
中国 杀死印度成为经济超级大国的雄心壮志

(2025-03-22 21:12:24) 下一个

中国 杀死印度成为经济超级大国的雄心壮志

 (2025-03-22 21:12:24)

@towhidenterprise2104 8小时前




How Globalization Backfired: China BEAT the West at Its Own Game

GVS Deep Dive, Mar 22, 2025


JD Vance 详细阐述了外包、廉价劳动力和经济傲慢如何帮助中国从制造 iPhone 转向设计自己的技术,在从人工智能到电动汽车等各个领域威胁美国。



以 JD Vance、苹果、国际货币基金组织数据、历史相似之处以及全球化承诺背后的残酷真相为特色。

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@markvelber8664 6 小时前


这些限制意味着依赖中国设备的印度工厂,如福克斯工厂的苹果 iPhone 装配线,现在正面临延误和瓶颈。大规模生产所需的机械设备被封锁,对印度成为电子制造业领导者的愿望造成了严重打击,苹果等公司以及 Fox Kontron 和 Flex 等供应商原本计划将更多生产转移到印度,但现在正努力从中国获得必要的设备。电动汽车行业首当其冲地受到中国限制的影响,比亚迪等中国公司在帮助印度发展电动汽车行业方面发挥着关键作用,但现在他们被拒绝获得制造这些汽车所需的零部件。中国的电动汽车热潮到来,中国的零部件和机械设备突然被禁止进入。


对太阳能电池板关键机械的出口限制对已经在努力应对供应链中断的行业是一个重大打击。印度渴望成为太阳能领域的全球领跑者,而中国则主导着制造这些太阳能电池板所需设备的供应。印度的进步遇到了瓶颈,似乎中国已经加强了对印度可再生能源野心的控制,迫使该国重新考虑其整个方法。现在让我们退一步来看看这些发展带来的更广泛后果。印度领导人多年来一直在计算该国不断增长的 GDP 和光明的经济前景,经常声称印度将很快超过中国成为世界第二大经济体,但现实开始显现。尽管印度一直在谈论经济实力,但印度一直在幻想中运作。印度忽视了一个关键的事实,如果得不到中国的技术机械和专业知识,它的工业梦想就只不过是幻想而已。


多年来,印度一直严重依赖外部依赖,蓬勃发展的数字经济由数百万花时间在线支持国家事业和庆祝经济成就的药品推动,这掩盖了该国在全球经济中的真正地位,尽管印度的 GDP 数字在纸面上看起来令人印象深刻,但它们掩盖了其大部分工业进步依赖于中国技术和外国投资的事实,中国商品的流通受到限制,这种脆弱的结构开始崩溃,尽管印度领导层对竞争对手中国的所有大胆宣称都生活在泡沫之中。




与此同时,中国仍然牢牢控制着其在技术、基础设施和全球贸易网络方面的战略投资,使其成为争夺经济霸权的无可争议的领导者,而印度可能会继续夸大其 GDP 数据并推动其数字经济。现实情况是,印度完全没有准备好挑战中国,中国实施的出口限制给印度敲响了警钟,它们揭示了印度经济主张背后的真相,并凸显了印度的脆弱性,因为印度的制造业受到这些限制的影响。经济基础的裂缝越来越难以忽视,所谓的经济巨人印度自称只不过是一只纸老虎,中国刚刚向全世界揭露了这一点,这不仅仅是暂时的挫折。



smoray9750 11小时前
所以全球化基本上就像印度的种姓制度,就像种姓制度一样,中国不应该在价值链中向上移动。美国对日本也做了同样的事情。日本被迫接受“广场协议”。美国的经济杀手给了日本一个他们无法拒绝的提议。在 youtube 上搜索“日本 80 年代的抨击”。它解释了这一点。

@waichui2988 7小时前
全球化并没有适得其反。不同之处在于各方如何利用全球化带来的利润。美国从全球化中获益比中国多,但把利润花在了购物狂欢和战争上。仅伊拉克和阿富汗战争就花费了 4 万亿美元。这笔钱足以完全重建美国的基础设施并教育整整一代美国公民。中国就是这样做的。中国没有参加任何战争,而是用这笔钱来建设基础设施和教育他们的人民。


@muhammadtufail8677 8小时前

@Rubicon365 5小时前

@maxchen7229 3小时前

@Best-Qalaam 8小时前

@christinatan6734 3小时前

@wjshih3786 2小时前

@MHamzaMamar 3 小时前
很棒的作品 Bravo

@casimmahmood 1 小时前
这是您最好的视频博客之一,前 2 分钟就吸引了我

@KK-zl8gq 11 小时前

@loirecheung4440 11 小时前

@cheeneeusa 2 小时前
Najma Minhas 的转变令人印象深刻。您已经弄清楚了如何使用视觉手势、外观和声音来实现在社交媒体上展示的最佳实践。视频编辑也令人印象深刻。我预测,如果您能保留制作此视频时使用的所有因素,订阅量将飞涨。当然内容也开发得很好

@danielsamuel1995 11小时前

@christopherward2748 10小时前

@naeemawan9237 11小时前

@peterthehappywaiguoren 1小时前

@ptseti 5小时前

@Addictedtoyoutube9 4小时前
jd vance不应该抱怨美国公司使用来自中国的更便宜、更好、更快的生产和劳动力。

@simsimNYC 5小时前

@joni8090 5小时前

@robertng2398 4小时前

@jon_nomad 1小时前

@glenrooney1068 1小时前

@Dreamers867 6小时前

@dts724 21分钟前
说得好!全球化只是 19 世纪英国帝国主义的美国版本。我理解并同意,美国有权阻止其衰落的趋势并维持其公民的生活水平,特别是工人阶级。但我们不要假装中国是其当前经济困境的罪魁祸首。没有人拿枪指着美国公司的头,强迫他们外包。同样,美国消费者在过去 30 年享受低成本商品时也没有抱怨(而美国资本家一路笑着去银行)

@chrisyong8719 3 小时前

@tsham3101 8 小时前

@sword7872 1小时前


@michaellee8843 2小时前

@towhidenterprise2104 8小时前

@nayabtahir6393 10小时前

@kishaniramsey5913 2小时前

@174scotch 10小时前

@Kevin-s3s 4小时前

@bennyng2414 1小时前

@3d4fun96 5小时前(修改过)

@lijewy 5小时前

How Globalization Backfired: China BEAT the West at Its Own Game

GVS Deep Dive, Mar 22, 2025

Globalization was supposed to keep China in check—not launch it into global dominance. In this video, we break down how Western nations built a global system that was meant to preserve their power—but ended up empowering the very countries they wanted to control.

JD Vance lays out exactly how outsourcing, cheap labor, and economic arrogance helped China move from manufacturing iPhones to designing its own tech, threatening the U.S. in everything from AI to electric cars.

We explore Apple’s rise, the failure of the Washington Consensus, and how the “End of History” belief blinded the West.

This isn’t just economics. It’s the collapse of an illusion.

Featuring JD Vance, Apple, IMF data, historical parallels—and the harsh truth behind globalization’s promises.

174 条评论

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@markvelber8664 6小时前
In a bold move that should force India to reconsider its lofty ambitions of becoming an economic superpower, China has introduced a series of strict export controls that could cripple India’s manufacturing sector as the global leader in high-tech production and supply chains. China has effectively cut off critical exports to India exports that Indian industries have depended on for growth and expansion. These restrictions target essential equipment and technology used in producing electronics electric vehicles solar panels and more the machinery and components that Indian manufacturers rely on for their operations are now locked away in China.

What exactly do these restrictions entail? China has halted the export of vital equipment ranging from machine machinery used in electronics assembly to components essential for the Solar Panel and EV industries these items once easily accessible from China are now classified as too sensitive and valuable for export China has imposed new controls labelling certain machinery is military technology and enforcing strict export bands. This crackdown isn’t just about disrupting production in India. It’s about undermining the very industries that we’re supposed to fuel India’s economic ascent now let’s look at the sectors hit hardest by these measures first up electronics. India has been vocal about its plans to shift electronics manufacturing from China to its soil with dreams of becoming a global tech hub. Still, China’s latest actions are turning those dreams into a harsh reality.

The restrictions mean Indian factories dependent on Chinese equipment like Fox Cons assembly lines for Apple iPhones are now facing delays and bottlenecks. The machinery needed for a scale of production has been blocked dealing a severe blow to India’s aspirations of becoming an electronics manufacturing leader companies like Apple and suppliers including Fox Kontron and Flex which were already planning to move more production to India are now struggling to secure the essential equipment from China next. The electric vehicle sector is the brunt of China’s restrictions Chinese firms like BYD play a key role and helping India develop its EV industry but now they’re being denied access to the very components needed to manufacture these vehicles arrival China’s EV boom with Chinese parts and machinery suddenly off limits.

Those ambitions are being swiftly derailed and it’s not just a delay it’s a massive setback for an industry that hoped would ignite a sustainable future division of a flourishing EV market in India now seems more like a far-off dream with China’s tightening restriction squeezing its potential. The Solar Panel industry is spared from this chaos India's dependence on Chinese-made components for solar energy production has made it highly susceptible to Beijing‘s recent actions.

The export bands on essential machinery for solar panels are a significant blow to an industry already grappling with supply chain disruptions. India aspires to be a global front-runner in solar energy with China dominating the supply of the very equipment needed to manufacture those panels advancement has hit a wall as if China has tightened its grip on India’s renewable energy ambitions forcing the country to reconsider its entire approach now let’s step back and examine the wider consequences of these developments. Indian leaders have spent years counting the nation's rising GDP and its promising economic future often claiming that India would soon surpass China as the world second second-largest economy but the reality is starting to sink in India has been operating under a delusion despite all the talk of economic strength. India has overlooked a critical truth without access to Chinese technology machinery and expertise, its industrial dreams are little more than fantasies.

Recent moves have shattered the illusion that India could achieve economic dominance. It is so confidently promised the world India's economy despite remarkable growth in recent years has always relied heavily on external dependencies a thriving digital economy fuelled by millions of medicines who spend their time online championing national causes and celebrating economic achievements has obscured the country's true position in the global economy while India is GDP figures look impressive on paper they hide the fact that much of its industrial progress depends on Chinese technology and foreign investment with the flow of Chinese goods restricted that fragile structure is starting to collapse India’s leadership for all their bold claims about rival China has been living in a bubble. The truth is India is far from being able to compete with China in terms of industrial or technological strength while India has made strides in certain areas. It still lacks the foundational elements necessary to rival China’s dominance what India has done however is cleverly leveraging its massive population to create the illusion of economic power by focusing on its demographic advantage and promoting its growing consumer market. India has managed to project an image of rapid economic growth but this image is fragile without access to essential raw materials advanced machinery and cutting-edge technology all of which China controls India's so-called booming economy is built on shaky ground. It’s only a matter of time before this house of cards comes tumbling down deflating like a punctured balloon.

China’s recent export restrictions have brought this reality into sharp focus. These restrictions are not just a minor inconvenience. They are a direct challenge to India’s economic ambitions by limiting the flow of critical components and technologies China has exposed the fragility of India’s economic rise. The world is now beginning to see that India’s dream of becoming an economic leader was always premature. Let’s be honest India’s economic narrative has been driven by relentless propaganda supported by a massive digital presence and an army of online supporters who tirelessly push the idea that India is on the verge of global dominance but the numbers don’t lie and neither does the on-the-ground reality. India's manufacturing base technological infrastructure and industrial capacity are nowhere near China’s level while China has spent decades building a robust ecosystem of factories supply chains and innovation hubs. India has struggled to keep pace with the restrictions. China has imposed served as a sobering reminder that India’s economic rise has always been more about perception and substance despite all its claims both India has failed to develop the critical industries and technologies needed to compete with China on the global stage from semiconductors to renewable energy from artificial intelligence to advanced manufacturing. India remains heavily reliant on imports many of which come from China now with China tightening its grip on vital exports. India’s economic bubble is beginning to burst the grand dreams of overtaking China have been exposed for what they truly are an illusion built on shaky foundations of propaganda hype and overconfidence.

China meanwhile remains firmly in control of its strategic investments in technology, infrastructure and global trade networks have positioned it as the undisputed leader in the race for economic supremacy while India may continue to inflate its GDP figures and promote its digital economy. The reality is that it is woefully unprepared to challenge China the export restrictions imposed by China are a wake-up call for India they revealed the truth behind India’s economic claims and highlighted the country's vulnerability as India’s manufacturing sector reels from the impact of these curbs. The cracks in the economic foundation are becoming impossible to ignore so-called economic giant India claimed to be nothing more than a paper tiger and China has just exposed it for the world to see this is not just a temporary setback.

It’s a fundamental flaw in India’s economic strategy in the long run inability to develop self-sufficiency in critical industries will continue to hold it back while China has focused on building a self-reliant economy. India has relied too heavily on imports and foreign investment this dependence has left it vulnerable to external pressures as we’re seeing now with China’s export restrictions unless India can address the structural weaknesses its stream of economic leadership will remain that dreams while India may have the potential to grow. It is still decades behind China in terms of industrial and technological capability gap between the two nations is not just a matter of scale.

It’s a matter of strategic execution and long-term planning China’s recent actions have made it clear that India’s economic rise is far from guaranteed the world is watching and the messages clear India’s economic ambitions are still a work in progress and China is not about to relinquish its position as the global economic leader anytime soon.

@cosmoray9750 11小时前
So basically Globalization is like the Indian cast system and just like the cast system, China wasn't suppose to move up in the value chain. USA did the same to Japan. Japan was forced to accept " Plaza Accord. American's economic hit-men gave Japan an offer they can not refuse." Look up "Japan Bashing 1980's" on youtube. It explains it.

@waichui2988 7小时前
Globalization did not backfire.  It is how each party used the profit from globalization that made the difference.  The US benefited more from globalization than China but spent the profit on shopping spree and war.  Just the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan cost 4 trillion dollars.  That is more than enough money to completely rebuild the infrastructure of the US and educate a whole generation of US citizens.  China did just that.  China did not participate in any war and used the money to build infrastructure and educate their people. 

Globalization worked as advertised.  Every country profited from globalization.  It is how each country spent the profit of globalization that made the difference today.

@muhammadtufail8677 8小时前
Chinese dragon has effectively swallowed Western hegemony

@Rubicon365 5小时前
Thank you for explaining this in such interesting and easy understanding way. What you said makes total sense.

@maxchen7229 3小时前
You speak the truth, it’s not about democracy and human rights, it’s all about money!

@Best-Qalaam 8小时前
Excellent and correct analysis. Moral compass was never there. Very well presented 
Your effort is sincerely appreciated.

@christinatan6734 3小时前
Great content. Love your work.

@wjshih3786 2小时前
Your unbiased view and voice should be heard over all of the western countries! Shame on them!

@MHamzaMamar 3小时前
Fantastic piece of work Bravo

@casimmahmood 1小时前
This was one of your best vlogs and had me hooked up in the first 2 minutes

@KK-zl8gq 11小时前
You have a great channel with excellent content. It's underrated, but keep working hard—I’m sure you’ll grow successfully!

@loirecheung4440 11小时前
Great insight in the really comprehensive narrative. Talking with facts!
Thank you

@cheeneeusa 2小时前
Impressive transformation of Najma Minhas. You have figured out how to use visual gestures, look and voice to achieve the best practices for presentation on social media. Impressive video editing too. I predict subscriptions will sky rocker if you can maintain all factors you have employed in constructing this video. Of course content is also well developed

@danielsamuel1995 11小时前
This is very insightful, thanks

@christopherward2748 10小时前
I think the problem is that if you do bring manufacturing back to the US you don't have a pool of skilled labor that can understands the basic technology and is sophisticated enough to set up state of the art plants to make chips etc. The elite abandoned US manufacturing and in response people focused on jobs that we will always be require, health system, insurance, law enforcement. The technical class is gone. I think this was a fatal error - but one that was foreseen by anyone with a technical training..

@naeemawan9237 11小时前
Great analysis in a simple words.

@peterthehappywaiguoren 1小时前
Awesome video, great explanation of how the western powers push for globalization shaped the current situation. Thank you!

@ptseti 5小时前
Excellent commentary. Spot on.

@Addictedtoyoutube9 4小时前
jd vance shouldnt complain about us companies using cheaper better faster production and labor from china.

@simsimNYC 5小时前
i recently start watching you, you are good, well research vlog

@joni8090 5小时前
Free Trade
Free Speech
Free Dom ...
But , only if ,You're American !?!  

@robertng2398 4小时前
Good honest factual comments.. Thank you

@jon_nomad  1小时前
Any policy or initiative will fail when there is malice involved. Only when it is fair and free from malicious intent and ego, it will then work better.

@glenrooney1068 1小时前
Elites, power and money. History repeats itself.

@Dreamers867 6小时前
Superb, a master stroke.

@dts724 21分钟前
Well said!  Globalization is just America’s version of British Imperialism in the 19th century. I understand and agree that the U.S. has a right to stem the tide of its decline and maintain the living standards of its citizens, particularly in the working class. But let’s not pretend that China was the culprit for its current economic woes.  No one pointed a gun at American companies’ head to force them to outsource.  Likewise, American consumers didn’t complain when they enjoyed low cost goods for the past 30 years (while the American capitalists laughed all the way to their bank)

@chrisyong8719 3小时前
A truly compelling explanation of what’s having to global trade. I never saw it that way as we have been fed with nothing but main stream media news. Your thoughts are insightful and illuminating. Thank u for this to us.

@tsham3101 8小时前
great job! Keep it up

@sword7872 1小时前
American leaders such as Clinton, Obama etc used the most deceptive words. I'm glad that Trump and Vance are more honest. Thanks for pointing it out.

@michaellee8843 2小时前
Teaching us how to cook was a good analogy. But then think about it: teaching Chinese to cook? Huh?

@towhidenterprise2104 8小时前
Don't worry, China can handle usa

@nayabtahir6393 10小时前
So in great game, "morals" are only used when they favor you.

@kishaniramsey5913 2小时前
It is just that the US lost the game played with the rules set by themselves.  They looked down on the global South and were horrified when they were left in the dust despite all the bullying.

@174scotch 10小时前
Very interesting insightful perspective. Our situation in Pakistan last few years is enough to expose western double standards. You are right that Trump and team are honest about western concerns while others give tall speeches but share similar motives!

@Kevin-s3s  4小时前
Smart and intelligent young lady.

@bennyng2414  1小时前
Finally you have called a spade a spade

@towhidenterprise2104 8小时前
Just we visited China kunming linyi Qingdao Shanghai Xiamen. India is 50+ years behind China. Usa,Europe 10+ years behind China, maximum sectors.

@3d4fun96 5小时前(修改过)
Assuming manufacturing returns to the United States, but the cost of producing the same goods is higher in the U.S., these products would not be competitive in the global market unless they are sold exclusively within the U.S. while blocking foreign products from entering the American market. Consequently, Americans would have to pay higher prices for products that are not necessarily more technologically advanced. Over time, the U.S. would completely isolate itself from the globalized market, and the dollar would naturally lose its hegemonic status, leading to the complete collapse of American global dominance.The only correct choice for the United States is to pursue win-win cooperation. It must abandon the shortsighted mindset of so-called "America First" and strive to make America great again while simultaneously ensuring benefits for all of humanity!

@lijewy 5小时前
It's finance capitalism vs industrial capitalism! Except keys industries like semiconductors, green energy and advanced technologies (AI, robotics), manufacturing doesn't really matters. It's all about finance and debt as tool of control. The defeat of Japan through the Plaza Accord is a finance move. The counterpoint of BRICS is a finance move.

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