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海事执行官 2024 年 10 月 6 日下午 7:56

乔治华盛顿号航空母舰在纽波特纽斯的五年造船厂期间,2017-2023 年(美国海军档案图片)乔治华盛顿号航空母舰在纽波特纽斯的五年造船厂期间,2017-2023 年(美国海军档案图片)

美国海军已确定亨廷顿英格尔斯纽波特纽斯 (HII) 的三艘船只受到焊接缺陷的影响,并得出结论认为这些缺陷对运营没有影响。


上周有消息称,纽波特纽斯的亨廷顿英格尔斯工业公司 (HII) 的某些工人在焊接美国海军舰船和潜艇时偏离了程序。HII 表示,这种缺陷是故意的,“一些焊工故意规避了某些焊接程序”,但据信并非恶意。该造船厂向海军和司法部自行报告了这一事件,目前正在对相关情况进行调查。


海军仍在评估最近修复或正在建造的另外 23 艘船只,以查看是否还有其他船只受到影响。德尔托罗补充说:“海军正在评估所有合法选择。”

HII 正在配合调查,并继续评估这些工人焊接不当的影响。“我们立即组建了一个由内部和独立工程和质量主题专家组成的团队,以确定根本原因,限制问题,并在制定长期解决方案的同时立即采取短期纠正措施,”HII 纽波特纽斯总裁詹妮弗·博伊金 (Jennifer Boykin) 上周在一份声明中表示。

At Least One Carrier and Two Subs Affected by Newport News Weld Defects




The carrier USS George Washington during her five-year-long shipyard period at Newport News, 2017-2023 (USN file image)The carrier USS George Washington during her five-year-long shipyard period at Newport News, 2017-2023 (USN file image)

The U.S. Navy has identified three vessels affected by faulty welding work at Huntington Ingalls Newport News (HII), and has concluded that the faults have no operational impact. 

So far, the vessels with known weld defects are the carrier USS George Washington, attack sub USS Hyman G. Rickover and attack sub USS New Jersey. All three vessels are reportedly safe for continued duty.

News broke last week that certain Huntington Ingalls Industries (HII) workers at Newport News had deviated from procedure when welding on U.S. Navy ships and submarines. The faulty work was intentional and "some welders knowingly circumvented certain welding procedures," but it is believed that it was not malicious, HII said. The shipbuilder self-reported the incident to the Navy and the Department of Justice, and an investigation into the circumstances is under way. 

None of the questionable welding work was on components that affect operations or safety, Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro told the House and Senate armed services committees in a letter Thursday. The fault came down to "welders who did not follow welding procedures properly," and Naval Sea Systems Command has determined that the ships are still safe to operate, he confirmed. 

The Navy is still assessing another 23 vessels that were recently repaired or are currently in construction to see if there may have been any other ships affected. Del Toro added that "the Navy is evaluating all legal options."

HII is cooperating with the investigation and continues to evaluate the impact of these workers' deficient welding practices. "We immediately put together a team made up of both internal and independent engineering and quality subject matter experts to determine the root causes, bound the issue and put in place immediate short-term corrective actions as we work through longer-term solutions," said HII Newport News President Jennifer Boykin in a statement last week. 

美海军承认:华盛顿 号航母等三艘舰艇有焊接缺陷

2024 10/08 来源:参考消息
















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