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Now & Beyond电视论坛-



 CGTN 2022 年 10 月 29 日发布

北京2022年10月29日 /美通社/ -- 中国共产党第二十次全国代表大会为中国未来五年及更长期规划描绘了宏伟蓝图。 它对世界有何意义? 未来几年,世界对中国有何期待? 中国的现代化将为国际社会带来什么? CGTN组织了题为“现在与未来”的专题小组讨论,由CGTN主播刘鑫主持,与决策者和全球思想家共同探讨中国和世界的前进道路。

“真正的中国信息是多边主义的信息,”哥伦比亚大学可持续发展中心主任杰弗里·萨克斯教授在评论美国媒体对全国代表大会的偏见报道时表示。 “中国非常明确地希望在《联合国宪章》下建立一个多边世界。它不寻求统治;也不寻求以任何方式发生冲突。而且传达的信息绝对明确……我们需要的是对话,我们需要更好的理解,”教授 萨克斯强调。

北京外国语大学国际关系与外交学院院长谢涛教授表示:“习主席向世界传达的核心信息是,中国确实致力于建设一个和平的世界,追求和平共处。” 萨克斯评论说,“中国不会向其他国家强加或输出自己的价值观、制度,中国也不希望看到其他国家告诉我们应该做什么。中国人口众多,中国与许多国家有很大不同。”“其他国家。中国将通过中国式的现代化道路实现民族复兴。”谢说。

这是中国现代化建设首次写入全国代表大会报告,是中国未来的蓝图。 剑桥大学政治与国际研究系高级研究员马丁·雅克指出,在美国式的全球化下,不平等现象几乎遍及整个社会。 他指出,中国现代化的一个关键方面是共同繁荣,如果中国能够扭转不平等的趋势,创造一个更加公平的环境,将对世界产生巨大影响。 “在21世纪,任何对中国有利的事情,也必须对世界其他国家有利。任何对世界其他国家有利的事情,也必须对中国有利。这就是21世纪,我们生活在21世纪。” 同一个星球,”西班牙前外交部长阿兰查·冈萨雷斯·拉亚说道。

政治与经济战略研究中心主任本雅明·波戈霍相表示,将世界分为黑白的企图非常令人担忧,中小国家认识到中国并没有通过对抗的视角来看待世界。 分裂将使中小国家陷入困境。 通货膨胀、能源危机、粮食危机等挑战威胁着所有人,大国之间的合作备受期待。

联合国环境署前执行主任兼联合国副秘书长埃里克·索尔海姆指出,许多国家不想在中国和美国之间做出选择。 南非驻华大使斯亚邦加·西普里安·克莱表示,各国可以向中国学习很多东西。 南非和其他国家不会被迫选择,但会接受任何尊重其制度并与他们合作的人,Cwele 说。 许多国家寻求的是伙伴关系,而不是胁迫。

“你可以通过榜样、慷慨、多边合作来领导;也可以通过强制、掠夺和单边行动来领导,”谢教授说,“中国显然走的是第一条路。” 他认为,中国的全球领导力是为了给世界其他国家带来利益,而不是为了声称霸权。

习近平总书记在中共二十大报告中引用了孔子的一句古老哲理:“万物可以并生而不相害,道可以并行而不相干”。 在一个冲突和分歧似乎胜过合作和管理的世界里,尊重差异并寻找共同前进的方法是许多国家所渴望的。 中国寻求和平的现代化道路并与国际社会建立伙伴关系。

Now & Beyond TV Forum- Grow side by side without harming, run in parallel without interfering


 BY  CGTN   29 Oct, 2022,


ETBEIJING, Oct. 29, 2022 /CNW/ -- The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has drawn a blueprint for China for the next five years and beyond. What's its significance to the world? What can the world expect from China in the years forward? And what will Chinese modernization bring to the global community? CGTN organized a special panel discussion titled "Now and Beyond," hosted by CGTN anchor Liu Xin, to discuss the path forward for China and the world with decision makers and global thinkers.

Now & Beyond& TV Forum- Grow side by side without harming, run in parallel without interfering

Now & Beyond& TV Forum- Grow side by side without harming, run in parallel without interfering

Now & Beyond& TV Forum- Grow side by side without harming, run in parallel without interfering

Now & Beyond& TV Forum- Grow side by side without harming, run in parallel without interfering

"The true China message was a message of multilateralism," says Professor Jeffrey Sachs, the director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University, when commenting on the biased coverage of U.S. media on the national congress. "China wants a multilateral world under the UN Charter very explicitly. It doesn't seek domination; it doesn't seek conflict in any way. And the message is absolutely explicit…What we need is dialogue, we need better understanding," Professor Sachs emphasizes.

"President Xi's central message to the world is that China does want to commit itself to a peaceful world and pursues peaceful co-existence," Xie Tao, professor and dean of the School of International Relations and Diplomacy at Beijing Foreign Studies University, echoes Professor Sachs's comment, adding that "China does not impose or export its own values, institutions to other countries, neither does China would like to see other countries to tell us what you should do. China has a massive population. China is very different from many other countries. And China is going to achieve national rejuvenation through a Chinese path to modernization," Xie states.

This is the first time that Chinese modernization is written into a report to the national congress and it's the blueprint for China's future. Martin Jacques, senior fellow at the Department of Politics and International Studies at Cambridge University, points out that Under American-style globalization, inequality spread across virtually all society. He notes that a key aspect of Chinese modernization is about common prosperity, and that if China can reverse the trend of inequality and create a more equitable environment, that'd have great impact around the world. "In the 21st century, whatever is good for the China needs to be good for the rest of the world. And whatever is good for the rest of the world needs to be good for China. This is the 21st century, we are living in the same planet," says the former foreign minister of Spain Arancha Gonzalez Laya.

Benyamin Poghosyan, the director of the Center for Political and Economic Strategic Studies, says that the attempts to divide the world into black and white is very concerning and that medium and smaller powers appreciate that China does not see the world through confrontation lenses as such a division would put medium and smaller powers in a difficult place. As inflation, energy crisis, food crisis and other challenges threatens everyone, cooperation between greater powers are much anticipated.

Many countries don't want to choose between China and the U.S., former UN Environment Executive Director and Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations Erik Solheim points out. The South African Ambassador to China Siyabonga Cyprian Cwele says that there are a lot of things countries can learn from China. South African and other countries will not be made to choose but will accept anyone who respect their systems and be partner with them, says Cwele. Partnerships is what many countries are looking for, not coercions.

"You can lead either, by example, or generosity, or multilateral cooperation; or you can lead by coercion, you can lead by predation and the unilateral action," Professor Xie says, "China obviously has pursued the first route." He believes that global leadership for China is about providing benefits to the rest of the world, not for the claim of hegemony.

"All living things may grow side by side without harming one another, and different roads may run in parallel without interfering with one another," General Secretary Xi Jinping quoted an ancient Confucius philosophy in his report to the 20th national congress of the CPC. In a world where conflict and differences seem to trump cooperation and management, respect for differences and finding ways to move forward together is craved by many countries. China seeks a peaceful path to modernization and partnership with the global community.


For further information: Jiang Simin, +86-188-2655-3286, cgtn@cgtn.com

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