
尼克松 西方赢冷战 自由还会受威胁

(2024-05-02 11:08:45) 下一个

尼克松警告俄罗斯会发生这种情况 (1992)



理查德·尼克松基金会Richard Nixon Foundation运用美国不懈的大战略家理查德·尼克松总统的遗产和愿景来定义我们国家和世界面临的问题。







Nixon Warned That THIS Would Happen To Russia (1992)



The Richard Nixon Foundation applies the legacy and vision of President Richard Nixon, America's relentless grand strategist, to defining issues facing our nation and the world.

you have made recommendations not only in your book but in your speeches and at your recent conference about what the United States should do to help Russia and you've also pointed out what the consequences of not helping Russia will be would you share with us your thoughts 

Richard Nixon
well Russia at the present time is at a Crossroads. It is often said that the cold war is over and that the West has won it that's only half true; because what has happened is that the Communists have been defeated. But the ideas of Freedom now are on trial if they don't work, there will be a reversion to not communism, which has failed, but what I call a new despotism, which would pose a mortal danger to the rest of the world, because it would have be infected with the virus of Russian imperialismm which of course has been a characteristic of Russian foreign policy for centuries; we begin with that; therefore the West has the the United States has all those who want peace and freedom in the world, a great stake in Freedom succeeding in Russia, if it succeeds it will be an example for others to follow; it will be for China for example to follow for the other Communist States, the few that remain; if it fails, it means that the hardliners in China will get a new life, they will say it failed, there's no reason for us to turn to democracy that's part of what is at stake, here the other point that we have to have in mind, is that it's vitally important, that it succeed because it means that Russia which for 70 years has been exporting or trying to export the ideas of Communism to the world will now be exporting the ideas of Freedom the ideas of democracy, the goods of Freedom; it means that Russia for example will be able to export goods. that'll be a huge export market, for example for the United States and other countries, so I would simply sum it up to say for our Korean audience, it means a great deal to Korea too; because Russia the Soviet Union, I should say was a very strong supporter of North Vietnam. Russia will not be a supporter of North Vietnam and that means that we have here a potential ally joining with the United States and other country other free countries in putting pressure on North Korea not to go forward with a nuclear option.

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