Frantically 副词。
Agitated - feeling or appearing troubled or nervous - 困惑紧张的感觉。
Distraught - deeply upset and agitated -极度悲伤和困惑的感觉。
Frantic - wild or distraught with fear, anxiety, or other emotion。
- in a distraught way owing to fear, anxiety, or other emotion。由于害怕焦虑而感受到极度悲伤和紧张的状况。例句:women wept as they frantically searched for missing children。- 女人们边哭边惊慌失措地寻找孩子们。
- in a hurried, excited, or disorganized manner。慌忙,激动,或凌乱的状态。例句:the two ladies competing for his attention waved frantically at him。- 两女士为了他的青睐而夸张地挥手。