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Boifirst 发表评论于 2025-03-02 10:45:22 川普唯一...
美国政体不是民主,而是宪政共和。 “民主”这个词在宪...
我的面容点缀了些许岁月 苔藓成长着,像是内心的潮水成长着挂下来 人世间的世态炎凉 我用阳光的站立去缩小疯狂伸展开的魔爪 星空的温婉、奇异 像是倾吐叶子的粗鲁、健硕,还有画在油布上与我毫无干系的男欢女爱 我愿意深绿,我愿意像一束晨曦。。。终其一生 清凉的湖水呵 眺望着太阳的升起,青草低垂 它们并没有介意 湖水不断翻滚到岸上溅出的喘息声,山谷回音 似乎,我听到磐石的坚硬,页纸荡漾 民国折射的宽袖声,如风、如诗、如我翻阅诸神,飒飒成行 A few hints of agedness embellish my countenance. Lichen grows, resembling inner tides gushing out of my heart. Seeing the way of the world, being fickle in relationship, I stand up and out sunny, to reduce the frenzy clawing of the devil How gentle and wonderful is the starry sky Thinking of the outpour of crudeness and masculinity from foliage, and the unconnected sensual affection from an oil-painting, I wish to be deep in green, to be like the first ray of the morning sun, over the whole of my life. The water of a lake, crispy and chilly, gazes afar at the rising sun. Green grasses, hanging low don't care about water rolling onto the shore, foaming and fuming, ricocheting in the valley. As if, I picked up the sturdiness of the rocks, from rippling book leaves. The rustle of broad sleeves, bounced out of the Republic, is like wind, like poetry, like my flipping through the history of gods, soughing line by line.