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老大从小学二年级开始学下国际象棋。那时我们对规则一窍不通。他在第一次参加的学区比赛时得了第八名,兴奋不已。后来年年拿了学校的第一名。但高中没有足够的队员组队就放弃了。不过他的喜好,感染了弟弟。小儿子从小学二年级开始学下国际象棋。头两年只在小学俱乐部里下。一周训练一次。2014年,他三年级时,申请得了学区的grant dream 30刀。就加入了Saint Louis Chess Club。开始参加在600分以下的新手比赛。一年比下来,从最初的全输到偶尔赢赢。好在孩子输了也挺高兴。就坚持下来了。
一来二往,我和他的教练成了朋友。在教练的推动下,从2014年底开始,加入Gateway Chess League。因为周末还有别的活动,比如游泳,棒球,和篮球等等。每次有冲突的时候我都让他放弃下棋。所以参加的次数并不多。2016年三月20日,他终于全赢了四场新手比赛,算过了初级600分的关口。渐渐地他越来越喜欢下棋。先是退出了游泳队,去年又退出篮球队。参加的下棋比赛就多起来了。
Make two diagonal lines starting from your pawn until they touch the edge of the board. Then make a square from it by connecting the edges like this. If the opponent’s king can get in that square, it can eventually take the pawn (unless it’s being guarded by your king.) If the diagonal line hits the side of the board, then make a rectangle from both sides of the pawn and that’s your square (though it’s actually a rectangle.) [Cut]
2. Key squares
Key squares are squares that, If your king can get to them, you will nearly always promote.
Key squares for pawns on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th rank are 2 squares in front of it and to the left and right of that square. Pawns on the 5th and 6th rank’s key squares are the squares 2 squares in front of it and 1 square in front of it and to the left and right of those squares. Pawns on the 7th rank’s key squares are to the left and right of it and in front of it and to the left and right of those. If your king gets to any of these squares, you’re going to promote nearly every time. [Cut]
-Rook pawns
Rook pawns are pawns on the a or h file, and are a lot harder to promote than other pawns because there are one or two less key squares and of the opposing king gets in front of it, there is a much higher chance for stalemate. [Cut]
-Knight pawns
Knight pawns are pawns on the b or g file and also are hard to promote because if the opposing king gets on the rook file there is a high chance to stalemate. [Cut]
3. Opposition
Opposition is when two kings are next to each other with only one square in between them. If you have Opposition, it may be easier to win. Though, if you can find a better move, you should take it. Cut]
4. Rules
Rule #1: If the key squares are blocked, the result will be a draw because the white king can’t get to a key square (though there is an exception if black can be forced out of the position.)
Rule #2:
If two of the following conditions are met, White wins:(1) White has opposition(2) White’s king is in front of the pawnor (3) White’s king is on the sixth rank(Exception - rook pawn)