
Patrik Baab 欧洲精英为何将大陆推向断头台

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欧洲精英为何将大陆推向断头台 | Patrik Baab


SaneVox Chinese  2024年7月14日

我们正走向400年内的第五次泛欧洲战争。而我们并不是在梦游。我们睁着眼睛,清醒地、心甘情愿地、雄心勃勃地奔向灾难,渴望成为继乌克兰人之后跳入深渊的人。如何解释如此强烈的泛欧洲死亡愿望? 今天,我与德国最重要的记者和知识分子之一帕特里克·巴布先生讨论欧洲的战争心态,他多年来一直公开探讨乌克兰冲突及媒体在其中的角色。

帕特里克·巴布是《明镜》畅销书《在前线的两边》(https://www.amazon.de/Auf-beiden-Seit... 他最新的书名为《宣传媒体:媒体和枪手如何将我们推向战争》(https://www.amazon.co.jp/Propaganda-P...


Elites Are KILLING Europe For THIS Reason

Journalist Patrik Baab


Neutrality Studies

2024年7月14日 Interviews

We are on the way to the fifth general European war in less than 400 years. And we are not sleepwalking. We are running towards disaster with our eyes wide open, seeingly, willingly, ambitiously, to be the next to jump into the abyss—like the Ukrainians. How can we explain this trans-European death-wish?

Today I discuss the European war mentality with Mr. Patrik Baab, one of Germany's most important journalists and intellectuals, who has been publicly dealing with the issue of the Ukraine conflict as well as the role of the media in it for years.

Patrik Baab is the author of the Spiegel bestseller “On Both Sides of the Front” (https://www.amazon.de/Auf-beiden-Seit..., in which he reports on his experiences traveling in the Donbas, and he was also an editor for Norddeutscher Rundfunk (NDR) for many years, as well as a lecturer at two universities in Germany.

His latest book is called “Propaganda Press, How Media and Paid Writers Drive Us to War” (https://www.amazon.co.jp/Propaganda-P....

Follow Mr. Baab here: https://patrikbaab.de


Patrik Baab

Journalist & Autor  Im Dialog

Wie uns Medien und Lohnschreiber in Kriege treiben.

Patrik Baab über die Lohnschreiber des Todes. Ein Reporter, der in Mariupol die Wucht des Krieges gesehen hat, hält der eigenen Branche den Spiegel vor.


Der Ukraine-Krieg und der Realitätsverlust der Medien. Hintergrund, 02.02.2024

Keine Distanz zur NATO-Propaganda. Junge Welt, 12.03.2023

Lügen durch weglassen, Overton-Magazin, 24.11.2023

Medien sind zentrale Eskalationstreiber. Transition-News, 24.10.2023

Mein neues Buch erscheint im Mai 2024

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