

职场点滴 情商

(2021-07-25 09:05:52) 下一个

公司人事部培训Soft Skills。今年是Diversity and Inclusion(多元和包容)。从三月起,陆陆续续学了一些。今天与大家分享体会较深的情商。




Question 1:

One of your colleagues is feeling stressed after a meeting with a client went badly. She thinks she might even lose the client.

What advice can you give her to help her deal with her stress?

  • Advise her to name the source of her stress – that the client is just a very difficult person to deal with and that it's nearly impossible to meet all of his demands
  • Recommend that she talk to some of the other managers about how difficult this client is, so that she doesn't feel so bad about losing him
  • Tell her that before she calls the client to smooth things over, she should first take a few deep breaths to help her gain a better perspective on what went wrong at the meeting

Question 2:

A coworker is feeling angry after a manager changes her schedule without consulting her. She now has to work an extra evening per week.

What advice should you give her to help her deal with this conflict?

  • Tell your coworker that although the new schedule may take some time to adjust to, it will mean she'll have more time off during the day to spend with her family
  • Advise your coworker that it's best to avoid conflict if at all possible and to accept that she has few other options in this matter
  • Tell her to take a few deep breaths before going to the manager's office and assertively demanding that her schedule be changed back

更多测情商问题: https://www.ihhp.com/free-eq-quiz/

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