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作者:雅各布·洛林克 2022 年 4 月 7 日
经济学家兼研究报告作者戴维·麦克唐纳 (David Macdonald) 表示,最近大约 26% 的价格上涨可归因于企业利润增加,而不是供应链问题或劳动力成本。
嘉吉公司在 2021 年度过了不平凡的一年。这家在玉米和牛肉等市场占据主导地位的全球食品公司报告称,本财年净利润近 50 亿美元,比 2020 年的 30 亿美元增长 64%,成为全球最大的食品公司。 自156年前成立以来每年盈利。
加拿大的杂货店也是如此,2021 年税前利润总计比 COVID-19 大流行之前增加了 39 亿加元。 尽管供应成本上升,但该行业在 2021 年第一季度的利润率仍创下历史新高,杂货店首席执行官们在这一年中收获了数百万美元的奖金。
Profiting from inflation: Two new reports show companies are making billions by pushing prices higher
By Jacob Lorinc April 7, 2022
Roughly 26 per cent of recent price inflation can be attributed to higher corporate profits, rather than supply chain issues or labour costs, says economist and study author David Macdonald.
Cargill had an exceptional year in 2021. The global food company, which dominates markets such as corn and beef, reported almost $5 billion in net income in the fiscal year, up 64 per cent from the $3 billion it earned in 2020, marking the largest annual profit since its inception 156 years ago.
So did Canada’s grocery stores, which collectively made $3.9 billion more in pre-tax profit in 2021 than they did before the COVID-19 pandemic. Even as their supply costs went up, the industry hit record-high profit margins in the first quarter of 2021, all part of a banner year that saw grocery CEOs take home millions in bonuses.