
美国飞虎队老兵给习近平的信 习邀请他们到中国做客

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美国飞虎队老兵给习近平的信:勇敢的中国人民必须受到尊敬!习近平回信并邀请他们到中国做客/Xi Jinping replies to veterans of the Flying Tigers


华人风采CN  2023年11月13日

飞虎队老兵 哈里·莫耶:我一直深爱着中国,当我踏上中国这片土地,接触到中国人民,我就想一直待下去,这种感觉直接流入我的心中。美中航空遗产基金会主席杰弗里·格林与飞虎队老兵哈里·莫耶、梅尔·麦克马伦致信习近平主席



10月30日,美国第14航空队援华抗战80周年纪念活动,在北京中国人民抗日战争纪念馆举行。飞虎队老兵 哈里·莫耶:


飞虎队老兵 梅尔·麦克马伦:我叫梅尔·麦克马伦,我1925年出生,是飞虎队B-24轰炸机机炮手,来中国时我只有19岁。到中国之后我立刻认识到,这里的人民,应该受到尊重和敬仰。



飞虎队老兵 哈里·莫耶:对于中国人民,我总是有一种温暖的感情。他们对我们很好,我们要回国时老百姓欢送我们,感谢这些帮助他们的男孩们。那是我们美中人民心心相印的场景,这种情感是发自内心的。

2023年9月12日 习近平复信美中航空遗产基金会主席和飞虎队老兵追忆往昔,中美两国人民在抗击日本法西斯的斗争中同仇敌忾,经受了血与火的考验,结下了深厚友谊。展望未来,中美作为两个大国,对世界的和平、稳定与发展负有更加重要的责任,应该也必须实现相互尊重、和平共处、合作共赢。

Flying Tigers veteran Harry Moyer: I have always loved China deeply. When I set foot on the land of China and came into contact with the Chinese people, I wanted to stay forever. This feeling flowed directly into my heart.
Jeffrey Green, Chairman of the U.S.-China Aviation Heritage Foundation, and Flying Tigers veterans Harry Moyer and Mel McMullen sent a letter to President Xi Jinping
Dear President Xi Jinping:
I am writing to you along with Flying Tigers and 14th Air Force veterans Harry Moyer and Mel McMullen. These two veterans will travel to China with me this fall. They are the last two veterans of the Flying Tigers who are still alive and able to return to China in person. The two old men were very determined to represent the thousands of American pilots who had fought side by side with the Chinese people, and to return to the starting point of the story in their twilight years to relive the friendship of unity and cooperation between the United States and China.
On October 30, the 80th anniversary commemoration of the U.S. 14th Air Force’s aid to China in the War of Resistance Against Japan was held at the Chinese People’s Anti-Japanese War Memorial Hall in Beijing.
Flying Tigers veteran Harry Moyer: My name is Harry Moyer, and I am a P-40 fighter pilot. I joined the U.S. 14th Air Force in February 1944 and was stationed in Chengdu. Before that, I mainly fought in the Mediterranean Theater. I could have gone home at that time (January 1944), but I wanted to go to China. We all know that the Chinese people were experiencing the atrocities committed by the Japanese invaders at that time, which were very, very terrible. We are becoming increasingly angry at the brutality of the Japanese invaders, more sympathetic to the suffering of the Chinese people, and want to help the Chinese people.
Flying Tigers veteran Mel McMullen: My name is Mel McMullen. I was born in 1925. I am the gunner of the Flying Tigers B-24 bomber. I was only 19 years old when I came to China. After arriving in China, I immediately realized that the people here should be respected and admired.
In 1941, U.S. General Chennault established the Chinese Air Force's U.S. Volunteer Air Force to China, also known as the "Flying Tigers." In 1943, the "Flying Tigers" expanded into the 14th U.S. Air Force.
During the war to aid China, more than 2,000 American Flying Tigers members died, and more than 200 Flying Tigers members were rescued by the Chinese people. Many Chinese sacrificed their lives during the rescue process.
Flying Tigers veteran Harry Moyer: I always have warm feelings for the Chinese people. They were very kind to us. When we returned to China, the people saw us off and thanked the boys for helping them. That was a scene where our American and Chinese peoples were close to each other, and this emotion came from the heart.
September 12, 2023 Xi Jinping replies to Chairman of US-China Aviation Heritage Foundation and Flying Tigers veteran
Looking back on the past, the people of China and the United States shared the same hatred in the fight against Japanese fascism, withstood the test of blood and fire, and forged a profound friendship. Looking to the future, China and the United States, as two major countries, bear more important responsibilities for world peace, stability and development. They should and must achieve mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win-win cooperation.

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