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司徒温斯顿 · CBC 新闻 · 2023 年 3 月 21 日


中华人民共和国驻多伦多总领事馆。 周二,在对中国政府涉嫌干预选举的调查中,学者们发表了一封公开信,其中包括关于遏制针对华裔的种族主义强烈反对的可能行动的建议。 (三井埃文/CBC)


九名签署者是维多利亚大学加中关系讨论论坛的顾问,他们认为,特别报告员戴维·约翰斯顿领导的针对中国政府涉嫌干涉的调查可能“进一步对加拿大华人进行不分青红皂白和未经证实的忠诚、颠覆或叛国指控” 。




此前,《环球新闻》和《环球邮报》援引了加拿大安全情报局 (CSIS) 泄露的信息,声称北京干预了 2019 年和 2021 年联邦选举,以及去年 10 月温哥华市选举。



一名身着蓝色夹克、系着红丝带的男子在麦克风前讲话。上周,温哥华市长肯·辛 (Ken Sim) 谴责了他所说的“影射”他因温哥华中国领事馆的干扰而赢得市长选举的行为。 (贾斯汀·布林/CBC)






“许多来自种族社区的人觉得他们总是被当作永远的外国人对待,”他在 CBC 节目《早期版》中对客座主持人格洛丽亚·马卡连科说道。



照片中的日裔加拿大人被转移到不列颠哥伦比亚省的拘留营。 1942年的内政。这封信引用了这段历史,反驳了针对北京干预加拿大选举的加拿大华裔政客的“毫无根据”的指控。 (加拿大图书馆和档案馆)











包含早期版本中的文件,Catharine Tunney 和 Justin McElroy

Academics voice concern over 'toxic' discussions against Chinese Canadians amid election meddling probe


Canadian politicians of Chinese descent have openly rejected allegations they are agents of China's government

Winston Szeto · CBC News · 

A red flag with five yellow stars is flying above the roof of a building.

The Consulate General of the People's Republic of China in Toronto. On Tuesday, academics published an open letter that included recommendations for potential actions to curb racist backlash against people of Chinese descent, amid investigations over alleged election meddling by China's government. (Evan Mitsui/CBC)

A group of academics across Canada penned an open letter expressing concern that the investigation into foreign meddling in Canadian elections could trigger "toxic" discussions against people of Chinese descent.

The nine signatories, advisors for the University of Victoria's discussion forum on Canada-China relations, argue the investigations led by special rapporteur David Johnston into alleged interference by China's government may "further indiscriminate and unsubstantiated accusations of loyalty, subversion or treason" against Chinese Canadians.

"We are deeply concerned that government initiatives announced to help combat foreign interference risk creating more problems than they solve," the Tuesday letter to Johnston reads. 

"For too many, 'foreign interference' is simply a codeword for 'Chinese' with all the racist overtones that have been imposed on that term."

Allegations against Chinese Canadian politicians

Several Canadian politicians of Chinese descent have openly rejected allegations they are agents of China's government.

This follows reports from Global News and the Globe and Mail that cited leaked information the outlets say is from the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), claiming Beijing meddled in the 2019 and 2021 federal elections, and in municipal elections in Vancouver last October.

Liberal MP Han Dong of Toronto's Don Valley North riding said Tuesday he received death threats after Global News published its story last month, where anonymous sources alleged he was among Liberal candidates affiliated with China's foreign interference network.

"It's unverified, anonymous allegations," Dong said.

A man in blue jacket and red ribbon speaks in front of a microphone.Last week, Vancouver Mayor Ken Sim denounced what he described as 'insinuations' he had won the mayoral election thanks to interference from the Vancouver Chinese consulate. (Justine Boulin/CBC)

Last week, Vancouver Mayor Ken Sim denounced what he said were "insinuations" he had won the mayoral election thanks to interference from the Chinese consulate in Vancouver.

"I'll just say it: if I was a Caucasian male, we're not having this conversation," said Sim, Vancouver's first mayor of Chinese descent. 

Accusations could be 'groundless': prof

The open letter noted the history of Japanese Canadians' wartime internment to argue against what it described are "unfounded" accusations against Chinese Canadian politicians.

"During the Second World War, the Canadian government uprooted and dispossessed 23,000 Japanese Canadians because some people accused them of being spies or a fifth column for Japan, accusations that history has shown to be groundless."

John Price, a retired professor of Asian history at UVic and one of the signatories, says given Canada's history of racism and colonialism, it is a "tricky question" to define what counts as "foreign" in investigations on foreign interference.

"Many people from racialized communities feel that they're always treated a perpetual foreigners," he told guest host Gloria Macarenko on CBC's The Early Edition.

"Here we have the term 'foreign' [or] 'foreigners' being used in ways that are not defined, [and] once we get into that, we're into really murky waters."

Women and girls gather together.

Japanese Canadians are pictured being relocated to internment camps in the B.C. Interior in 1942. The letter cited this history in arguing against what it describes are 'groundless' accusations against Chinese Canadian politicians amid allegations of Beijing interfering in Canada's elections. (Library and Archives Canada)

Price admits China's government is capable of interfering with the internal affairs of other countries, but so are other nations — including the United States, which he says attempted covert regime change in other countries 64 times during the Cold War.

Recommended actions to special rapporteur

The letter warns that discussions around meddling in Canadian elections could stymie international co-operation to address global issues such as climate change.

It also reminds national security agencies such as the CSIS and RCMP that threats come from not only foreign actors but also domestic groups, such as "far-right, white supremacist organizations."

The open letter recommends the special rapporteur to consider the following actions:

  • Strictly enforce existing legal measures and institutions to prevent election interference.
  • Instruct CSIS and RCMP to address threats from white supremacist organizations.
  • Promote anti-racism education for all public servants.
  • Create an independent agency to track foreign interference in Canadian politics.
  • Undertake measures that are diplomatic in order to reduce global tensions.

With files from The Early Edition, Catharine Tunney and Justin McElroy

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