

(2019-08-08 03:40:59) 下一个

How I keep healthy and happy 


To me, health is the most important thing followed by family, career and money in that order.  


I trust in science and know how challenging and costly to discover and develop the breakthrough medicine.   If I have to get medicine from a pharmacy store I would always tell the pharmacist that I prefer the brand name over the generic one because I trust brand’s high quality and don’t mind its much higher price than generic ( just my personal preference when coming to medicine).  


If I may dare to say, I think the stress or the underlying stress (that people may not even realize) is the killer for causing many diseases.  So I want to make and keep myself happy everyday.  Of cause, we are all human and have different feelings.  And some negative emotions may have adverse reactions on the body.  In my case, I find out that my body would give me a warning sign with a little rash suddenly popping out on my neck when I don’t feel happy.  The rash will then disappear completely on its own without leaving any trace once I am feeling good from the bottom of my heart not just by pretending on the surface.


I realize that to keep healthy and happy is to do things that I can have control like working out, healthy eating (don’t take supplements other than vitamin D), watching sitcoms that can make me laugh hard, having self-control/discipline, etc.  And also try not to worry about the things that I can not control like kid’s bad habits.


With this mentality, I am mostly a happy person, and accredit my feeling happy to my overall excellent health.


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stillthere 回复 悄悄话 Right on!
