
印度制造失败了吗? | 案例研究

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印度制造失败了吗? | 案例研究

Think School 2024年10月28日


印度制造是印度人民党最雄心勃勃的举措之一,自印度制造推出以来已有 10 年!当时,它被吹捧为将改变印度面貌并使我们成为制造业强国的政策。
在过去十年中,印度的制造业增长了 5.5%。而今天,印度制造从智能手机到太阳能电池板、半导体芯片到电动汽车等各种产品,您能想到的,我们都在印度制造!!!
印度制造始于 4 个重要目标
如果我们将进口量视为 GDP 的百分比,2013-14 年为 25.95%,但到 2023 年为 23.96%,略有下降!印度政府在 2014 年通过制造业设定了实现 12-14% 制造业增长率的目标!!但如果你看到这张表,我们离实现这一目标还很远。只有在 2015 年我们才能够实现这种增长率,而在 2019 年,增长率为负 2.9%!!
如果我们看看过去 10 年,也就是这项计划实施 10 年后,制造业增长实际上已放缓至 5.5%,其 GDP 份额仍停滞在 15-17%,这再次远离政府 25% 的目标!!
其次,我们想增加出口,但出口增加了吗?是的,看看这个,我们的出口增长了近两倍!!2014 年,印度的出口额为 3175.45 亿美元,但截至 2023 年,这一数字为 7766.8 亿美元。但问题在于,印度制造的目标不仅仅是增加出口,而是增加出口与进口之间的对比,但出口增加了吗?没有。看看这个,截至 2014 年,印度在进口和其他对外支付上的支出比其从出口和对内投资中获得的收入多 324 亿美元,但到 2024 年,这个数字将达到 545 亿美元!!
虽然外国公司的总投资从 460 亿美元飙升至 710 亿美元,但与此同时,总撤资额却从 136 亿美元增加到 444 亿美元!!简而言之,流出印度的资金比流入印度的资金多!!
最后,虽然我们的目标是在制造业创造 1 亿个就业岗位,但我们只雇用了 1840 万人!!

3,385 条评论




这是我公司的亲身经历。经过 8 年,我们终于获得了建造工厂的所有监管批准,但尽管投资时间相同,我们的越南工厂已经运营了 6 年。最后,我们选择退出印度,因为我们知道未来会遇到更多的监管障碍。

3 周前







1. 问题出在哪里?
2. 政府的作用和所需政策
3. 企业家的机会
4. 成功社会企业的案例研究


2. 每个人都只想找政府工作
3. 经商便利
4. 系统中的腐败和透明度
5. 缺乏基层激励和指导
6. 基础设施无法覆盖全球
7. 地方政治


Pehle mujhe kuch umeed nhi thi,但现在,在所有这些半导体和其他制造业开始之后,我可以肯定地说,印度制造正在发挥作用



你不能直接生产 100% 的任何产品,首先你要组装产品,然后在本土生产 10% 的整数,然后随着时间的推移,份额会增加。政府采取的初步措施非常好,即使我不是 BJP 的支持者,但在这种情况下,我支持

他们只是缺乏改革各自管理的州的愿景或意图,大多数人只是对掌权感到高兴,并不认为这是一种责任。所有政党都是如此,包括 BJP。

真正的问题是当地人控制着巴布、市政厅、国会议员和省议员。所有这些前期的烧钱机器将使印度继续贫穷。真实的例子是我想在浦那郊区建立食品厂,首先要获得所有许可和批准,花了两个月的时间,私下花了10万卢比,然后当地市政厅带着他的财宝来拜访我。我有一辆马鲁蒂 celerio。在了解我的业务需求后,我最初需要30万卢比作为捐赠。然后那个村庄的当地人带着剩余的钱来要求10万卢比的村庄改善基金。每月2万到5万卢比作为保护和安全金。在开始创业之前,1 + 3 + 1 + 5万= 4.5万卢比支出。我要求我的 ca 记录所有这些,并正确记录,亲爱的阿姨,不要再这样了。





政府正在采取措施确保印度制造取得成功。但这是一个缓慢而稳定的过程。我们生活在这样一个国家,即使是那些能买得起稍贵一些的印度产品的消费者,也常常会选择便宜 10% 的中国产品。我们可以考虑那些预算紧张的人,但如果那些能买得起的人仍然不能做出这么小的牺牲,就不值得抱怨。我们比较了我们的 c


1) 土地改革
2) 官僚机构的结构性改革(减少官僚机构的权力,他们权力太大。)
3) 放宽劳动法




10:00,解说员(Ganesh)提出了一个很好的观点。我在制造业工作。我们的员工只有 2 名技术人员,其余都是非技术人员。非技术人员的工作意愿非常强烈。而这些帮助,或者说以工资形式向非技术工人提供的小额经济支持,对他们的生活产生了巨大的改变。
事实上,我的许多非技术员工都在使用 zomato 和 swiggy 订餐。自从我们向他们提到这件事后,他们说一天不做一次饭对他们来说负担就小了。






请求@Think School制作一个关于印度农业基础设施状况的视频。

MII 的详细分析非常有益。你能就两个主题制作同样详细的视频吗?

1. 如何改善印度的 EODB?
2. 如何大幅降低印度的物流成本?









骗局无处不在 不仅在国家政治中,在企业政治中,在大学委员会和地方社区有毒文化政治中

Ganesh 给出了所有要点,多年来我一直在大声疾呼。感谢提供信息


在过去十年中增长了 31 倍,从 2004-05 至 2013-14 的 4,312 千万卢比(5 亿美元)增加到 2014-15 至 2023-24 的 88,319 千万卢比(110 亿美元),
我们今天本身就与西班牙在我国制造 C-295 飞机方面取得了巨大成就:)

1 个月前
一切都如此相关。我们计划在 Wada 马哈拉施特拉邦建立一个制造厂。然而,每个过程都很痛苦。首先找到一块土地,然后确保它没有争议。要使其成为非农业用地,需要获得许多当局的批准

每个人都有自己的价格。所以如果你买 5 英亩的土地,光是办理土地许可就需要花费大约 500 到 600 万卢比。即使经过所有这些,你也必须去很多地方获得很多签名批准等。这需要大约 2 年的时间才能获得 NA。然后你开始建立工厂,获得机器和一切,到我们开始工厂时,至少需要 3 到 4 年的时间。所以无论你投资多少,你单单在利息上就已经损失了那么多。在你开办工厂之前,你就已经遭受了重大损失。你甚至如何维持下去。此外,如果你的土地在经过如此漫长的艰苦过程后被阿迪瓦西人占领,你就必须撤离它。哇!我为什么要考虑挖掘自己的恩典?

5 天前

Is Make In India Failing? | Case study

Think School 2024年10月28日 


Make in India was one of the most ambitious initiatives of the BJP, and it's been 10 years since Make in India was launched! Back then it was bragged as the policy that would change the face of India and turn us into a manufacturing powerhouse. 
But did it really happen? 
In the last decade India’s manufacturing has increased by 5.5%. And, today, India is manufacturing everything from smartphones to solar panels, semiconductor chips to electric vehicles, you name it, we make it in India!!! 
So it all looks great right???
But What if I told you that make in India is a failure???
Sounds unbelievable right?? 
Well, unfortunately, it is true to a large extent!! Look at this, 
Make in India was started with 4 important objectives
We wanted to decrease our dependence on imports but if you see the numbers, so have our imports decreased no!!
If we see imports as a % of GDP, in 2013-14, it was 25.95% but by 2023 it was 23. 96%,it has slightly decreased! And through manufacturing the govt of India in 2014, set a target to achieve a manufacturing growth rate of 12-14%!! But if you see this table, we are far from achieving this target. Only in 2015 we were able to achieve this kind of growth rate and in 2019, it was negative 2.9%!! 
And if we see the last 10 years, that is ten years into this initiative, manufacturing growth has in fact slowed to 5.5%, and its GDP share remains stagnant at 15-17% which is again far from the govt target of 25%!! 
Secondly, we wanted to increase our exports,but did it increase? Yes, look at this, our exports have grown almost twice!! India's exports in 2014 stood at $317.545 billion,but as of 2023 it stood at $776.68 billion. But the catch over here is that, the objective of make in India was not just to increase exports, it was to increase exports as compared to our Imports but did it increase? No. Look at this, as of 2014, India spent 32.4 billion dollars more on imports and other outward payments than it's earning from exports and inward investments but by 2024 this number stood at 54.5 billion dollars!! 
Thirdly, through Make in India, we wanted companies around the world to invest billions of dollars with foreign direct investment and FDI was supposed to shoot up, did it? Look at this chart, 
While the gross investment by foreign companies has shot up from 46 to 71 billion dollars, at the same time, gross disinvestment has increased from 13.6 billion to 44.4 billion dollars!! So in short, more money is going out of India than it coming to India!! 
And lastly, while we aimed to employ 100 million jobs in manufacturing, we have employed only 18.4 million people!! 
So as responsible citizens, the right question to ask is not whether BJP has succeeded or not, but Why is India not succeeding?? And somehow this is something that mainstream media never throws light on!! Whereas the left only keep blaming without understanding the reasoning!! To prepared a complete case study on
Why is make in India failing?
What are the biggest underlying governance issues that are failing our manufacturing dream??
How is it causing us 1000s of crores in losses?
And most importantly, what are the solutions that we need to work to make India succeed??

3,385 条评论

India hopeless s a doomed matter due to the majority of population has not humanized yet , stealing, raping, building bridges that collapse, building dams that collapse, everything they do is doomed to failure.

India is the graveyard of large foreign conglomerates. They were lured by huge promises of tax incentive, quick approvals, readied infrastructures such as ease of transportation for goods, electricity and water by the Indian government to built manufacturing plants in India. They came. Then found out that all the promises are just promises. Then they left. Along the way lost heavily.

I absolutely agree with you. As a former investor in India, I know India's problem is systemic. While China is the only country that is able to reduce bureaucratic regulatory overload, India kept increasing it. China actually reduces the size of public/government services, India still have a problem with it. BJP or Congress will not not amount to anything without addressing bureaucratic overload.

This is a personal experience for my company. After 8 years, we finally managed to get all the regulatory approvals to build our factory but our Vietnamese plant already operated for 6 years despite the same investment time. Finally, we just opted out of India, as we know there are more regulatory roadblocks down the road.

One more thing that India needs to fix is its judicial system. Timely dispute resolution is much needed for ease of doing business. Currently, there are so many pending cases in the lower courts that it is impossible to get resolution in time.

It's not that india will become self reliant within few years due to make in India.  A lot has to be done  but it's better to take small steps towards self reliance rather than standing still and doing nothing.

Need a separate video on how India can improve its ease of doing business

I am happy to see  that instead of blame game on parties. One team talks about fundamental problems and root causes. I really want, please if you have potential solutions, post a video on that. Let the our goverment and ministers know about it, if we cant help our govt who else

Just a suggestion - you could start a series "Solving for India's Problems"

Example: Broad Theme - Multidimensional Poverty

Smaller sub topics - Education, Health, Livelihoods, Quality of life etc.

Area of Discussion
1. Where the problem lies?
2. Role of government and policies required
3. Opportunities for  entrepreneurs
4. Case studies of successful social enterprises

There are major problems in our system 

1.Education reform
2. Everyone just looking for government job
3. Ease of business  
4. Corruption and transparency in the system
5. Lack of motivation and guidance at ground level
6. Infrastructure to reach globally 
7. Local political

Inspite of this much environmental concerns most indian cities are top in pollution.

Pehle mujhe kuch umeed nhi thi but now after all this semi conductor and other manufacturing started i can surely say make in india is working

This is an eye opener for us who think putting tariff on imports of China in America is going to help boost manufacturing in India.

It took China 30-50 years to build it in Manufacturing powerhouse and that happened when globalization was at it peak and China didn't face any competitor. People question Make in India even before 10yrs and now we r facing competition from countries like Vietnam, Thailand, Mexico etc. India doesn't have a choice, we will have to continuously make attempt to improve manufacturing even if we keep failing. Audit what went wrong, make improvement and keep fighting. My only complaint with GOI is neglect of job intensive sectors

You cannot directly manufactured 100% any product firstly you assembled product then make 10% integers indigenously then share increases with the time initial step taken by the government is very good even I am not a BJP supporter but in this case I support

As someone living in Jharkhand and having traveled all across India, I can tell you that the thing people never talk about is how Incompetent the state governments are. 
They simply lack the vision or intention to reform the respective states they administer, most are just happy being in power and don't see it as a responsibility. This is true with all parties, including BJP. 
First thing that needs to improve in India are the people, we are the most corrupt, dishonest and irresponsible bunch of people. 
As long as we don't make an effort to change ourselves, we deserve to be in the ditch we are in.

the real problem is locals who are in control of babu, corporator, mp and mla. all these upfront money eating machine will keep india poor.  real example i wanted to setup food factory in outskirts of pune, 1st to get all clearance and permission it took 2 months with under the table of 1lac, then local corporator came on visit with his fortuner. i have maruti celerio. after understanding my business demand came of initial of 3lacs to start as donation. then locals of that village with surpanch came asking village improvement fund 1lac. monthly 20 to 50k as protection and safety money. before starting a business 1 + 3 + 1 + 50k = 4.5 outgoing. i ask my ca to record all these with proper entry toh nirmala aunty ko bhi paata chaale paise kahaan jaa rahe hai.

Unless atitude of people don't change, these are the best results we will get.

People in India should be will to work

The elephant in the room is Geopolitics without denying the listed problems. Also the unsaid thing is Internal politics.

India hopeless s a doomed matter due to the majority of population has not humanized yet , stealing, raping, building bridges that collapse, building dams that collapse, everything they do is doomed to failure.

The Govt. is taking steps to ensure Make In India goes on to be a success. But it is a slow and steady process. We live in a country where even consumers who can afford slightly costlier Indian products often settles for a chinese product available for even 10 percent cheaper. We can consider those people who are on a tight budget, but if those who can afford still cannot make such a small sacrifice dont deserve to complain. We compare our country with South Korea and Japan, but dont have the same commitment as them.

1) Land Reforms
2) Structural reforms of bureaucracy(reduce powers of bureaucracy, they have too much power.)
3) Ease in labor laws

This is where too much democracy is hurting us. Good initiatives are not being able to get executed.

"That's why I love watching your videos on important case studies! While some focus on criticizing 'Make in India' just to undermine Modi, you bring constructive insights with solutions. Truly admirable – thank you for this eye-opening case study! "

Excellent analysis... Government needs to resolve these issues to succeed Make in India...

At 10:00 , The narrator ( Ganesh) makes a very good point. I'm in the manufacturing field. And our staff only has 2 skilled people, the rest are unskilled. The unskilled people have a massive willingness to work. And the amount of help, rather a small financial support in the form of a salary to the unskilled people is a massive change for them in their lives. 
Infact many of my unskilled staff, are using zomato and swiggy to order food. Since we mentioned it to them. They say it's a less burden for them to just not cook once in a day. 
I'm just giving an example as to how the quality of life has improved for the unskilled in just a small way.

We need a video on how India can improve the ease of doing business

Our foreign client come to India and when they see poor traffic, pollution lack of civil sense they said terrific how can someone will live here. Our Image in global are badly affected due to these factors. Forgot huge FDI, untill we improve ourselves. We are losing to east asian countries, that's sad reality

Reform. Reform. Reform.
We badly need reforms in many sectors.

Indian Government should focus on the export quality agricultural products also.

They need to take initiative like organic products from Sikkim and try to make them as a global brand so that rural infrastructure and economy become stronger. 

It will take take no land acquisition, no environmental clearances(because it is own by farmers and organic) for manufacturing or export industry that means these two hurdles for our Indian economy will not face more stress. ?

Requesting @Think School to make a video on the situation of Indian Agricultural infrastructure.  

The detailed analysis of MII is very informative. Can you please make equally detailed videos on two topics?
1. How to improve EODB in India?
2. How to significantly reduce logistics cost in India?

Thank you for providing us such amazing content and making us more informed through your videos!

Ganesh: I'm a subscriber and follow all your videos. Your Thumbnails & Banner nowadays gives a negative vibe though the content is positive. I feel it is done to catch attention of the viewer, please refrain from such cheap tactics. 

Make in India is a great initiative and today we have enormous national pride. Please don't become like Rahul Gandhi, a national waste.

Even Amaravathi city suffered the same thing, the government announced 2015, delayed due to environmental constraints till early 2019, then the govt changed and the project scrapped

Assembled in India  
Made in India

Even the defense projects like border roads which is very crucial is delayed due to environmental clearance .

Rome didn't built in 10 years, so its early to say Make in India failed

Scams are everywhere not just in national politics it's also in corporate politics also in college committee and placeComm toxic culture politics

Ganesh is giving out all the points, I've been shouting at the top of my voice since many years now. Thanks for providing the information

make in India become blessing in one sector and just boost it Guess which one?

increased 31 times over the last decade, from ?4,312 crore ($500 million) in 2004-05 to 2013-14 to ?88,319 crore ($11 billion) in 2014-15 to 2023-24,
Reflecting the global acceptability of Indian defence products and technologies.
[technology imported from france,Russia help us lot,
special thanks to (DRDO) focusing on make in INDIA and continue doing manufacturing,assembling and promoting private sector]
We today itself achieve a great deal with SPAIN  for manufacturing of C-295 aircraft in our NATION : )

Everything is so relatable. We were planning to setup a manufacturing plant in Wada maharashtra. However, Every process was so painful. First find a land, then make sure its not disputed. For making it non agricultural Land get clearance from many many authorities. Everyone had their prices. So if you buy 5 acres land, it will cost around 50 to 60 lakhs for their clearances alone. Even after all this you have to go so many places get so many signatures approvals etc. This takes around 2 years to only get the NA. Then u start your factory setup getting machines and everything, by the time we start the factory it takes upto 3 to 4 long years MINIMUM. so whatever you invest you have lost that much in interest alone. Before you start the factory you are in major losses. How do you even sustain that. Also, I your land is claimed by an adivasi after such painstakingly long process you have to vacate it. WOW! Why would I even consider digging my own grace?

Very good video. Although I know of most of the problems facing India, it's good to hear an Indian telling it as it is. No sugar coating or China bashing as from that beautiful Indian reporter. I hope India and China can work together and prosper together.

Land acquisition in India is So annoying that i really admire Communists approach in this.

Deprecation of rupee can't be explained any simpler. Kudos to you Ganesh. Happy married life BTW

The high imports are because of purchasing raw materials from other countries. We have started manufacturing a few good products in India, but all the raw material is still sourced from other countries. We need better supply chain of raw material and basic parts that make up the whole product step by step.

Everyone is busy training for IAS and one who qualifies are busy blocking work

Education system should be changed where kids should be taught and exposed to think about becoming entrepreneurs rather working for other countries. Such reform is needed to brought in young minds.

You need to learn to crawl before you can walk and learn to walk before you can run. China started manufacturing at large scale in 1979 we started in 2014. You can't compete with a decade experience with someone who has half a century's experience. We need to support the make in india initiative and irrespective of our standing in the political spectrum should support the good work of the government. If we keep working at this rate and continue with course correction in 20 years we will be the manufacturing hub of the world. Jai Hind

It's not Govt fault if the people in India who makes the problem 

Mainly Govt employees and people who don't want to sell their land for developement

We made some progress in certain Industries like
Toys. - I am seeing shops selling Make in India Toys. 
And some Industries.
Time is Everything.

18:40 Govt should take over Waqf land (all of which is illegally taken from poor people anyways) and use them as Industrial land for industries to set up their Plants. Secular India doesn’t need any unconstitutional act like Waqf. Govt can simply reclaim these lands and use them as Land Bank which supplies lands to industries, schools, universities, hospitals, etc.

Make in India is not failing but some people could not digest and their thinking power fail that's it

"Politics is the art of looking for trouble; finding it everywhere, diagnosing it wrongly, and deliberately applying unsuitable remedies"

But, Some of our People are blindly Supporting Wangchuk jii without knowing the gravity & Depth of the situation.

If possible pls include ans of these questions on your next videos:

1. How can a education system of INDIA can be improved? I personally think lack of political literacy is one of the biggest reason of this. People needs to start asking questions to their state gov about local infra, education etc.

2. Pls make a video about how this franchise model in higher education is hurting INDIA.

3. Don't you think It should be state's responsibility to upskill their youth, get those land accusation and environment clearance. what incentives gov can give to state so that they start working on education, infra and other things.

4. Do you think lack of efficient judiciary plays an important role in delays of projects becos it many cases court takes years in giving judgements and by the time of judgement cost of construction goes up 2 to 3 times. 

5. How can we create a judiciary system which gives justice in time. Specially considering our back log and pure size.

6. How important is labor reforms for INDIA's growth?

7. How Reservation/lack of meritocracy affects our bureaucracy?

8. What Positive steps gov has taken (if any) to solve all these problems that you  have mentioned  and how can they improve their efforts?

9. What is the reason behind delays in  land accusation and environment clearance?. It looks like gov is doing a lot to solve other problems that you have mentioned like Lack of infra, lack of skill labor, red tape culture. Things might not be moving as fast as we have loved but at least there is a constant positive growth but Land accusation and environment clearance seems to be the constant and still mostly unresolved problem for the gov. How can they solve it?
10. How important is farming reforms for INDIA's growth?

The statement that manufacturing industry is easily scalable and service industry is not a blatant lie. Manufacturing industry is actually very difficult to scale .

I think it was better to not provide tax break to Tesla for import cars, as it would have negative impacted the local EV manufactures who are testing the market and investing continuously.

here is the solution for land acquisition in india 
- central government should buy and acquire land in every district in advance for potential business to a such extent that even a steel plant can be setup in every states district 
- by doing this there will be no motive for political ,enviromental concerns at a specific time when a potential corporate buyer wants to buy a land because these issues would have already been resolved .
- this a great task but without this in disorganized easily radicalised indian democracy nothing will gonna work in efficient manner.

I am an ex-employee of Tesla and I work in supply chain. I can tell you the tarriffs to import a Tesla would be close to 2x what it would cost to manufacture. The charging infrastructure had a lot of red tape to set up in India. This is needed before manufacturing is set up in India. I can attest for the fact taht Tesla was actively working on selling in India which they needed to do before manufacturing. However, I'm not sure it exists still because the government did NOTHING to push EVs as a market. There are no subsidies, no charging infrastructure. It's super disappointing.

I think not only the Govt. the people also should think about developing India by keeping their surrounding clean, having empathy about other people, doing moral duties, paying taxes regularly, not giving votes for notes or different perks etc. because remember all the Govt. employees from a pion to a Ministers are the reflection of the society.

"Thank you for your efforts in producing this episode. Could you please share a detailed video on ways to improve the ease of doing business in India?"

The one of the best case studies I've ever seen

Really good channel. Aside from the lack of comedy, think school is as close as it gets to Emmy winning show last week tonight with John Oliver.

there is no future here not at all

The example of posco is so true which opposition is also involved in such a terrible failure of the govt..

It's not easy sir first we need ecosystem, supply chain, constant flow of critical mineral....it take's time but we moving toward right direction...little twiking is need.
We focus not just hig tech low tech manufacturing also create more jobs like apparels, toy manufacturing.
But some people think sab kam 10 sal ma hojagaya Jo 70years ke vision less Socialist governments ke policies ko change is real problem.

And the reason for FDI decline is India doesn't accept FDI from china, if allowed it would eat up all other things in India and also india cancelled 80% of its FTA which are signed during congress era and hurting India more than helping India. Sometimes i feel, think schools content is under researched when it comes to topics which involves deep understanding of geopolitics.

Please make a video on How India can improve the Ease of Doing Business…

Why people look for government jobs!!!! Untill this baby culture is not stopped nothing gonna change!

Please make a video on ease of doing business and especially emphasizing on startups.

Everything coming from India should be wonderful and successful. Everyone should learn from India.

I suggest a solution to Land Accusation Problem. 
1. Create a Database of all the private owned lands in India. [To speed this up, create a Rule that you have to declare your owned land in a portal till 31st March next year, and if not done the land by default belongs to Government.]
2. Also add bank accounts of individuals who own these lands. [Important for acquiring lands by depositing amounts directly]
3. Utilize AI to create an algorithm which would for certain give the best estimates of a piece of land. [This is a already solved problem would require some training data for different regions]
4. Government should build housing colonies within each city where people who would be displaced would be given free accommodation for 3 months till they figure out their new stays. [initial help by agencies to setup them up]
5. Automate a digital process which handles everything [deciding which land to acquire, its cost, amount transfer to owner of land, temporary relocation and reestablishment help]
6. This is for residential land accusation, for farm lands this should be lot easier [trade in of similar land in different location, or monetary compensation]
Any other points that I have overlooked, or any other solutions, please let me know. 
Do you think this will work?

Make case studies on state economics. Like which state is doing better and what are the learnings other state government can take. I would like see video on Rajasthan.

Exactly Bro .. Explained in a comfortable way .
Political leader in fact won't discuss this also too slow to study .

Your Thumbnail / banner pic is making you appear as a Supari YouTuber.. 

Kindly refrain from such cheap tactics as you know building a brand takes time but it doesn't take time to demolish it.. You are yourself doing such blunder which is surprising.. 

Don't do such things.. You're better than this

Actual video starts at 9:23 , this is why I stopped watching

I have got full clearance in Tamilnadu within 24 months 
1) 50% of the problem is corruption.During my 24 months I met  only one official who did not take ? and cleared the proposal in about 2 months 
2) Even to buy a house building plot is scary because even after 40 years somebody will file a case that his grandfather had three children and not two as per records . You could loose the land bought with hard earned.
3) Layouts . The layouts are preparing with narrow minded interests because of corruption and then when you want to start a project you will find a road through the middle of your property.
5) Forethought. Bangalore is planning a peripheral road . In my opinion opinion it should have been a 4 lane road both ways with two lanes services roads on both side . They are  planning about 50% requirements. The result, before the road is completed they will start widening and damaged the new Peripheral road.
Bangalore to Chennai road is an example 
I can go on just given a few examples.

India does not need low profit, tedious manufacturing industry. India has the best education system, and super smart people. India has skipped manufacture, and moved directly to highly profitable high tech, and financial services etc.

99% Indians forgetting about being rich inn India .
Dirty but Reality

If fail , but Modi ji at least try

Another commendable study of the market & wonderfully presented insights. Nobody puts things down with clear apolitical perspective like you do. Thank you!


Have you considered the Eastern and Western DFC, the Expressways constructed as well as under construction?
I remember that the time it used to take for our luggage to move on transfer 15 years back has been halved now. Agree there is more that is needed but a lot has happened as well.

So just mainly because of environment concern and land related matters most of projects are delayed or closed.
Ngo are major factor in environment concern which spread propoganda falsely influenced by foreign money and power .

The biggest issue of Make in India failing is due to the fact that India was a DEMOCRACY before industrialization.  Period.  Looking at ALL the dragons in Asia, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, China, Singapore, they all had a Non-democratic government Before they are industrialized.

More productive information expected

I am happy to see  that instead of blame game on parties. One team talks about fundamental problems and root causes. I really want, please if you have potential solutions, post a video on that. Let the our goverment and ministers know about it, if we cant help our govt who else

I have a feeling that "make in India" will succeed because people like Sanjeev Sanyal are in power.

The thing is - big things take time.. and since, we humans aren't patient.. we tend to change government fast like swapping cards. 

That does more damage than good in long term. Even small changes in economy lead to great accumulated changes in long term.

The main cause of the failure is the dishonesty of the Indian government. Doing business with foreign countries requires trust. India attracted companies to manufacture within its borders, but once these companies became profitable, the government accused them of not disclosing their profits and fined them millions of dollars. This effectively took away the hard-earned money of companies like Microsoft, Google, and Xiaomi. As a result, many foreign companies have left India, and new investments have become scarce.

In contrast, China supports foreign companies looking to invest there, avoiding unfounded accusations and hefty fines. This collaborative approach benefits both sides, and as a result, China has become prosperous.

Start with wowen rights, land reform, agricultural reform, infrastructures and education....

1. All new contracts firm overseas have large portion that needs to be made in India.
2. FDI is at its highest.
3. Growth is the highest in the world
4. Infrastructure is at its highest
5. India’s GDP is the 5th largest currently risen from 10th in just 10-15 yrs.
6. Silicon chip industry growing

India is the envy of the world.
India’s skilled youth is highest in the world.

Global recession
Ease of doing business has improved but still needs more work

Make in India will follow as bases are moved from China to India. There is a lag time.

Super speeches and presentation.

The root cause of all these problems is sedentary behavior that is embedded in each and every Indian, right from the day they are born. The lack of discipline and the lack of fear of punishment is the reason, that when people grow and things have to be done by themselves they majorly try to postpone those things. Until this happens in government departments it affects the willingness of business owners and entrepreneurs. For setting up a mobile case-selling business, I had to spend around a month for just arranging documents, INDIA CAN NEVER IMPROVE UNTIL THE LEADERS DONT

Biggest reason is unsupportive opposition parties who have become anti-India. Example - "Jao bhai, hum nahi lagwaynge, ye to BJP ki vaccine hai" - famous opposition family-run party chief from North India during covid time.

11:24 how is it easier to scale manufacturing than services? Infact, it’s completely opposite, right?

5:15 In the recent years there is a reason for low FDI considering the consistent higher interest Rate regime in US since 2022. Which increased the bond yields.

A small suggestion here the better metric would be to look at manufacturing FDI which shows true picture rather than FDI which might even be invested as equity purchases in companies which cannot directly be counted as manufacturing FDI.

Indias priority is not bullet train… it should safety and more mass transport trains. Environment and social justice is most important, it cannot be sacrificed on the altar of monopolistic entities.

in current situation, bjp, modi,  s. Jaysankar are the best for India.

22:17 so deforestation and killing wildlife is not a issue for you ?

The prerequisites for Made in India is 1. Government efficiency 2. Widely available education 3. Solid infrastructure. Work on these first then India will be on her way to success

Administartion from gross root level has to change

As long as congress was in power all that happened in India was their fault. Since BJP came to power, all that's happening in India is everyone's fault except BJP's.

If the issue is about trash production then surely Indians can develop make in India successfully.

Your videos have been truly impressive! As one of your regular viewers, I've been following your content closely for a while now. I'm very interested in making an investment, but I’m still having trouble identifying the right opportunity to fully commit to. I would greatly appreciate any guidance or suggestions you might have in this area.

Plz make a separate video on how we can solve ease of doing business state in India

Make in india is working perfectly for GUJARAT

15 bridges  collapsed in a month no jobs increased communal hatred imbalance in economy increased tax rate only and everything for Adani &Ambani noting for common people just making people fight each other so noone talks about failure of gov policy



3 条回复

this is the most important video you've made so far!



13:56 are you sure bro about what you just said



1 条回复

Never thought that this channel is gonna use Rahul Gandhi snippets for its analytical videos



1 条回复

KHANGRASS talking about make in india while in reality all they cared about was Break India



No matter how much propaganda you spread, I prefer and support make in India.
Make in India for India. We know how things works in West, and how they want to control and want to showcase themselves as saviours of planet.  Masih for humanity and free speech. But behind scenes story is totally different. No. 1 racists, egoist and propeller of extreme activities are based in these nations. They can only feign those things.

Waste your money in Propaganda, but your propaganda is bound to fail. Keep wasting.



2 条回复

Yes please make video on how India can improve its ease of doing business!



Make in India was tailor made to suit few PMO friends and arms dealers lobbying, in reality it slowed down local technology and innovation



I love your case studies. There is a lot of similarities between India and Trinidad & Tobago with similar colonial pasts and political structure. We have found work around a to these problems, but never solutions. The greatest evil in our country’s development are ourselves. As an Indian migrant descendant, I love India and hope it succeeds.



I think to move large number of people like that of India, is difficult, but once it happens it runs in a compounded growth/exponential growth. Ex Jio/ online payments/ road infrastructure / it industry boom....etc

So i think we are in right path, it is only time before it reaps fruit

This guy is brilliant!!!!! He knows what triggers people....... If you say right is wrong the people will get triggered easily...... And they will get into discussion but he will be the real winner  most he said are true but he didn't mention everything just to make his point just like dhruv Shepard

I think you should dive deep into some topics like land acquisition and environmental clearance. They might look problematic from purely financial perspective, but in long term eco system perspective they're not. It's good that such problems exists. We can't just ignore it to solve one issue and create several others.

We need a separate video bro.
    I will solve this problem, when I came into power as the Prime Minister of India

Indian people thought 'Make In India' means making more kid's

Thanks for this video .... As an Indian I think india will definitely meet its goal and but for that we need to educate our youth with good content and good education peoples can make a country good and peoples can break a contry so believe in india and get skilled and knowledgeable and work for a better India please share business related video soon

I just pray that some Indian govt official or minister or IAS sees this and address the issues!! Its's clear that India has a lot of potential but the problem is we are slow with negotiating our problems!!! And pls make a video on that land acquisition policy.

Well-researched and facts-based video.   Keep up the good job.  Hopefully, we will wake up to the reality and help/force our politicians to actually do--not just talk--something for the country.

6:15  yesterday my brother showed a Central Govt notification for increasing govt retirement age from 60 to 62 in CRPF.  Which in its  disadvantage bullet point: increases unemployment,I was surprised

Worlds Global manufacturing hub is Chini. It’s a long narrow road one has to just keep it between the line and take ur time.

A very informative video, please make a video of how India can succeed in scalability,employment and the expedition of land acquisition, approvals from various authority !!
How we can export more instead of importing, This will definitely enhance Indian economic condition.

Another major issue faced by Indian manufacturing companies are the archaic 29 national labour acts and 200+ state laws. The government efforts to just consolidate them into 4 codes is facing such opposition. Let alone overhauling them. The current laws are from the time of Indian independence. 

One of the major reasons for the IT sector boom in India is states like Karnataka gave IT/BT companies blanket exemption from the 20th century labour laws. 

Countries like Vietnam, Bangladesh have already overhauled their labour laws which allows them to perform well in large labour intensive sectors of manufacturing.

Yup.. an ease of doing business video would certainly help..

india need a ministry that is responsible for giving the clearance to a company within 2 months

A videos on how india can improve its ease of doing business,  a video? No questions asked  definitely !

The land acquisition is a big problem. That is correct. But if government compensates rightly the landowners will agree to sell. Also if the government thinks this is blocking them to move fast . Why can’t they acquire land in advance and keep it ready for new projects. It is just the will that is missing . Every tier 2 city should be allocated some land for this cause . And improve skills in that area to attract investments. A database can be maintained on the available land bank , skills in a specific area and cost . So it is easy for a company to decide where to setup the facility . With so many IAS officers in government I don’t think this is difficult thing to solve

Great video Ganesh
Kudos to your research and in depth knowledge you provided in the video

wow!! excellent knowledge. Hope some top govt. people view this video and work on it.

It took me 6 months for Consent to Establish and 4 months to Consent to Operate for even my company comes in GREEN INDUSTRY CATEGORY for pollution clearance of cold storage. And took me 14 months of building plan submission and resubmission with other goverment certificates. This all happened after taking project loan from bank, which also took almost 6 months to get and I have to pay double the Intrest with all other fines to bank after moratorium period was over.

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