
英国 4,668 名警官自愿辞职 底发生了什么?

(2024-09-13 22:32:05) 下一个

截至 3 月的一年中,有 4,668 名警官自愿辞职后离职。

FLORA THOMPSON2023 年 7 月 26 日

截至 3 月的一年中,有 4,668 名警官自愿辞职后离职。

根据 PA 通讯社对内政部数据的分析,这是 16 年前有可比记录以来的最高数字,比 2021/22 年的 3,533 人增加了 32%。

警察离职率(占财政年度开始时员工总数的比例)也创下了 6.6% 的历史新高。

除调职外,2022/23 年度,英格兰和威尔士的 43 个地方警察部队共有 9,347 名警察离职——这也是自 2006/07 年度开始统计可比人员数据以来,一个财年中离职人数最多的一次。

在最近的 12 个月期间,还有 224 名警察被解雇或合同终止:这是自 2016/17 年度(292 人)以来的最高数字,较上年同期的 182 人增长了 23%。

2022/23 年度正常退休的警察人数为 4,003 人,与前几年大致相同。约有 376 人因医疗原因退休——比前两个财年有所增加——但仍低于疫情前的水平。


4 月份公布的初步数据显示,过去三年共有 20,951 名新警员加入警察部队,实现了保守党在选举宣言中的承诺,即到 2023 年 3 月增加 20,000 名警员。

在 43 支警察部队中,伦敦警察厅是唯一一支未能实现个人目标的警察部队,人数少了约 1,000 人。


Thousands Of UK Police Officers RESIGN - What’s Really Happening?

无处日记 2024年9月8日

为什么英国警察成群结队地放弃他们的职位,这波辞职潮不仅仅是人数减少的问题,而是一个根深蒂固的问题,原因不止一个,其中第一个是薪酬不满和恶劣的工作条件,详细查看报告,可以描绘出一幅身穿制服的警察当前状况的严峻画面,全国各地的警察都在表达他们对薪水的不满,因为薪水根本无法与他们的角色相关的越来越大的压力和风险相提并论,但不仅仅是薪水引起了骚乱,工作条件、长时间工作、资源不足和工作场所不理想,迫使许多人重新考虑他们在执法部门的职业生涯,这种情况提出了重要的问题,当他们自己的成员捉襟见肘时,警察如何维护公共安全,第二个原因是是士气低落和心理健康问题在英国警察局回荡的大厅中,一场悄无声息的危机正在展开,这场危机不仅取决于数字,还取决于警官们自己的福祉,他们没什么可说的说实话非法侵入不是犯罪你没什么可说的听着女士你没什么可说的非法侵入不是犯罪你没什么可说的为什么你生气因为我告诉你你没什么可说的你没什么可说的你绝对没什么可说的没什么可说的不是你来自英格兰和威尔士警察联合会的报告一再强调,队伍中士气的下降不仅仅是下降,而是下降与不断升级的心理健康问题密切相关这些问题不仅仅是脚注,它们是许多警官选择离开的故事的核心章节士气低落和心理健康问题之间的联系是显而易见的记录描绘了一幅被围困的警队画面,不仅仅是来自外部的警务压力,还有内部的与压力、焦虑和抑郁的斗争,工作的要求可能是无情的,如果没有足够的支持,压力可能会变得难以承受,这不仅仅是糟糕的一周带来的压力,而是这种压力在没有足够缓解或资源来管理的情况下如何积累,然后就是我们都知道的觉醒主义的引入,当与公众对两级警务的看法并列时,这种觉醒主义可能是毁灭性的,这些变化不仅仅是行政上的,而且打击了传统警务价值观和实践的核心,觉醒主义往往侧重于增加包容性、多样性和文化敏感性,在警队内部引起了不同的反应,而觉醒运动的初衷是促进一个更加公正和公平的社会,一些警官认为它损害了他们执法的能力实际上,觉醒政策优先考虑政治正确性,而不是实际结果,导致挫败感和幻灭感,此外,两级警务的概念似乎根据所涉个人的人口统计或社会地位适用不同的规则,加剧了队伍内部的不公平和不公正感,这种看法破坏了对领导层的信任,并可能削弱对有效警务至关重要的团结,成为巡逻警察是一项艰巨的工作,大多数警察都怀着崇高的意图跳入战斗,他们希望保护和服务他们珍视的社区,但每支部队都有自己的坏苹果,而这些少数人经常成为头条新闻,给整个团队蒙上阴影,记得那个单膝跪地的警官,等等等等,并不是所有的警官都是这样,可悲的是,好人卷入两级警务和觉醒主义等争议只会增加雪上加霜的是,他们精疲力竭地想像着自己对工作充满热情,致力于做出改变,却总是如履薄冰,在现代政策的雷区中穿行,而这些政策似乎搅乱了传统警务的水域。这些警官每天都面临着挑战,他们试图在遵守新规则的同时平衡公平和效率。有些人可能觉得这些新规则优先考虑政治正确性而不是实际警务。这种持续的紧张局势甚至会削弱最敬业的警官,随着争议的不断升级和可接受的执法实践界限的模糊,他们的热情和奉献精神也蒙上了一层阴影。受苦的不仅仅是坏人,还有那些真正关心并努力做到最好的人。根据 Unison 的说法,预算削减正在削减有效警务所必需的资源,每个警官的工作量正在不断增加。英格兰和威尔士的国家部队正在努力应对潜在的到 20126 年,缺口将达到 7 亿美元。这次财政危机不仅仅是电子表格上的数字,它正在成为那些身处前线的警察每天面临的挣扎。预算紧缩使得基本设备越来越难获得,警察们发现自己只能凑合着用。这不仅仅是拥有更少的小工具,而是在那些确保他们安全和效率的工具上做出妥协。此外,为了省钱,工作人员被削减或空缺,剩下的警察必须收拾残局。这意味着工作时间更长,责任更大,压力越来越大,却没有额外报酬的承诺。这些削减的影响超出了当下的压力和疲劳。工作过度和资源不足的警察正达到临界点。警察作为稳定职业的承诺正在逐渐消失,现实似乎要求更多,但提供的却更少。难怪辞职率不断上升。许多警官质疑警徽是否值得承担这样的负担,如果警队连维持资金都做不到,那么他们就无法维持法律和秩序,因为辞职事件在英国的警察界引起了轩然大波。虱子力量的影响远远超出了当地警察局空荡荡的办公桌,变薄的蓝线开始显示其对犯罪率的影响,公共安全和社区警务的结构,经验丰富的警官的离开留下了一个不容易填补的空白,巡逻的警官人数减少,直接的后果往往是对犯罪的反应较慢,这可能会鼓舞罪犯,曾经受到密切监控的地区现在可能会看到更长的没有警察在场的时间,从而导致犯罪率的潜在上升,相关性并不意味着因果关系,但一种模式正在出现,警察人数的减少反映了对犯罪率上升的担忧,社区警务依赖于警官与他们所服务的社区之间的定期和深入互动,但是随着警力的减少,这些互动是第一个被切断的,警官们发现自己被拉长到覆盖更广泛的区域和更多样化的任务,减少了他们参与的可用性在需要时间和信任才能有效的社区警务工作中,这里的影响是双重的,社区感觉支持较少,警察获得的实地情报较少,而这对于预防性警察释放是必要的,压力并不止于街头,它渗透到新招募人员的培训室,随着人员流动率的提高,迫切需要让新警官跟上步伐,然而,由于现有工作人员在管理其常规职责的压力下,他们有效指导的能力受到影响,培训变得仓促或不够全面,导致员工准备不足,这种情况造成了效率低下和错误的恶性循环,进一步加剧了已经不堪重负的警队,需要指导的经验丰富的警官发现自己不得不处理更多的电话,而没有时间和精力将他们的知识和见解传授给新人,这种指导不仅对于技能转移至关重要,而且对于灌输新招募的警察的警务精神随着警察文化的这一方面逐渐减弱,长期影响可能会对未来几代警察产生共鸣,但政府在基亚·斯塔默的领导下对这一切做了什么?你期待什么?他的工党一直在呼吁启动为期十年的国家复兴,承诺承载着对更安全的街道和焕发活力的公共服务的愿景。然而,在这些宏大的宣言中,关于他们将如何应对警察辞职人数惊人激增的具体信息在当地仍然非常稀少,而斯塔默谈到了经济增长和公共部门改善的重大计划,前线的警官们继续交出警徽,变革的承诺尚未转化为阻止离职潮的具体行动,这就是这段视频的全部内容,你认为警察辞职背后的原因是什么? starmer 的承诺将变成有效的解决方案。

Record numbers of police officers quitting forces – figures

In the year to March, 4,668 officers left after a voluntary resignation.


Record numbers of police officers are quitting their jobs at forces in England and Wales, figures show.

In the year to March, 4,668 officers left after a voluntary resignation.

This is the highest number since comparable records began 16 years ago and up 32% on 3,533 in 2021/22, according to PA news agency analysis of Home Office data.

The rate of police officers leaving – as a proportion of the headcount at the start of the financial year – was also at a record high of 6.6%.

Excluding transfers, 9,347 police officers left the 43 territorial forces in England and Wales in 2022/23 – again, the highest number in a financial year since comparable headcount data began in 2006/07.

In the latest 12-month period, 224 officers were also dismissed or had their contract terminated: the highest number since 2016/17 (292) and up 23% year-on-year from 182.

The number of officers taking normal retirement was 4,003 in 2022/23 which is broadly similar to previous years. Some 376 took medical retirement – an increase on the previous two financial years – but still lower than pre-pandemic levels.

The departures came as the Government hailed the success of its recruitment campaign to hire tens of thousands of new officers, despite Britain’s biggest police force missing its individual target.

Provisional data published in April showed a total of 20,951 extra recruits joined police forces in the past three years, meeting a Conservative election manifesto commitment to have 20,000 additional officers in post by March 2023.

Out of 43 forces, the Metropolitan Police was the only one to miss its individual target, falling short by about 1,000.

Thousands Of UK Police Officers RESIGN - What’s Really Happening?

Nowhere Diary  2024年9月8日 

why are UK police officers abandoning
their posts in droves, this wave of resignations isn't
just about dwindling numbers it's a
deep-seated issue and there are more
than a few reasons the first of which is
pay dissatisfaction and poor working
conditions a detailed look at reports
paints a grim picture of the current
state of affairs for those in uniform
officers across the country are voicing
their frustrations over salaries that
simply don't stack up against the
mounting pressures and risks associated
with their roles but it's not just the
paycheck causing unrest the working
conditions long hours insufficient
resources and less than ideal workplaces
pushing many to reconsider their careers
in law enforcement the situation raises
important questions how can forces maintain Public
Safety when their own members are
stretched thin the second reason is low morale and mental health issues amid the
echoing Halls of UK police stations a quiet crisis is unfolding one that doesn't just hinge on numbers but on the very well-being of the officers themselves eles got nothing to say to be honest trespass is not criminal you have nothing to say listen lady you have
nothing to say trespass is not criminal
you have nothing to say why are you get
angry because I'm telling you you have
nothing to say you have nothing to say
you have absolutely nothing to say
nothing to say nothing to say it's not
your reports from the police Federation
of England and Wales have repeatedly
highlighted not just a dip but a dive in
morale among the ranks coupled tightly
with escalating mental health concern
concerns these issues are more than just
footnotes they are Central chapters in
the story of why many officers are
choosing to walk away the link between low morale and
mental health issues is well documented
painting a picture of a Workforce Under
Siege not just from the external
pressures of policing but from internal
battles with stress anxiety and
depression the demands of the job can be
unrelenting and without adequate support
the weight can become
unbearable this isn't just the stress of
a bad week it's how that stress
accumulates without sufficient relief or
resources to manage it and then there's
the introduction of what we all know as
wokeism which can be devastating when
juxtapose with the Public's perception
of two-tier policing these changes are not merely
administrative but strike at the core of
traditional policing values and
practices wokeism which often focus on
increased inclusivity diversity and
cultural sensitivity have been met with
mixed reactions within the force while
the original intent behind the woke
movement was to foster a more just and
Equitable Society some officers feel it
compromises their ability to enforce the
law effectively woke policies prioritize
political correctness over practical
results leading to frustration and
disillusionment furthermore the notion
of two-tier policing where it appears that different rules
apply depending on the demographic or
social status of the individuals
involved has exacerbated feelings of
inequity and Injustice within the ranks
this perception undermines trust in the
leadership and can erode the solidarity
that is crucial for Effective policing
it's a tough gig being a Bobby on the
beat most officers jump into The Fray
with Noble intentions they want to
shield and serve the communities they
cherish but every Force has its share of
bad apples and it's these few who often
grab the headlines casting Shadows over
the whole crew remember that officer who
was taking the knee wait wait wait wait
not all officers are like that sadly for
the good ones getting tangled up in
controversies like two-tier policing and
wokeism only adds insult to injury
sapping their Spirits imagine being
passionate about your job committed to
making a difference only to feel like
you're constantly walking on eggshells
navigating through a Minefield of modern
policies that seem to muddy the Waters
of traditional policing these officers
face a daily challenge trying to balance
fairness and Effectiveness while
adhering to new rules that to some might
feel like they prioritize political
correctness over practical
policing this ongoing tension can wear
down even the most dedicated officers
casting a shadow over their enthusiasm
and dedication as controversy swirl and
the lines of acceptable law enforcement
practices blur it's not just the bad
apples that suffer but those who
genuinely care and strive to do their
best budget cuts are slicing through the
resources essential for Effective
policing and the workload for each
officer is piling up according to Unison
National forces in England and Wales are
grappling with a potential $700 Million
shortfall by 20126 this financial crunch is more than
just numbers on a spreadsheet it's
becoming a day-to-day struggle for those
on the front line with budgets
tightening essential equipment is harder
to come by and officers find themselves
making do with less this isn't just
about having fewer gadgets it's about
compromising on the very tools that
ensure their safety and efficiency additionally as staff rolls are cut or left unfilled to save money the remaining officers must pick up the
slack this means longer hours increased
responsibility and mounting pressure
without any promise of extra pay the
impact of these Cuts goes beyond the
immediate stress and fatigue overworked
and underresourced officers are reaching
a Breaking Point the promise of policing
as a stable career is fading shadowed by
the reality of a job that seems to demand more while offering less it's no wonder then that resignation rates are climbing as many officers question if the badge is worth the burden there's no way the force can maintain Law and Order if they can't even maintain their funding as the resignations Ripple through the UK's police forces the effects stretch far beyond the empty
desks at local stations the thinning
blue line is beginning to show its
impact on crime rates Public Safety and
the Very fabric of community policing
the departure of seasoned officers
leaves a gap that isn't easily filled
with fewer officers on patrol the
immediate consequ consquence is often a
slower response to Crime which can
embolden criminals areas that were once
closely monitored might now see longer
periods without a police presence
leading to a potential uptick in crime
rates correlation does not imply
causation but a pattern is emerging
where the decrease in police numbers is
mirrored by concerns over Rising crime
statistics community policing thrives on
regular and deep interaction between
officers and the communities they serve
but with a reduced Force these
interactions are the first on the
cutting block officers find themselves
stretched covering wider areas and more
diverse tasks reducing their
availability to engage in
community-based policing efforts that
require time and Trust to be effective
the impact here is
twofold communities feel less supported
and police have less On The Ground
Intelligence which is necessary for
preventative police relasing and the
strain doesn't stop at the streets it
seeps into the training rooms where new
recruits are prepared with a higher
turnover there's an urgent need to bring
new officers up to speed however with
the existing staff Under Pressure to
manage their regular duties their
capacity to Mentor effectively is
compromised training becomes rushed or
less comprehensive leading to a
Workforce that's less prepared this
situation creates a vicious cycle of
inefficiency and error further stressing
an already overstretched Force seasoned
officers who are needed for mentoring
are finding themselves having to handle
more calls leaving them less time and
energy to impart their knowledge and
insights to
newcomers this mentorship is vital for
not just skill transfer but also for
instilling the ethos of policing in new
recruits as this aspect of police
culture thins the long-term effects
could resonate for generations of
officers to come but what's the
government doing about all this well
under Kia starmer's leadership what do
you expect his labor party has been
vocal about initiating a decade of
national renewal a promise Laden with
visions of safer streets and rejuvenated
Services yet amid these Grand
declarations specifics on how they'll
address the alarming surge in police
resignations remain notably thin on the
while starma talks up big plans for
economic growth and public sector
improvements officers on the front lines
continue to hand in their badges the
promises of change have yet to
materialize into concrete actions that
would stem the tide of Departures and
that's it for this video what are your
thoughts on the reasons behind the
resignations do you think starmer's
promises will materialize into effective
Solutions drop your opinions in the
comments below share this video with
your family and friends to spread
awareness and don't forget to like And
subscribe click the Bell icon too so you
don't miss out on our discussions thanks
for all the love and support the love

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