisses to reveal.  That I was wrong, and love is real.  

Hold me close and hold me fast.  The magic spell you cast.  This is la vie en rose.  

When you kiss me heaven sighs.  And though I close my eyes.  I see la vie en rose.

When you press me to your heart.  I'm in a world apart.  A world where roses bloom

And when you speak, angels sing from above.  Everyday words seem to turn into love songs.

Give your heart and soul to me.  And life will always be.  La vie en rose.

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