
西方人游中国 体验到真正人的生活

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For All Life's Adventures 2023年9月3日

这是YouTube 视频: Why are you told China is bad?的英文留言的翻译。


633 条评论

@Way827 8个月前


@ireneserrano4570 8个月前
我同意,我在中国住了4年(我是西班牙人),我从来没有感到如此安全!晚上我从来没有感到不安全或害怕走在街上! 我住在青岛,美丽的沿海城市,一年内就修建了两条长长的地铁线路!现在他们已经有了一个很棒的地铁系统!我去过上海和北京这样的大城市,也去过无锡或黄山这样的小城市……无论我去哪里,总是有同样的安全感,我甚至乘坐公共汽车去农村地区(相反,我没有丰富的海外生活),人们都很乐于助人,很友善!交通充足、方便,而且非常便宜!食物是我吃过的最好、最便宜的食物!无论是外出就餐还是在市场买回家做饭,质量和价格都非常好,以至于多年后我仍然感到震惊。


@annettajensen6751 8个月前

我在墨西哥住了一年(2022 年),11 月返回。喜欢它!只是美国政府试图降级的另一个国家。我爱美国人民,只是不喜欢他们欺凌的政府。无论如何,享受生活,正如 Nomad Capitalist 的 Andrew 所说:去你受到最好待遇的地方。来自澳大利亚。

@limhong1095 8个月前

@davidburke2697 8 个月前

watcher171 8个月前

@johnblack6161 8个月前

@forgettohaveaname2954 8个月前(修改过)

@kevinleaw3798 8个月前

@jeanleveille5319 8个月前
我最近发现我的签证上的 M 代表“多次入境”,我的旅游签证允许我在中国停留60天,多次意味着我必须每60天离开中国去越南吃饭,否则,当天返回中国再停留60天。多次意味着无限次入境。我的第一个签证是48个月。他们不认识我,允许我在中国睡了接下来的1400天。这真是一次好客之旅。我的新签证有效期到2032年,9 年。在中国可能要呆 3000多个晚上,我根本不会用到这些,只有3%而已。

@user-gc9yh2ic4q 8 个月前
Iain 的观点很棒!还有一件事让我不时地问自己什么是真实的。我们大多数人依靠别人的信息生存。为此,我们不可避免地信任别人。信任越多,社会就越有效率。只是遗憾的是信任经常被滥用。尼日尔的消息突然又破灭了, 我看到了 200 年前中国的情况, 世界似乎没有丝毫改善。中国肯定已经翻过了那一页。我希望没有人会再遭受同样的命运。谢谢你又一个精彩的视频!

@Elfan97-ec1uk 8个月前

@idofdm7625 8个月前
因为我在美国生活了39年,所以我可以告诉你这么多!对于现在和未来的几代人来说,过去的美国梦将更加难以实现!并不是说如果你愿意打零工或精通社交媒体就无法实现它!如果你是移民,由于汇率原因,这仍然是一个不错的选择,许多新移民因此可以养活他们的家乡的家庭!如果你赚取体面的工资,到处开车,你仍然可以生活在自己的小圈子里!但像我这样的人到处乘坐公共交通或步行,我可以告诉你,我们社会的质量在过去几年里迅速下降!自从里根时代(开始解散工会)以来,我们的政府(最近削减社会项目)和公司(取消养老金和工资停滞等)一直在一点一点地蚕食我们的生活!现在通货膨胀率飞涨!繁荣与萧条是资本主义野兽的本性!如果你是社会的上层人士,你会没事的,而如今的社会下层人士最终会破产、流落街头或诉诸犯罪以求生存!可悲的是,我认为我们的民主是狗屎!就像你说的,人们相信宣传(是的,自由、民主、宗教自由、对国旗的忠诚等等,就是这样),美国需要不断增长的人口,才能让你接受美国梦,比你的出生地更加努力。因此,美国在过去 200 年里随着新移民的不断涌入而发展壮大!这就是为什么你不能将我们的模式移植到其他不同情况的国家!如果你想把共产党称为王朝周期的延续(西方肯定喜欢这样称呼它),那么你生活在历史上的正确时期,就像马可波罗对当时中国的富饶感到敬畏一样!我的父母生活在错误的时代,所以我们和世界各地的许多人一样成为了华人侨民!只是我的一点小想法!祝你在中国生活愉快!

@wreckingballswings 8 个月前

Why are you told China is bad?

For All Life's Adventures 2023年9月3日  

In this China vlog, I am out in Beijing City exploring the city and as always, seeking to understand China. The Western media say the China economy is collapsing, I am out wandering China and sharing so you can see the truth from inside China.

633 条评论

I lived in China for eleven years and gained so much and learnt so much. The Wisdom of China is indescribable. The West now has nothing to offer except lies, crime, economic meltdown, war, betrayal and just evil stuff. I've learnt nothing much from living in the "west" except how inferior it is to China. Unyet the western people choose to believe what they want and often deep down know its all lies. The west is like a gathering zombie apocalypse. Luckily it is less than 10% of the world's population. If they want to fall, they will. You are so lucky to be in China. Stay there for ever pal. :)
I agree, i have lived for 4 years in China (im Spanish) and i've never felt more safe!!! at nightime i have never felt insecure or afraid to walk in the streets! I lived in Qingdao, beautiful coastal city, that just in a year had built two long subway lines! and now they already have a great subway system! I travelled around to huge cities like Shanghai and Beijing but also to smaller cities like Wuxi or Huangshan... everywhere i went it was always the same feeling of safety, and i even took public buses to rural areas (i didn't have a eich expat life, on the contrary), people are helpful and nice!Transport is ample, convenient and very cheap!! Food is the best and cheapeat i've ever had! both eating out or buying at markets to cook at home, the quality and price are so good that i was always in ahock even after years
 Anyway, i only have praise for China. I also felt that, they have that sense of community, of a united society all working together with a common purpose! i never felt that in Europe, on the contrary, here as you said we seem to be gievn up as we know we are fked by our governments and we have no voice, so we are doomed and just living like zombies
I totally believe you. Been to China and had a great time and people were happy & friendly. Like you said, every country has it's problems and the US seems to have plenty of their own. The US Govt wants to reign supreme therefore they have to try and bring down other countries. People are doing their own research and seeing the truth and about time. I lived in Mexico for a year (2022) and returning in November. Loved it! Just another country the US Govt tries to downgrade. I love the people of the US, just not their bullying Govt. Anyway, enjoy life and as Andrew at Nomad Capitalist says: go where you're treated best.  from Australia
Freedom of peace.  China  Thanks Bro 
From NY state, I've lived in China for the past 10 years. I love China because I'm a people person. In China, I can live in a large modern city for $500/month. Easy. Need I say more.
Great video…I have been to China several times and can confirm that what you say is true…China is amazing and people should come visit before spreading lies
Its only the jealous US. thats bad.
I recently discovered that the M on my visa means "Multiple Entries" my tourist visa allows me 60 days in China, multiple means that I must go out of China every 60 day to have a meal in Viet Nam or else, then returned to China the same day for another 60 day. Multiple means, unlimited entries. My first visa was for 48 months. They didn't know me and gave me permission to sleep in China for the next 1400 days. It's truly hospitable. My new visa is until 2032, 9 years. Possibility of more than 3000 nights in China, I will be far from using all this, little be 3%.
Great points Iain! Also something keeps me asking myself from time to time what's real. Most of us rely on information from others to survive. For that we inevitably place trust in others. The more trust there is, the more efficient a society will be. Just sadly the trust is often abused. With the news from Niger all of a sudden another bubble was busted. I see the same situation China was in 200 years ago. The world does not seem to have improved even a bit. China certainly has turned that page over. And I hope no one will have to suffer the same fate again. Thanks for another great video!
China has gone a long way: from abject poverty after years of foreign aggressions n looting then the Civil War then Cultural Revoultion! The late Mr. Denf Xiao Ping's vision 40 years ago was: feed the general population, make a few rich first, establish a fair society in which everyone can have a share! 40 years on, look at our China today: abundance of food, affordable entertainment n living expenses, a harmonious n contented society. THIS is the CHINESE DREAM, n I'm so proud to be a part of it! Thanks Ian for your clear minded n fair reflections.
As I had live in US of A 39 years, this much I can tell you! American dream of old will be harder for current and future generations! Not to say you can't achieve it if you're willing to hustle gig jobs or savvy with social media stuffs! If you're immigrants it's still a good choice because of exchange rate, lots of new immigrants can support families where they came from because of that! If you earn a decent wage, driving everywhere you can still live in your little bubble! But some one like me take transit or walk everywhere, I can tell you quality of our society been deteriorating past few years rapidly! Ever since Regan,Theher era ( start of dismantling of union ) our government ( recent cut to social programs,) and corporation (doing away with pension and stagnant wages etc. ) been chipping away at our livelihood bit by bit! Now the skyrocketing inflations! Booms and busts is the nature of the capitalist beast! If you're upper echelon of society you'll be fine lower one nowadays end up bankrupt, homeless on the street or resorts to crimes to survive! Sad that I view our democracy is crap lod of dog shits! Like you say people believe in propaganda ( yes freedom, democracy, religious freedom loyalty to the flag etc. etc is that ) America need growing demographic for you to buy in to American dream and work extra hard than where you originated. Hence America grow with constant new set of immigrants past 200 years! That's why you cannot transplant our model to other countries with different circumstance! If you want to call communist party continuation of dynastic cycles ( the West's like to term it that way for sure ) you're living in a right time in history like Marco Polo at awe with abundaness of then China! My parents live in the wrong time so we became Chinese diasporas like many throughout the world! Just my little thoughts! Enjoy your lifei in China!
Good video & good argument. What strikes me most is that ppl in china retain a strong desire to make tomorrow better that today. Even if things get difficult, they have confidence that better times will come and work even harder. In western countries ppl seem to be depressed, scarred of loosing wealth, afraid of competition and then they fall for lies of right wing parties as seen in many parts in europe. Yes, Brexit, im talking to you. And the sense of entitlement and Karenism is breathtaking... greetings from Germany.
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