2006 (217)
2007 (225)
2008 (142)
2010 (96)
2011 (174)
2013 (239)
2014 (120)
2017 (1)
2023 (348)
2024 (102)
Since Obama’s Asia-Pacific rebalance, or since the Open and Reform of China, China always enjoys growth faster than the US. If both countries cooperate, both grow fast, and China faster. If the two countries are in conflict, both grow slower and China is still faster. The trade war makes China grow slower, yet still faster than the US. The trade war does slow down the growth of China, but it never stops the trend, the trend that China is rising.
The chance of ending the trade war is very slim. When the US realizes that the trade war cannot stop China from rising, then it can end the trade war with or without an agreement.
When did the US stop the Vietnam War? After it realized that it cannot win the war.
When did the US quit Afghan? After is realized that continuing the occupation of Afghan makes no sense.
This is the same as the trade war. When the US still believes it can win the trade war, the trade war will continue.