
investment 101

(2018-04-25 12:45:21) 下一个

The first rule of investing is “do not invest in things you do not understand”. For dividend paying companies this could translate into do not invest in a company where you do not understand how they make their money. 

In regards to Dividend Payout Ratios, do not invest if a company cannot afford their dividends. I am not talking about one losing quarter or year, I am talking about when a company time and time again has dividend payouts it cannot afford, or continues to pay dividends when it appears that they can no longer afford to pay at the current rate or even pay any. Pay special attention to DPR in references to Cash Flow. 

What I look at to determine is a stock price is reasonable is Price/Earnings Ratio, Graham Price, Dividend Yield and Price/Book Value Ratio.

Looking at the P/E Ratio to determine if a stock is at a good price is one of the most common things that investors do. Looking at a 5 and 10 year median P/E Ratio can give you a good idea what is considered to be a relatively high or low current stock price. A reasonable P/E ratio can vary by stock, the sort of company a stock is or type of market we are in. 

A particular stock may have a premium or higher P/E Ratio than others in its particular industry. This would be because investors think a stock is a “best in class” stock. An example of this would be Enbridge (TSX-ENB), which some analysts have suggested it should have a higher P/E than other pipeline companies. Tech stocks often have higher P/E Ratios than other companies.


  (1) 要建立完善的快捷的资产流动通道。这个通道贯穿 银行 (checking account),证券公司,房产(HELOC),信用卡,401K, IRA, ROTH。以便及时抓住机会,比如,股市暴跌,你就可以提前买入 IRA, 不一定要等到第二年报税时的3,4月份再转钱到IRA(最近的一次就是2016年一月)。 股市虚高时或利息较高时,股市获利非常有限,这时要还清所有欠款,如上帖所说俺目前短期债务已清。              
            (2)在恰当的时机,如果利息或手续费低(最好低于3-4%),就多借钱,能借多少就借多少,多种渠道,多种方法。实际上就是向地主看齐,利用杆杠,但不要用MARGIN, 因为这不在你掌控之中,很容易在黎明之前倒下。但无论如何,时机最重要!我前两年用的无息信用卡,提现费是2-3% 为期18个月,相当于1.3-2.0%的年利息,跟白送钱给你一样。现在的提现费是5%,股市又那么高,油水不大,呵呵。俺就不玩了。
            (3) 要尽量买足401K和IRA,这里不仅仅是税的问题,而是第一桶金的问题,是能不能尽快有足够资金来运作的问题。假如一年存1万,五年存5万,加上投资又免税,5年后就是7,8万了。 你若交税,一年只能存6千5, 10年存6万五,加上投资收益和交税,10年后才有8万。8万来得太慢太晚了吧?!晚了整整5年,延迟了整整一倍的时间!! 好的投资,5年又翻一翻了。
            (4) 要关注经济的周期和多数大公司的整体经营状况。不要受媒体误导和单一事件影响。
            (5) 要建立自己的炒股系统。一开始就要考虑大资金运作,不要老停留在游击战上,要为指挥千军万马做准备。俺以前的ID 是长缨在手,第一套炒股系统在大千上叫苍龙股票系统,很成功,曾在大千股坛上每周荐股,叫苍龙股票。 当时,有不少网友批评,俺的选股交易量不大。现在看来他们的批评是对的。就是没有scalability. 这也是后来停用的主要原因之一。
             (6) TA 是炒股的启蒙老师,引导你对股票的分析认识,但启蒙老师不大可能成为你拿世界冠军的教练。很多人抱着TA不放,这等于抱着小学老师不放一样,前途堪忧。要想成功,必须有自己的东西。这就是所谓要青出于蓝而胜于蓝。不过,俺还真常常怀念小学老师,也怀念TA,特别是让俺用TA赚10倍的年代。所以现在还时不时的用小钱按TA玩玩。
             (7) 我常说地产是富人玩的,股票是穷人玩的。在钱不多的情况下,只有股票才能快速带你走出经济困境的。当然,运气是第一,因为做任何事都需要好的运气。

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