
James Galbraith 中国衰落 美国新叙事

(2024-07-29 15:08:42) 下一个

中国衰落?美国新叙事面向 2024 年大选


James K. Galbraith 2023 年 8 月 18 日


中国应该专注于消费而不是投资的说法现在和 30 年前一样荒谬,并且有助于增强西方的优越感


美国总统乔·拜登为这一新叙事设定了条件。正如《纽约时报》的迈克尔·D·谢尔 (Michael D. Shear) 报道的那样,白宫现在担心“中国高失业率和劳动力老龄化的困境,使该国成为世界经济核心的‘定时炸弹’”。拜登警告说,“当坏人遇到问题时,他们会做坏事”,但他没有解释失业和人口老龄化究竟是如何将中国变成威胁的。

与此同时,经济记者彼得·S·古德曼 (Peter S. Goodman) 指出了一系列支持新说法的发展。这些因素包括中国进出口下降、“从食品到公寓等一系列商品”价格下跌、房地产市场低迷以及房地产违约,后者造成了 76 亿美元的损失(这是一个相当大的事件,但远不及典型的美国银行救助)。古德曼在回应中写道:“鉴于中国债务不断增加,目前估计占国民产出的 282%,中国当局的选择有限。”
此外,古德曼引用了麻省理工学院经济学家黄亚生的话,他指出,中国的出口和进口总额占国内生产总值的 40%,其中大部分是进口零部件的最终组装和再出口。然而,尽管黄似乎给古德曼留下了减少这种“转嫁”贸易将产生巨大影响的印象,但事实上,这种影响相当小,因为进口是 GDP 的减项。中国损失的只是附加值,只是整体产品价值的一小部分。

7 月 21 日,一艘集装箱船停靠在上海洋山深水港。中国进出口额的下降引起了一些方面的担忧。照片:NurPhoto / Getty Images







中国宣布在中亚投资 38 亿美元进行“一带一路”扩张



最重要的是,它是关于我们的美国领导人战胜可能做“坏事”的“坏人”。这是为 2024 年竞选活动量身定制的叙述。

China in decline? New US narrative is geared towards 2024 election
  • The White House and American news media are wringing their hands over China’s economic slowdown, which is construed as posing a threat
  • The argument that China should focus on consumption instead of investment is as fallacious now as it was 30 years ago, and serves to bolster a Western sense of superiority

Three recent articles in The New York Times have signalled a “new” narrative about China. Once a threat by dint of its inexorable rise, now it poses a threat because it is in decline.

US President Joe Biden set the terms of this new narrative. As The New York Times’ Michael D. Shear reports, the White House now worries that “China’s struggles with high unemployment and an aging workforce make the country ‘a ticking time bomb’ at the heart of the world economy”. Biden warned, “When bad folks have problems, they do bad things”, but he did not explain how, exactly, unemployment and an ageing population turn China into a threat.
Shear gives another reason for China’s new-found decline: “the president has moved aggressively to contain China’s rise and to restrict its ability to benefit militarily from the use of technologies developed in the United States”. Given the scope of Biden’s new semiconductor restrictions, he might have added “and non-militarily as well”.
Meanwhile, Peter S. Goodman, an economics reporter, points to a “slew of developments” supporting the new narrative. These include declining Chinese exports and importsfalling prices “on a range of goods, from food to apartments,” a housing slump, and a real-estate default that has produced losses of US$7.6 billion (a sizeable event, but nothing close to the typical US bank bailout). In responding, Goodman writes, “Chinese authorities are limited in their options … given mounting debts now estimated at 282 percent of national output”.
According to Goodman, China’s difficulties stem from deeper problems such as a high savings rate, vast deposits in the banking system, a new wariness about real estate, and, consequently, a growing need “to boost domestic demand”. He and his sources agree that the proper cure is stimulus – meaning more consumption and less investment.

Moreover, Goodman cites MIT economist Yasheng Huang, who notes that exports plus imports in China total 40 per cent of gross domestic product, much of which comprises final assembly and re-exports of imported components. But while Huang appears to have left Goodman with the impression that reducing this “pass-through” trade would have a big effect, the fact is that the effect would be quite small, since imports are a subtraction from GDP. China is losing merely the value-added, a fraction of the overall product value.

A container ship at Yangshan deep water port in Shanghai on July 21. China’s declining imports and exports have elicited concern in some quarters. Photo: NurPhoto / Getty Images

Finally, Nobel laureate Paul Krugman rounds out the paper’s coverage of China’s “stumble” by offering an economist’s “systemic” view. According to Krugman, China previously grew “largely by catching up to Western technology”, but now it faces the problem of too much saving, too much investment, and too little consumption. It therefore needs “fundamental reforms” to “put more income in the hands of families, so that rising consumption can take the place of unsustainable investment”.


here is nothing new about Krugman’s key point about savings. Western economists were already pushing that line 30 years ago, when I became chief technical adviser for macroeconomic reform to China’s State Planning Commission. “Invest less! Consume more!” – the mantra made no sense to me then, and it still doesn’t today.

Should China have more cars but worse roads and fewer gas stations? Does it need more televisions, but fewer apartments to put them in? Does the population need more food and clothing, even though it was already mostly well-fed and decently dressed three decades ago?

True, Chinese families save prodigiously for education, healthcare and old age. But they can do that because they have incomes, which come in large part from jobs in the public and private investment sectors.

Chinese workers are paid for building factories, homes, rail lines, roads and other public works. The typical (statistically average) Chinese family is not income-constrained. If it were, it would not be able to save as much as it does.

Moreover, if China were to run out of investment projects, incomes would fall, savings would slow, and consumption as a share of income would necessarily rise. But this decline of savings would make Chinese families less secure, deepening today’s slowdown.
No wonder the government has taken pains to keep investment flowing through major programmes like the Belt and Road Initiative. Even after China itself is fully built (or overbuilt), it still will have plenty to do in Central Asia, Africa and Latin America.
China announces US$3.8 billion Belt and Road expansion in Central Asia
Yes, China’s economy is slowing. It will be hard to scale anything to match the cities and transport networks that are already in place, or the campaign to eliminate extreme poverty. China’s main tasks now lie elsewhere: in education and healthcare, in matching skills to jobs, in providing for the elderly, and in curbing carbon dioxide emissions. They will be pursued in Chinese fashion: step by step, over time.

So, what is the new narrative really about? It is not so much about China as it is about the West. It is about our lead in technologies, our free-market system, and our ability to wield power and to keep all challengers at bay. It is about reinforcing what Westerners like to believe: the inevitable triumph of capitalism and democracy.

Above all, it is about our American leaders winning out against “bad folks” who may do “bad things”. It’s a narrative that’s made-to-measure for the 2024 election campaign.
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