
Germany's far-right party Marine Le Pen-like leader Alice Weide

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德国的极右政治(1945 年至今)

Far-right politics in Germany (1945–present)

1945年纳粹德国垮台和纳粹党解散后,德国极右翼势力(德语:rechtsextrem)慢慢重组。1945年至1949年,二战盟军在德国进行了去纳粹化, 试图从该国消除纳粹主义。 然而,战后时期出现了各种极右翼政党,并取得了不同的成功。 大多数政党只维持了几年就解散或被取缔,而且明显的极右翼政党在二战后从未在联邦议院(德国联邦议会)中获得席位。

最接近的是极右翼的 Deutsche Rechtspartei(德国右翼党),该党吸引了前纳粹分子,在 1949 年西德联邦选举中赢得了 5 个席位,并保持这些席位四年,然后在 1953 年西德联邦选举中失去这些席位。 1] 祖国党(2023 年以前称为德国国家民主党 (NPD))成立于 1964 年,是德国唯一残存的全国性新纳粹政党。


极右是极右一词的同义词,或者字面意思是“右翼极端主义”(德国联邦宪法保护局使用的术语),根据它,新纳粹主义是一个子类,其 纳粹主义的历史取向。

Far-right politics in Germany (1945–present)


The far-right in Germany (German: rechtsextrem) slowly reorganised itself after the fall of Nazi Germany and the dissolution of the Nazi Party in 1945. Denazification was carried out in Germany from 1945 to 1949 by the Allied forces of World War II, with an attempt of eliminating Nazism from the country. However, various far-right parties emerged in the post-war period, with varying success. Most parties only lasted a few years before either dissolving or being banned, and explicitly far-right parties have never gained seats in the Bundestag (Germany's federal parliament) post-WWII.

The closest was the hard-right Deutsche Rechtspartei (German Right Party), which attracted former Nazis and won five seats in the 1949 West German federal election and held these seats for four years, before losing them in the 1953 West German federal election.[1] The Homeland (formerly known as the National Democratic Party of Germany (NPD) until 2023), founded in 1964, is the only national neo-Nazi political party remaining in Germany.

"Far-right" is synonymous with the term "extreme right", or literally "right-extremist" (the term used by German Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution), according to which neo-Nazism is a subclass, with its historical orientation at Nazism.[2]

Germany's far-right party surged to its best election result since the Nazis — meet Marine Le Pen-like leader Alice Weidel


Alexandra Ma

Alice Weidel. 

Germany's far-right Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) party surged to a historic election result on Sunday.

AfD won about 13% of the vote and is projected to secure 87 seats in parliament — the first time a right-wing party will sit in the Bundestag since the defeat of the Nazis in 1945.

The election was ultimately won by Angela Merkel and her centre-right party, the Christian Democratic Party and Bavarian Christian Socialist Union (CDU/CSU).

Founded in 2013, the AfD is an anti-immigrant, anti-same-sex marriage, and anti-euro party.

Yet, counterintuitively, it is led by Alice Weidel, an openly gay former investment banker in a civil partnership with a Swiss national. Weidel has previously suggested that Germany's legalisation of same-sex marriage was a waste of time, and branded immigrants "illiterate" while also saying they have contributed to a "brain drain" in the Middle East. She has also denied being racist.

Scroll down to learn more about Alice Weidel.

This is 38-year-old Alice Weidel, the co-leader of Germany's far-right Alternative für Deutschland party.

She and 76-year-old Alexander Gauland, run the party together.

BERLIN, GERMANY - SEPTEMBER 18: Alice Weidel and Alexander Gauland, co-lead candidates of the right-wing, populist Alternative for Germany (AfD) political party, departs after speaking to the media on Islam, immigration and crime next to an AfD poster that reads: 'Crime Through Immigration, The Refugee Wave Leaves Behind Clues!' on September 18, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. The AfD currently has between 10% and 12% in polls ahead of German federal elections scheduled for September 24, putting them in third place behind the German Christian Democrats (CDU) and the German Social Democrats (SPD). (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images) 

She has a PhD in economics, worked for Goldman Sachs and Allianz Global Investors, and lived in China for six years. She even speaks conversational Chinese.

After leaving the world of banking, she worked as a freelance consultant for startups, according German newspaper Der Speigel.

Her views were not always extreme, her old friends say.

BERLIN, GERMANY - AUGUST 28: Alice Weidel, co-lead candidate of the right-wing, populist Alternative for Germany (Afd) political party, speaks to members of the Foreign Journalists' Association on August 28, 2017 in Berlin, Germany. Weidel and fellow co-candidate Alexander Gauland are running for the AfD in German federal elections scheduled for September 24. The AfD currently has approxiamtely 10% support in election polls and will most likely have enough votes to win seats in the Bundestag. (Photo by Sean Gallup/Getty Images) 

Sean Gallup/Getty

According to the Financial Times, one of Weidel's old friends emailed her former investment banking colleague a speech Weidel made as AfD leader, asking: "What happened to Alice?"

"If she had such radical views while she was at the bank, she certainly kept them quiet," the unnamed ex-colleague told the FT.

She says she was first attracted to the AfD because of its opposition to the euro.

(The campaign photo above reads: "The euro is ruining Europe!")

Weidel frequently discussed her "adamant opposition" to the euro and presented "very sophisticated arguments for why it wasn’t good for Germany," the former colleague told the FT.

But while Weidel is against the euro, she doesn't mind staying in the European Union — she just wants economically weaker states, like Greece, to leave, Timo Lochocki, a fellow at the German Marshall Fund think tank, told Vox.

She has called Angela Merkel "insane" for her immigration policy, and accused the German chancellor of "running a headless government that has no idea what it is doing."

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who Weidel called "insane." 

The incumbent German chancellor vowed in late 2015 to "do what is necessary" to allow as many asylum seekers into the country as possible.

But three months later, she revised her offer and vowed to "drastically decrease" the number of refugees entering the country after over 890,000 people sought asylum that year alone.

The number of refugee entries has also decreased dramatically since then, according to interior ministry statistics, as cited by Reuters.

Regardless, Weidel told The Local this May: "The country will be destroyed through this immigration policy. Donald Trump said that Merkel is insane and I absolutely agree with that. It is a completely nonsensical form of politics that is being followed here."

Then-US presidential candidate Trump told CBS in 2015: "I always thought Merkel was like this great leader. What she's done in Germany is insane. It is insane."

Weidel said refugees fleeing their countries were contributing to a "brain drain" in the Middle East.

Weidel told The Local that instead of opening its borders to Syrian refugees fleeing the war, Germany should have paid the United Nations Refugee Agency and Syria's neighbours, such as Jordan, who could help keep refugees in the region.

"They [the German government] could also invest in special economic zones in the region so that people aren't ripped out of their social contexts, which leads to a huge 'brain drain' there," Weidel told the news site.

But she also labelled immigrants "illiterate" and without "any training" in the same interview.

"Eventually they'll have to go back, this [immigration] just can't go on," she added.

She claims her party isn't racist, by the way.

"There are no racists in the AfD," Weidel insisted to The Local.

"But at the same time one must see that dangerous people have come into the country through the government's open-border policy."

Weidel, who is openly gay and in a registered partnership with a woman, says Germany's children shouldn't be taught about homosexuality until after puberty.

—Florian Kain (@Florian_Kain) April 29, 2017

Weidel lives with her partner, Swiss film producer Sarah Bossard (pictured above), and their two children in Biel, Switzerland, according to Germany's Bild newspaper. She told the newspaper she had a "modern family."

Citing protests in 2016 against LGBT issues being introduced in some German schools, Weidel told The Local: "I don’t want anyone with their gender idiocy or their early sexualisation classes coming near my children."

She insisted, however, that she had no problem with children taught about homosexuality in schools, but only after they hit puberty.

She also insisted that her party was not homophobic after it mourned the "death" of the German family after same-sex marriage was legalised.

After Germany's parliament legalised same-sex marriage in June this year, AfD's website front page featured a death notice that read, according to a Politico translation: "In deep sorrow, we say goodbye to the German family, whose constitutional protection was buried by the 'representatives of the people' at the German parliament."

The AfD's manifesto says a family can consist only of a father, mother, and children. Days after the parliament decision, the party vowed to challenge the bill before the country's highest constitutional court, Bild reported.

"To be in favour of the traditional family does not mean you reject other lifestyles," she told the Financial Times. "The fact that I was elected top candidate [of the party] shows how tolerant it is."

—Alternative für (@AfD) June 27, 2017

After the same-sex marriage vote, Weidel also tweeted (above), according to a Vox translation: "[Holding] the 'marriage for all' debate while millions of Muslims illegally immigrate to Germany is a joke!"

Weidel has insisted, however, that the party is not homophobic.

"First impressions are often wrong," Weider also told Philosophia Perennis, a German political blog, on Wednesday. "[But] on closer inspection, the AfD is the only real protection for gays and lesbians in Germany."

She has also vehemently denied her party has contributed to far-right violence.

Weidel has attempted to distance her party from far-right violence, and denied that the amount of right-wing violence had risen in the country.

"Has violence from the right risen? What is your evidence for that?" she asked The Local.

Germany's domestic intelligence agency, the Verfassungsschutz, recorded 1,600 crimes linked to far-right ideology in 2016, according to Deutsche Welle. This marked an increase from 1,408 far-right-linked crimes in 2015.

"We condemn right-wing violence very loudly and repeatedly," she added. "This doesn't fit into our public image and that's why it doesn't get attention."

Earlier this year, she sued a TV show for calling her a "Nazi bitch."

She sued German broadcaster NDR.

According to Reuters, the broadcaster's "Extra 3" satire programme aired a part of Weidel's speech to an AfD party congress, in which she said: "Political correctness belongs to the dustbin of history."

Following the clip, NDR's presenter said: "That's right! Let's put an end to political correctness. The Nazi bitch is right. Was this incorrect enough? I hope so!"

Weidel requested an injunction against the re-airing of the programme, but was told by the Hamburg District Court that satire was protected under the right to freedom of expression and that, as a public figure, she would have to "put up with exaggerated criticism."

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