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亨利·法夫尔 (HENRI FAVRE) 和科姆·卡彭蒂埃·德·古尔东 (Côme Carpentier de Gourdon)
世界事务:国际问题杂志, 卷11,第3期(2007 年秋季),第 14-20 页(7 页)
民主原教旨主义或“民主主义”是一种政治理论,主要由新保守主义思想家在美国发展。 它声称具有全球意义,因为它认为所有人都想要个人自由,而西式自由民主可以最好地提供这种自由。 该学说被用来为美国的干预主义和霸权主义辩护,但它忽视了重要的社会和文化现实,并且忽视了历史和地理的多样性。 因此,它在新殖民主义背景下的应用往往会带来灾难性的后果。
HENRI FAVRE and Côme Carpentier de Gourdon
Democratic Fundamentalism or “Democratism” is a political theory, mostly developed in the USA by neo-conservative ideologues. It claims global relevance as it holds that all human beings want personal freedom, which is best provided by western style liberal democracy. The doctrine is used to justify American interventionism and hegemonism but it ignores important social and cultural realities and makes short shrift of historic and geographic diversity. Hence, its application in a neo-colonial context often has disastrous consequences.